Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1295: The universe collapses

   The ten-minute countdown is not too long.

   The experimental spacecraft moved to this energy spacecraft and started to get busy. 78 Chinese debut https://https://

   Gradually, a super device was assembled.

   The super device centered on the energy spacecraft is similar to a super launcher, but its high technology content, if the Earth scientists are there, I am afraid that it will not be able to touch it at all.

  How can the science and technology belonging to the seventh-level civilization be understood by the earth scientists?

   The gap between the seventh-level civilization and the first-level civilization is really huge.

   This super device, which is 80,000 kilometers long, is just so horizontal in space, and the difference between it and the nearby planet is not too big. It is more like the barrel of a super cannon, but with countless mechanical parts attached to it, it looks spectacular and full of power.

   The Queen of the Abyss smiled as she watched this super device assembled.

   She is now the appearance of this race, not the appearance of its Bonewing tribe. In the eyes of this race, her smile represents success. 78 Chinese debut

   billion trillion people are full of expectations for her, because once the experiment is successful, the bottleneck of civilization will be broken, and they will have a new height.


   will of course succeed, because this super device is actually the technology product of level 7 civilization that it has exchanged for. I got it here, but it took some time to copy it out.

   The race at the pinnacle of level six civilization already has the ability to make it.

   It took 30 years to build this super device, which shows its complexity. Too much material is still a problem for the peak of the sixth level of civilization.

"start up."

   The Abyss Queen gave the order indifferently, and she couldn't wait for this moment.

   Under her order, the staff here executed it. With the start order given, this super device slowly turned from slow to fast, gradually exceeding the speed that the naked eye can see.

At the center of   , a ray of light gradually appeared, getting brighter and brighter.

  The burst of energy light distorted the space here, and all the experimental spaceships were affected.

   With the passage of time, the space distortion here has become more and more serious. The experimental spacecraft is like a small boat in the sea, almost to be overturned.

   The Queen of the Abyss has been paying attention to all this, and quickly issued an order: "Ten seconds countdown."

   The command is executed, and the ten-second countdown enters the countdown.

   There is not enough time to breathe, ten seconds is the countdown.

   At this moment, the Queen of the Abyss personally pressed a button in front of her.

I only saw the super device outside. At this moment, it burst out with a dazzling light that is brighter than ten thousand suns, and then a beam of light that tore through the space appeared. The whirlpool of violence.

   The vortex composed of light seems to be static, but the Queen of the Abyss knows that its rotation speed has reached the speed of light at this moment, and it has lost the meaning of speed.

   The space was torn apart, as if someone had drilled a hole in the mirror.

   This hole is a wormhole.

   On the other side, at this moment, beyond the distance of space, at another unknown distance, it began to generate. The particularity of the wormhole makes its worm mouth bidirectional.

   The energy beyond imagination, under the special acceleration of transformation, forcibly tore the space apart, and created a space-time crack in the subspace. This is a wormhole.

   A big mountain is in front of you. If you go over this mountain, or need to go around this mountain, it will take a long time. But if you use the tunnel to pass directly, the time will be several times shorter, more than dozens of times.

   Wormhole plays this role. It opens up a shortcut, spanning tens of thousands of light years. It may only take a few days and a month to sail the wormhole. When it comes out of the wormhole, it has already crossed.

  Natural wormholes are actually ubiquitous in the universe, but every wormhole needs to be detected if it wants to be used after it is discovered. Not every wormhole can be used, some cracks are unstable, and the detectors entering inside will be torn apart instantly.

   Each wormhole is tested again and again, and the location of its connection is finally determined before it can be used.

   Level 5 civilization, its technological power can find wormholes.

   Sixth level civilization, able to use wormholes.

   Seventh level civilization can create wormholes.

   One of the standards of the seventh-level civilization is to be able to create wormholes so that civilizations no longer trap one side, but instead use the created wormholes to reach the galaxy they want to reach.

   When mankind sailed, routes were all detected. It was not until modern times that routes could finally be opened up, such as the famous Panama Canal.

  Discovery and use, and then to manufacture are completely two concepts.

The burst of light from    didn't gradually fade until it lasted for almost five minutes until it disappeared.

   The super device also consumed all energy at this moment, and gradually stopped rotating.

   This super device at this time is all red, which shows how high the temperature it has just experienced. In the super low temperature environment of space, it is really a lie.

   The space cracks torn out are invisible to the naked eye, but the technology of level 6 civilization can be seen clearly. On the screen, the location and data of the space crack are depicted.

