Super Treasure Hunter

Chapter 4876: End of the third game

As soon as Xue Wangchen was teleported out of the free space, he spit out another big mouthful of blood, and then immediately began to adjust his breath.

In order to ensure that he entered the top ten, Xue Wangchen left a special mark on every opponent he encountered. Those marks were connected with Xue Wangchen's life talisman. After crushing the life talisman, those who were left with the imprints Hurt.

And the last thing Xue Wangchen smashed when he competed with the middle of the week was the life talisman.

Shen Baidao was also imprinted by Xue Wangchen at the time, but this Shen Baidao's luck was indeed too good. At the same time that Shen Baidao was knocked into the air by a move in the middle of the week, he also accidentally left Xue Wangchen on him. The mark was also broken up together, so Shen Baidao was able to make the top ten in Europe.

The life talisman is inextricably linked with Xue Wangchen, and the destruction of the life talisman is also a big loss for Xue Wangchen.

If it is not a last resort, Xue Wangchen really does not intend to use the life talisman.

Xue Wangchen believes that all of this is due to the midweek. If there is no midweek appearance, he will definitely be sure of this game. There will be no life talisman at all, and he will not be so embarrassed.

Xue Wangchen's current state makes many people worry about it, especially Xue Mingchang. Xue Wangchen is the best child of their Xue family, and he is still expected to become the first person to comprehend the realm in the realm of the ancestors.

Many people began to speculate about who made Xue Wangchen suffered such a severe blow. Many people suspected that they belonged to the four major families who fought against Xue Wangchen before.

And the Patriarchs of the four major families also showed triumphant smiles at this time. In their opinion, only their own talents have the ability to make Xue Wangchen so embarrassed.

"Patriarch Xue, I'm here to treat Zhao Wen and they will accompany you first. I'm sorry to hurt your family Xue Wangchen like this, but I also hope you don't take it to heart. This jihad is very important. The family didn't dare to neglect, and the younger generation was even more vigorous, so it is reasonable to have a heavier hand, and I also ask Patriarch Xue not to blame it."

The Patriarch of the Four Great Families was making compensation to Xue Mingchang, but he didn't hide the meaning of showing off.

Three people appeared after Xue Wangchen. The appearances of these three were almost exactly the same. They turned out to be triplets. The eldest son was named Yang Tianfeng, the second child was named Yang Tianhai, and the third child was named Yang San.

Yang San was born with Yang Tianlin, but his elder brother and second elder brother's strength has been dominating him since he was a child. When everyone mentioned Yang Tianlin, the first thing they thought of was his two elder brothers, so every time he talked about Yang Tianlin, he called him Yang Tianfeng’s third brother , Or Yang Tianhai's third younger brother, and later called Shunkou, he was called Yang San.

At this time there are nine people appearing on the floating island, that is, at most one of the four Zhao Wen and the others is in the top ten, so where did the other three go.

The face of the Patriarch of the four major families became very ugly, and at the same time he looked at Xue Mingchang.

With the appearance of one person, the Patriarch of the four major families was completely panicked.

The last person to appear was Zhang Poshi. Now the ten finalists of the Jihad have all appeared, but Zhao Wen and Qian Yu have not appeared for a long time.

Now the only suspects are Zhou Zhong and Xue Wangchen, but the people of the four major families don't think that Zhou Zhong has the strength to kill Zhao Wen and the others. After all, they are four people, so in the end they can only target Xue Wangchen.

"All spectators can now come to the floating island through Tongtian Road to watch the last game."

The jihadist referee group took place, and the audience came to the floating island. In fact, they wanted to use this time to allow the ten finalists to make adjustments.

There were a lot of people watching this jihad, but the area of ​​the floating island was limited, so even if the people who boarded the floating island to watch the game had differences, but fortunately, someone soon came forward to settle the matter.

All those with heads and faces in Beiju Luzhou landed on the floating island. As for the rest of the family, all stayed below to watch, and the remaining positions were given to those who came from outside to watch the game.

When everyone boarded the floating island, it was already twenty minutes later. The referees of the Jihad had also sorted out the ranking of the third game and announced it.

Xuanzhong ranked tenth, Lu Ying ranked ninth, Liu Qingqing ranked eighth, Shen Baidao ranked seventh, Yang San ranked sixth, Yang Tianhai ranked fifth, Yang Tianfeng ranked fourth, Zhang Poshi ranked third, and Xue Wangchen ranked third. Two, first place in the week.

The announcement of the rankings also surprised many people. Xue Wangchen, who has always been high hopes, was only ranked second, and no one was optimistic about the midweek, and he offended many people to win the third game. One.

The Patriarchs of the four major families looked at each other. The first place in the third game in the middle of the week indicated that the strength must be hidden in the middle of the week, so it is not impossible to kill the four of Zhao Wen.

But if we analyze it again, at best, Zhongzhou and Zhao Wen had friction when they were on the Tongtian Road, but they weren't going to die. This was not good for Zhongzhou.

Zhou Zhong was not from Beiju Luzhou at all, and the four major families had no interest in him either, because he didn't understand why there was a reason to kill Zhao Wen and the four in Zhou Zhong.

Zhao Tiangang and Sun Dezhi finally set the target on Xue Wangchen.

The Xue family's status in Luzhou in Beiju is not as good as the four big families, but there is Xue Wangchen such a arrogant, so he has always wanted to kick the four big families, and now the holy war is really a good opportunity.

After killing Zhao Wen's generation, no one of the four big families can compete with the Xue family, so it will be a matter of time for the Xue family to step on the four big families.

Xue Wangchen used the life talisman to cause a lot of damage to himself, but fortunately he was carrying some healing medicine on his body, and he did not have the oppressive power in the free space, so that Xue Wangchen recovered quickly.

But when Xue Wangchen saw the eyes of the four heads of the four major families, he had already guessed what they were thinking.

"Zhao Wen's death has nothing to do with me. Don't look at me with such eyes. Do I have to hide it if I want to kill them?"

"If you have time to doubt me, it's better to ask Zhou Zhong, I made a big shot with the four of them at the time, only Zhou Zhong hid in an ambush."

Xue Wangchen said calmly, pushing all the pots to Zhou Zhong.

But the heads of the four major families are not fools. Xue Wangchen’s words are full of loopholes. They did not tell Xue Wangchen about Zhao Wen’s death at all. Xue Wangchen did not recruit himself, obviously there was a problem, and deliberately transferred the suspected object to Zhou Zhong’s body. .

Xue Mingchang didn't have time to ask Xue Wangchen, whether Zhao Wen and the others could not be killed by him. Seeing Xue Wangchen's appearance, he already had an answer in his heart.

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