Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1294: Queen of the Abyss

   Some distant universe star field.

   If there are tens of thousands of large and small galaxies in a large galaxy, but here is covered by huge stardust. Through observation, it is almost impossible to find the existence of this star field.

  Billion trillion-level celestial bodies, the light they emit can't penetrate the thick nebula composed of stardust.

   Without light, it represents the possibility of being discovered, which is so low that it is horrible.

   In this vast universe, the most important means to discover celestial bodies is the light emitted by celestial bodies. Through the light, you can find its location.

   The pitch black place means that there is no celestial body within a certain distance.

   These areas are often overlooked by the inspectors. Because there is no celestial body as a reference, the inspectors will not spend time on moving to detect, only passing by in a flash.

   In fact, in this star field, an inspector has already passed by, but because no celestial body was found, it passed by another galaxy, thus ignoring this location.

   A certain galaxy in a star cluster composed of tens of thousands of galaxies is located in the center of the star cluster and is placed in the entire star cluster without being noticeable.

   But if it is taken out alone, it is a galaxy no less than the Milky Way.

   Closer, this galaxy contains millions of small galaxies with solar stars as their cores. They are distributed in various positions of this galaxy to form this galaxy.

   In a small galaxy, the entire galaxy is only five light-years in size. There are hundreds of different planets. They exist around a solar celestial body that is one circle larger than the solar system. 78 Chinese debut

   Among several celestial bodies, there is a prosperous side.

A cloud of dark matter secretly appeared over a desolate planet at the outermost periphery of this small galaxy. Gradually, the dark matter transformed into a woman with an angel face and a devil figure. Her ears were very pointed and long. Similar to the elves, and her back has a pair of bone wings, sharp and barbed, exuding a terrible dark matter.

   The endless cold and murderous aura, just like the essence, makes people unable to help but sink into the ice cellar.

   She stood indifferently in the sky above the planet, staring into the distance.

   After a few breaths, she refracted and appeared in the outermost part of this small galaxy. There was a galaxy belt here, and she completely surrounded this galaxy. The almost airtight galaxy belt is composed of various asteroids and broken meteorites of unknown tens of millions of trillions. They move slowly from a distance, but if you are close, you will find these asteroids and broken meteorites The speed of tumbling flight is beyond imagination.

   Without a trace of expression on her face, she stepped in as if there was nothing here.

   Countless broken meteorites will go around one after another when they approach her.

   Suddenly, a black light similar to dark matter radiated from her body, and she submerged in this galaxy belt, unexpectedly letting this galaxy belt accelerate her speed again.

   After completing this move, she got away and once again appeared in space.

   "With these energy, it is enough to keep the Galaxy belt running for tens of thousands of years without a problem." The other party murmured.

   This galaxy belt is the forbidden curse that haunts this galaxy, trapping them here for hundreds of thousands of years. No matter how powerful the technological development is, it will never be broken.

   She, the Queen of the Abyss, is here to harvest the fruit now.

   After her efforts, she finally brought this civilization to the pinnacle of level 6, and there is another technological savage break, and this civilization will break through to level seven.

   She paid so much for this moment.

   showed an indifferent smile, which made her very shocking.

   The next moment, she slapped her bone wings and disappeared directly.

   Her other identity is the current mentor of this civilization, a technological hero who leads them forward, a hero of all races, and a scientist who brings countless technological revolutions.

   With this identity, she was born in a hundred years, and brought a civilization from the fifth level to the seventh level.


  In this small galaxy, all kinds of spacecraft are flying. They go back and forth among the various planets and are responsible for different tasks.

   If you look closely, you can see that hundreds of planets in the entire galaxy are all being developed and the resources above are being used. Many planets have traces of transformation, but this kind of transformation technology did not turn a desolate celestial body into a resident star in a short time.

   If Lu Chuan were here, I would be surprised, because this is a civilization that already has the ability to transform the planet, which means that this civilization has reached the sixth level, and at least has a level of civilization.

   When the lens gets closer, you can see that the two planets that are naturally life stars are very prosperous and prosperous. The distant aircraft is flying on the planet, but there is no traffic accident.

   This is a human-like race, but they have almost transparent bodies, the location of their brains, which gradually disappeared in the evolution of time.

   At first sight of this race, you will have the feeling that the other party is a transparent person, or a tribe filled with water.

   In fact, their individuals are very powerful, although not necessarily the same as Superman, they are not far from each other. What evolution brings is always to eliminate the inferior and preserve the superior, so that when they have technology beyond imagination, they also have the power similar to superman.