   When all the data was presented, it was confirmed that it was a wormhole, and the high-level race members who had been watching cheered one by one.

  Through the live broadcast, this experimental news of great significance to civilization was also spread to the ears of every tribe in the first time, making them excited.

   The great experiment that promotes the progress of civilization, the impact it brings is huge and unimaginable.

   The Queen of the Abyss was not surprised at all, she still issued a command in a flat voice: "Release the detector."

   The wormhole is opened, but this is just a good start. Whether it is a wormhole or not, it needs to be confirmed by a detector. After all, the violent energy of the subspace doesn't know if the wall of the wormhole can hold it.

   There is another wormhole created this time. How far will it span?

   Through the data of this wormhole, later research will improve the creation of wormholes. These data are very important.

   Hundreds of detectors were released, and they entered the wormhole according to their numbers.

   Next, I waited.

   Communication loses its meaning in front of the wormhole. Only when these detectors go back and return, can the information on the other end of the wormhole be known.

   half a month later.

   A detector emerges from the wormhole, and the information it carries is immediately fed back.

   When the Queen of the Abyss looked at the picture in the message, she gave a real smile. This wormhole was formed and it was very stable. It spanned a galaxy 17,000 light years away, and it only took half a month to go back and forth, that is to say, about a week one way.

   17,000 light-years, for a small galaxy that is only five light-years away, they are more than simply getting rid of their own confinement.

  What is the jubilation of the clan? When the news came, the whole race went crazy.

   With the first wormhole, the second wormhole appeared naturally. With this kind of encouragement, the third, fourth... and the tenth wormhole were created.

   The crazy expansion of a race started from this moment.

   It's just that this race didn't realize the consequences of the wormholes they wantonly created. In their eyes, they can only step out of this galaxy and conduct real interstellar colonization.

   An incomparably powerful fleet is formed. They will be expeditionary forces to open up territories for them.

   The military strength of the sixth-level peak civilization is their confidence.


   A corner of the universe.

   There are celestial bodies that do not know how many billions of trillions, they emit light, forming an endless ocean of stars.

   Here, I don’t know how many lives have been conceived.

   The originally peaceful star field, but in an instant, the entire star field was distorted and then collapsed. The incredible scene completely broke the human understanding of the universe.

   This kind of collapse is like a sudden collapse of a tall building, spectacular and shocking.

   Countless galaxies disappeared in the collapse, as if they fell into the endless abyss. In the face of this collapse, the planet is nothing more than flying dust, and only galaxies can be called fragments.

   If the star field is large, it disappears quickly into this universe as if its dimension has been reduced.

   What's more terrifying is the cosmic shock wave caused by the collapse of this star field. It is composed of dark matter, far from being comparable to Gamma rays, it is completely the existence of two levels and concepts.

   The black tide spreads around at the speed of light. They swallow everything. Wherever they pass, light is swallowed and disappeared, capturing any matter in the universe.

   Like a super black hole, everything disappears in an unimaginable range.

   Is light the fastest in the universe?

   The answer is of course no. The speed at which the mind and the speed at which the universe collapses are far faster than light. The range of millions of light-years collapsed and disappeared in an instant. How could the range and speed of its disappearance be comparable to it?

  The tide of black matter has swept everything, and its impact will exceed hundreds of millions of light years, and the duration is also calculated in hundreds of millions of years.

  The scope, civilization, and race that are affected will be difficult to calculate with numbers.

   Within a certain range, a cosmic storm-level disaster will usher in, and how many civilizations and races will disappear in the historical river of the universe.

   To describe the universe as a lake, it means that a drop of black ink was dripped in this clear lake. Its impact is only a small point, the scope is not large, and it will be assimilated in the end, which is nothing to the lake. But what about one bottle of ink, 10,000 bottles of ink, 100 million bottles of ink?

   Dripping water through the stone, it will eventually destroy a stone.

  A sufficient amount can completely turn this lake into a black lake, and there is no clear lake anymore.

   The disaster that occurred here was the death of billion trillion races, and countless creatures disappeared. Celestial bodies, galaxies, etc., which do not know how long it will take to form, are erased in an instant.

  No one will know all of this, let alone what caused it.

   In other words, no one knows what the impact of the collapse of millions of light-years on the universe is. Because this place has become nothingness and a forbidden place in the universe, any matter in this collapsed place will be swallowed up.

   The cosmic space is reversed here, and the collapsed land becomes a subspace, a land where positive and negative intersect.

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