Super Treasure Hunter

Chapter 4875: In the top ten

There was hardly any pause in the use of Dou Zhuan in midweek, and when using Dou Zhuan, the midweek position had been adjusted to the farthest distance that Dou Zhuan could reach.

Although Dou Zhuan makes two people switch positions instantly, in the process of moving, both parties will be affected by the pressure generated by the instant movement, and the feeling of this pressure also depends on the distance between the two people.

The farther the distance, the greater the pressure, and the smaller the distance, the lower the pressure.

If you only use it once and live twice, this kind of pressure is almost negligible, and it can't cause harm to the body, but like Zhou Zhong, use Dou Zhuan to exchange the positions of two people, as if two people are sitting at a super speed. The fast carousel is the same.

And that kind of pressure is like the centrifugal force of sitting on a merry-go-round.

Xue Wangchen launched the Star War Body. Although his combat power and defense power have been greatly increased, his special internal organs have not changed.

The star battle body is like the best armor of the body. It can protect Xue Wangchen's body, but it can't protect the things inside.

Unlimited use of Dou Zhuan in the middle of the week, this was the first time he did this, and it was a rather crazy idea.

In Liu Qingqing's eyes, neither Zhou Zhong nor Xue Wangchen had any extra action, but they were constantly exchanging positions, but Xue Wangchen wanted to quickly solve Zhou Zhong because his body was already unwell.

Even in the middle of the week, he didn't expect that this whimsical trick he had on his body would have such a strong bond with the body.

If Zhou Zhong didn’t have a god-devil training body and a body that was comparable to a monster-beast, he might not even be able to bear it. This huge tearing force and traction coexisted with an irresistible force, if it worked In ordinary people, I am afraid that they have been torn to pieces at this time.

Xue Wangchen finally couldn't bear it, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and the breath of the whole person plummeted, and the star battle body also retreated. Compared with before, he was completely different from the two. During the week, he took advantage of Xue Wangchen's poor state. , Wanting to attack, solve him as soon as possible.

But Xue Wangchen suddenly took out a spell-like thing from his arms and crushed it.

Zhou Zhong didn't dare to be careless and didn't step forward, while Xue Wangchen laughed at Zhou Zhong.

"Mid-week, you want to kill me, it's not that easy. See you in the last game."

As Xue Wangchen's voice fell, the free space began to vibrate.

Those who had been attacked by Xue Wangchen before vomited blood, as if they had been poisoned.

Moreover, their own breath is rapidly drying up, and many people choose to quit their free space and seek treatment in order to survive.

In this way, the number of people who exist in the space begins to decrease, until there are only ten people left, and the free space automatically drives the remaining ten people out.

Because the previous players chose to take the initiative to withdraw from the free space, and their bodies were all embroiled, so they didn't have time to stay here and they all left to find a cure.

Now there are only ten people left in the venue. Although Zhou Zhong didn't know what method Xue Wangchen used, everything that happened just now is absolutely inseparable from him.

Zhou Zhong felt that his body was about to be broken down, and the scene in front of him began to become blurred. Zhou Zhong knew that the free space was about to teleport himself out.

The audience outside didn't know what was happening in the free space, they saw the contestants being teleported out one after another, and then they would not leave their heads individually.

Moreover, judging from their state, it seems that they have been seriously injured, and they are still swearing.

Especially those people who were taken care of by the **** of thunder in the same capital of Zhou Zhong, this time almost stayed in the free space forever, so they verbally greeted the family members in Zhou Zhong as soon as they came out.

Watching the equivalent of the contestants leave the free space, everyone knows that the game has passed and is over, and now they are waiting for the ten winners.

Because Xue Wangchen destroyed the surveillance array in Free Space, the audience only knew the first half of the content. As for what happened later in Free Space, they didn't know it for a generation, and they could only hear some mentions by the players who came out.

As the strongest existence in the free space at that time, Xue Wangchen was naturally mentioned the most, followed by Zhao Wen, Qian Yu, and Shen Baidao.

As for Zhang Poshi, after he entered the free space, few people paid attention to him, and they didn't know what he did in the free space.

However, when it comes to mid-week, many people hate it, and only when they say that they were caught in the middle of the week by Xue Wangchen and blowing away, and they were trapped in the formation and did not dare to come out, their mood would get better.

Especially those who were eliminated by midweek on Tongtian Road, they hate midweek. Seeing a player emerge from the free space but have not seen midweek, they can’t help but look forward to it. Zhong has died in the free space.

All the eliminated players have left their free space. The Zhao family, the Li family, the four families of the Qian family, and the Sun family are also looking forward to it. Until now, we have not seen Zhao Wen and the four of them, it must be a success. Entered among the top ten.

Sometimes there was a brief shock, and Shen Baidao was the first to appear in the free space, but at this time Shen Baidao was very embarrassed.

At that time, Shen Baidao was only stunned by the mid-week hit, and was not attacked by the Dutian God Lei, so he was the least injured among the group of people guarding the mid-week, except that he had never done anything against Lu Ying and Xuan. weight.

However, Shen Baidao's embarrassed image made everyone guess what was released in the space.

What followed was Lu Ying and Xuan Zhong. The two of them formed a small alliance after watching the middle of the week leave, and they have been looking for debris in the free space.

After that, it was midweek with Liu Qingqing, but the appearance of the two obviously disappointed the audience below.

I thought I would die in a free space in midweek, but I didn't even manage to break into the top ten.

Especially the first six-man team to be eliminated in the middle of the week, saw the teeth itching after the middle of the week, but there was no way to get the middle of the week.

In the end, he can only admit that his skills are not as good as others, but the resentment in his heart has not been eliminated at all.

It was Xue Wangchen who appeared after the middle of the week, but compared with the middle of the week, Xue Wangchen was too miserable.

There was no injury in the middle of the week, but Xue Wangchen, who has always been the most optimistic by everyone, was very embarrassed, and there was still blood on the corner of his mouth, and his breath became wilted.

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