Super Tycoon

Chapter 202 I knew I should have paid dividends

"Son, I heard that you have lowered the price of Zhiduoxing G? Only 400 dollars? Then the profit for retailers and agents, a game console can earn less than 10 dollars, right?"

Zhang Weiguang is a little puzzled, this is less than the old game consoles. This earns so much, how many units can be sold to earn back the advertising fee?

"At present, one can earn about 30 RMB."

"What? That's really the only thing? Even if you sell one million units, you can earn 30 million RMB. Now, son, don't get angry." Zhang Weiguang comforted his son in turn.

"Dad, why did I get caught up? Do you think we lost money? I spent a lot of money on advertising, but I'm not only selling game consoles, but also game discs."

"I rated the games. The most fun five-star game is priced at thirty dollars, and the worst two-star game is priced at eighteen dollars. Of course, there are always discounts at this time. Do you know the price of this game? How much is the profit?"

"Huh? The game is very profitable?"

"It's not very high, it's very high. We produce a game CD, and the current cost is about three dollars, including the outer packaging. Of course, this does not include the cost of buying games and developing games."

"The cost of our self-developed games is slightly higher. For example, the metal warhead cost more than three million yuan, while the research and development of KOF was commissioned by Wang Liang Company. It didn't cost a penny to buy it, but every game sold For game discs or game motherboards, you have to give him three yuan."

"Currently, you can calculate the sales volume of our game consoles. Every game console is given a KOF93 game CD as a gift. Wang Liang has already made a lot of money."

"However, this kid is ruthless enough. In order to develop the game, he spent all the money from selling game consoles and learning machines, and borrowed a lot of money. Now he has turned around all at once."

"We add up the cost of developing and purchasing these games, and it's only 30 million RMB. And for a game disc, our profit is at least 50 RMB."

"Let's count on the least one, and earn fifty yuan a disc. Do you know how many game discs are sold now?"

"How much?" Zhang Weiguang looked curious, how many people bought this game disc?

Now only hundreds of thousands of game consoles have been sold, and this game disc is worth twice as much. Is one million too much?

Zhang Yang raised three fingers: "Currently, our game discs have sold more than 3 million copies, which means that at least 150 million profits have been obtained."

"Judging from the current performance of our Zhiduoxing G, by the end of the year, it will be easy for sales to exceed one million units, and may even exceed two million units."

There are two factors that restrict the sales of Zhiduoxing G. The first is that Zhiduoxing's brand awareness is too low. In foreign countries, few people have heard of it.

The second is that Sega, Soni, Songxia and other companies are all promoting their new game consoles, several of which will be launched this year, and Songxia will be listed soon.

Many gamers are waiting for the launch of game consoles from other companies, and waiting to play the second or third generation of their favorite games. It is these two points that lead to the poor sales of Zhiduoxing G.

After those game consoles are launched, the previous brand effect will decline, and then it will rely on word of mouth. Whichever game console performs better and whose games are more fun, consumers will buy whichever one.

With the sales of Zhiduoxing G rising steadily,

The company Zhiduoxing has also officially entered the eyes of those big game machine manufacturers.

The people from 3DO Company were the most angry. They deliberately chose to release the game console at this time, just to grab an advance amount and avoid competition with Sonny, NEC, Sega, Nintendo, etc., but who would have thought that a smart star would emerge.

It was a month earlier than their official launch, and it turned out to be the world's first launch at the same time. With this gimmick, Zhiduoxing G performed well in the American market, and it was also well received in Europe, even if it was launched half late in the island country. Months, also sold a lot.

In the past, major companies sold in different regions. On the one hand, it was to consolidate their own sales market. At the same time, they did hunger marketing in other markets to let them know that there are fun game consoles and fun games, but they can’t buy them. When the products are launched , there will be many people queuing up to buy, thus attracting more people to follow suit.

But Zhi Duoxing did the opposite. The previous publicity was not small, but the publicity period was too short. It has not done too much promotion around the world, and it has not accepted the evaluation of some game associations.

It's still selling well.

At least it is better than Songxia 3DO's performance when it was listed in the United States last year.

Although Songxia has already understood that their previous price was too high and this time the price has been greatly reduced, the price is still much higher than that of Zhiduoxing. But they think that their product hardware is better, and the gaming experience should be better.

Moreover, this is a game console jointly developed by several of their companies, and everyone can be authorized to produce it. If Songxia didn't hurry up and wait until Sanyo and other companies start producing it, wouldn't the market be divided?

Although they are cooperating, 3DO company does not produce game consoles, but only develops technology, authorizes production to other companies, and earns a certain percentage of licensing fees.

What makes Songxia even more angry is that they bought some games in the island country, only to find out that they have already been purchased and licensed by rival companies, and Zhiduoxing is actually among them.

They asked the game companies to develop according to their requirements, and many game companies also pushed three obstacles and four fours, but Songxia Company also had channels to inquire about those game companies, and they found that the authorizations sold by those companies to Zhiduoxing Company were only a mere two hundred thousand dollars , without dividends.

Why are you paying millions of dollars when you sell it to us?

What Songxia didn't know was that those companies that sold the game license to Zhiduoxing also regretted it at this time.

At the beginning, they were not optimistic about Zhiduoxing Company. They thought that a small company, or Huaxia, could sell well? They also know that in the Chinese market, even a giant like Nintendo doesn't sell very well.

So when negotiating the contract, they offered a one-price authorization method. Zhiduoxing pays a sum of money at a time. No matter how much Zhiduoxing produces or sells, it can only be used for game discs on Zhiduoxing G and cannot be used for other products.

According to their estimates, it would be considered high if Zhiduoxing could sell 100,000 units, and their price of 200,000 would be considered good.

But now looking at the sales situation of Zhiduoxing, they know that they have suffered a loss, but the contract has been signed, so what's the use of regretting?

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