   Super-civilized races will evolve towards energy, and eventually become powerful beings that can control the energy of the universe.

   If you evolve, you will come into contact with dimensions, and they will have the power to manipulate dimensions.

  Technology is actually just an aid to individual evolution, not the real core. When the individual evolves to the extreme, the people of this race are gods.

   At this time, beside a certain super-large celestial body, a super-large experiment is underway. A woman with a female appearance is in charge of this experiment.

   Dozens of experimental spacecraft are already in place, floating in space, waiting for the next command.

   In addition to these experimental spaceships, there is also a suffocating battleship, which is not much smaller than the next planet. What's more frightening is that it is simply an energy spacecraft, which exists for energy.

   Now it appears here, full of energy that can destroy dozens of planets in one go.

   Next, it will be the protagonist.

This experiment attracted the attention of the highest level of civilization, because it was related to the fate of civilization. They prepared for this experiment for too long. It can be said that they did their best to allow this experiment to go to this point. step. Through the holographic projection, they don't have to take risks, but they know this well, no different from coming in person.

   The technology of level six civilization has enabled them to place their consciousness wherever they want to reach, as if they were in person.

  The consciousness projection born out of virtual technology is to project your consciousness to where you want to go. Everything you see and touch is real. But you will not be in danger, because this is just a consciousness of you.

  Using this technology, countless jobs and countless dangerous places are no longer an obstacle.

   is just two planets, but the population of this civilization has exceeded 500 billion, which is an absolute population explosion. If the two planets were not large enough, it would be impossible to accommodate such a large population.

   This experiment, the woman who presided over, is definitely not simple.

   She is the famous female scientist of the entire civilization, a woman who has won all the awards and shone the past. Her appearance changed the entire civilization.

   The first masterpiece was to break the rules of celestial bodies. The planetary transformation technology she led to solve the plight of the entire civilization in one fell swoop. Although it takes a long time to transform the planet, it is a kind of hope.

   is not a scam, because the first batch of planets that were first transformed have already formed an atmosphere, and the time to form a life star is not far away.

   Only this one pushed her to the existence that countless people in civilization need to look up to.

   But this is only the first masterpiece. Her second masterpiece is the discovery of the existence of wormholes. This completely opened a new era of universe technology, because the discovery of a wormhole was a milestone for the progress of civilization.

   The third masterpiece is the research of wormhole technology that can use wormholes for super interstellar jumps.

   However, the third masterpiece became a castle in the sky, because what made countless people desperate was that there were no wormholes around this galaxy, and their proud spacecraft technology could not break through the defensive circle of the galaxy.

   This defensive circle prevented countless foreign celestial bodies from invading, but it also trapped them here.

   No matter how advanced technology is, it still cannot break through.

   For hundreds of thousands of years, I don’t know how many predecessors drove the spacecraft to break in, but contributed their lives to science, but this problem has not been solved.

   The discovery and use of wormholes allowed them to see hope, but there were no wormholes in the galaxy, which turned hope into despair.

   This is a problem that plagues civilization, and she stepped up again announced that she had completed the research on opening the wormhole and entered the steps of experimentation.

   swiftly beyond imagination, made her a hero of the entire race, her prestige surpassed any tribe, including the king of civilization. She is a real superhero, with hundreds of billions of supporters.

   Other tribesmen can watch through the projection of consciousness on the home planet, but as the initiator and host of the experiment, she can't hide behind, but appears on a top experimental spacecraft. For her safety, the entire race concentrated all technology on this experimental spacecraft to prevent her from being harmed if the experiment failed.

   On the experimental spacecraft, she stood on the bridge, meticulously.

   No one in the entire civilization knows. Another level of her identity comes from another bead's monitor, a member of the Bonewing Clan known as the Queen of the Abyss.

   This civilization was supported by her step by step from the third-level civilization to today. In this civilization, she spent a lot of effort and time. 78 Chinese fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   Fortunately, now is the time to reap the results.

   As long as this experiment is successful, it can push this civilization to break through to level 7. With wormholes, they will completely break through the imprisonment they have placed and expand outward at a speed beyond imagination.

   And now I need to personally open this magic box.

   "Attention all, the experiment will be carried out after the countdown for 10 minutes." She stood on the bridge and gave instructions indifferently.

   With an order from the Queen of the Abyss, dozens of experimental spacecraft moved.

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