Super Tycoon

Chapter 340 Top Game Platform

"Mr. Zhang, you said let's start promoting this But in our mainland, Blizzard's games are not selling well, so you can't make much money by promoting this, right?" Wang Liang's words represent the aspirations of all agents. .

"That's right. For the time being, due to the small number of computers in our mainland, most of them are concentrated in the hands of the government and enterprises, and there are very few individuals. Therefore, it is difficult to promote this kind of computer games that need to be played for a long time."

"But it is undeniable that these games are indeed more playable than Lianliankan and other games, and have greater potential. Let me ask, which one of you doesn't have a computer at home now?"

"Computers are a trend. In the future, like televisions, they will become standard household appliances in many families, and even many people cannot work without computers."

"Then it's normal to play a game to relax after work, right? Can't everyone be like you, just know how to browse certain webpages?"

Some people showed smirks, hearing Mr. Zhang's meaning, he is also a fellow. At dinner time, it might be possible to socialize.

"Some games take a long time. This problem is not impossible to solve. Let them play some games that take a short time and can play against others."

"Everyone look at the screen, this is a new game developed by the company, and it will be launched on this platform."

Everyone followed Zhang Yang's hand and looked at the rear-projection screen. Although the screen was not very clear, they could tell what kind of game it was.

"Mr. Zhang, is this a colorful Tetris? Does anyone still like to play this game?" Some people were puzzled. This game was definitely a hit a few years ago, but now, with something more fun, who still plays this game?

"It seems that you really don't play games very much. The feature of this game is the battle."

fight? How to play Tetris?

Some people have a picture in their minds. The cubes on the two game consoles are flying around and smashing into each other's screen. Isn't this too ridiculous?

But when they watched the changes on the screen, many people's faces changed. It turns out that this not only adds some colors, but also adds so many functions?

You can use props to remove a layer for yourself, and you can add a layer for others, and you have to compete for speed.

There are two modes for this, one is the total score system, whoever gets the set score first wins; the other is that the falling cubes are fast, and at the same time, some of them keep rising, it depends on who hold on longer,

The other side is headed by the cube first, and he wins.

Especially the second one, it looks very intense, a Tetris actually makes their blood boil!

"Do you understand? Some very simple games before, now after revision, can become a battle game, and each game does not take long."

"We have counted that among the computer games played secretly in the office, card games rank first, and minesweeper ranks second, all of which come with the computer."

"Why don't we make a more fun card game, so that players can play with other people instead of playing with the computer, which is more engaging."

"And we will continue to use the title upgrade mode of our handheld games, so that many people will keep playing in order to upgrade. At the same time, we sell time cards and rely on this to make money."

"Some games, we can give them to play for free, such as card games, Rush to Russia, etc. Are free games attractive enough?"

Wang Liang knew that he shouldn't interrupt Zhang Yang's words at this time, but he still felt that Zhang Yang's thinking was too simple.

"Mr. Zhang, but how many people are willing to pay to play poker online? Do you want to add a lottery?"

As long as there is a lottery, there will definitely be countless people flocking to it. This point, he still learned after returning from the city of Australia. However, he lost every time he went to Macao City, and now he didn't want to make money or anything, but didn't dare to touch it again.

Others would lose nine out of ten bets, but he would lose ten out of ten bets!

He is also a person who has experienced poverty. Although he is doing well now, he has become a well-known rich man with a net worth of tens of millions. But no amount of wealth is enough to gamble.

So he didn't go to Macau recently, and he lost more than one million yuan, and he felt distressed. But if you can sit in the dealership, it's different. I haven't heard of anyone who started a game~~~lost money.

Zhang Yang glared at Wang Liang fiercely: "If you say you want to study in Macau City, absolutely not. We are doing serious business and must comply with the law. None of you want to go in without spending the money you earn, right? "

"However, in the future, we can consider adding something simple and not illegal. We need to communicate with our superiors first to find a balance."

Just like the Happy Beans in the previous life, the platform is given away for free every day, but you will lose it a few times. If you want to play again, you have to spend money to buy it. This is income.

It seems that you only spent one or two yuan, but there are hundreds of millions of people playing on this platform every day, and even if one tenth of them spend money, that is 10 million income, which is 3.6 billion a year.

What's more, there are still many people who are playing on top and spend more money. Or spend money to buy some small props, which is not too much, but after adding up, the profit for a year will be very considerable.

Just being a Doudizhu in the previous life brought a lot of money to that game platform, and that platform even sponsored some Doudizhu competitions just to keep the popularity.

However, in the previous life, there was a chat software before this game platform. Now he wants to try to see if he can do it the other way around. As for the chat software, he is also looking for someone to develop it.

At that time, with chat software, those who are fighting online will be able to communicate better. As for whether it is a friendly exchange or a verbal attack on each other, he can't control it.

"I can tell you directly that this platform will not make much money in the short term. Therefore, this promotion will give you a fixed fee. A market of one million RMB, I hope you can guarantee 30,000 registrations volume, 10,000 active users."

"We will also promote it on major websites and forums to help everyone meet this requirement. If someone fails to meet it, I hope he can tell me frankly instead of fooling me with false data."

"We have been working together for a long time. Everyone understands my temper. This is a game battle platform created by the American Blizzard company, but the agency right of Huaxia belongs to Zhiduoxing Company."

"So this platform is in China, so it can be said to be mine. I will do my best to make this a top game platform and explore some new revenue models."

"If this model can succeed, everyone will benefit greatly in the future. Who is willing to do it now, and who wants to quit?"

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