Duke Trolop was very upset.

Bian Mingming spent a hefty price, but eventually failed to get rid of Ham's eyes, and what made him most angry was that the housekeeper responsible for contacting the killer organization escaped!

Well, although the Duke of Trolop did not intend to keep this housekeeper who knew too much from the beginning, the Duke of Trolop was still very upset by such a naked betrayal.

他 In his opinion, his steward should pay everything for the Duke, even his own life.

Of course, even if the housekeeper chooses to run away, it is impossible to take out the palm of Duke Trolop.

He had ordered his confidant guard to die out early, and the moment the housekeeper left the city was his death.

Although the mission of killing Ham was unsuccessful, the whole thing was full of storms. Today, the entire emperor is spreading what happened last night, and there are obviously more patrol guards on the streets of the capital.

Not only that, in the early morning, the new emperor Jiawen summoned all the nobles of the imperial capital into the palace, and vaguely expressed dissatisfaction and warning to them.

Although it was a big deal, the Duke of Trollope did not think he would be exposed.

Annihilation was just in case, just waiting for Francis to die, the world never knew what he was doing.

Therefore, although Operation Zhexi caused great property damage to the Duke of Trollope, it will not hurt the bones after all.

He feels that way anyway.

But this is not the case.

Duke Trollope has not waited for the return of the defeated guards, but has waited for the Alliance and the military.

When his Duke's mansion was surrounded by the army and the Alliance, the Duke of Trolops finally felt a little uneasy.

"Edmund, siege the Duke's residence privately, do you want to rebel?" Duke Trolop shouted at Marshal Edmund, headed by him.

蒙 Edmund gave him a scornful glance, but said nothing, but waved to the confidant beside him, who then showed Duke Trolop's will.

"His Majesty has an order to seize the residence of the Duke of Trollope, all the people, etc., all detained, if there is resistance, let alone kill!"

Duke Trolop felt that he was going crazy.

身份 What is his identity?

Duke of the Empire!

Except for the emperor and a few members of the royal family, he can be said to be the most honorable person in the empire. Even Emmond, who has the imperial military power in his hand, is far inferior to him in the noble circle.

But today, Jia Wen actually ordered to order someone to seal his house.

Duke Troloppe never thought that this new emperor, whom he had despised before, had such courage.

I must know that the innocent seizure of a Duke's mansion has seriously violated the rules, and if it is not done well, it will cause the entire aristocratic group to rebound.

This is what a new emperor should do and can do?

Squinting at the sight of the soldier holding his weapon and rushing into the mansion, the Duke of Trolop shouted again: "Edmund, do you understand the consequences of this?"

"I don't know what the consequences are, I just know that this is His Majesty's order."

Hearing that Marshal answered, the soldiers who followed him naturally knew how to do it.

This time, they rushed into the Duke's Mansion without hesitation.

Duke Troloppe was so arrogant that even the people in his house were the same.

In the past, how could they be bullied by others only when they bullied others?

Therefore, when the soldiers rushed in, many guards who couldn't see the situation scolded and resisted, but what they didn't expect was that their own resistance not only did not stop the soldiers' footsteps, but brought them killing. disaster.

The butcher's knife in the hands of the puppet soldiers was raised, and all the rebellious guards were chopped to the ground, and at a time, the entire Duke of Trolop's house was stained with blood.

Duke Trolop rushed to the crown in anger.

His family has been passed down for hundreds of years. He has always been an empire of the empire, and his rights have not been cut by half.

Imagine that when George Atlanta was in office, even if he was dissatisfied with him, but because of the power and status of Duke Trolop, he had to compromise.

如今 But now, the first emperor had just died less than half a year ago, but the new emperor waved his butcher knife without hesitation.

I'm right, but the knife.

Duke Trollope has no doubt that if he dared to resist, Edmond would cut off his head in the same way as his soldiers did against the guards at the mansion.

好 "Okay, good, Edmond, I'd love to see what happens to you and Jiawen!"

The Duke of Trolop is not targeted.

The aristocracy group and the royal family are in a rather delicate relationship.

Since the latter depends on the aristocracy to maintain the rule of the country, it must also prevent the aristocracy from becoming larger and threatening the royal family.

It can be said that the two sides are a cooperative and confrontational relationship.

不管 But anyway, since the millennium, Shuangfan has slowly formed some unwritten rules.

No matter how you fight, some bottom lines cannot be easily touched.

比如 For example, now that Gavin has shot Duke Trollope for no reason, he has committed a taboo against the aristocracy.

The Nuo nobles may fight on their own for many times, but once the core interests are involved, they will closely cling together.

After all, if Carvin was allowed to easily destroy Duke Trolop, then no one can guarantee that he will be the new emperor's next goal.

The chair was on the day that the Duke of Trolops was taken away, and all the nobles of the imperial capital gathered outside the gate of the palace spontaneously, wanting Jia Wen to give an explanation.

In the face of a mighty aristocratic group, the soldiers responsible for guarding the palace sweated from the top.

一方 One of them is responsible for surrounding the palace. Without Jiawen's permission, no one can be allowed to enter.

同时 But at the same time, they must always be careful not to provoke the anger of the aristocracy, otherwise, once the two sides get into trouble, it will be an irreversible situation.

"Let us in. Today, Your Majesty must give us an explanation."

"Immediately release the Duke of Trollope. Her Majesty Garvin is against the laws of the Empire!"

"Where this kind of thing happened during the reign of the emperor, Your Majesty's consideration this time is very inappropriate."

"Jiawen has no ability as a new emperor at all!"

In the beginning, these nobles just asked the Duke of Trolop to be released immediately, but gradually, as time passed, the soldiers blocking the palace door still did not intend to let go. After realizing that they were left by the emperor, These nobles were also excited, and even a lot of radical guys openly questioned Jia Wen's ability to rule the throne, and this statement was increasingly recognized by everyone.

If such a treacherous act, these nobles would not dare to speak.

After all, no matter how aristocratic look down on Jiawen with a weak character, they can only taunt and laugh at him secretly.

如今 But now, Gavin's action against the Duke of Trollope has caused anger, and in this case, they are not too much.

He said, the royal family was the first to break the rules, and they were justified in doing so. ,

Scrutinizing with excitement, these nobles have a strong presence in the palace. Today, the general who is responsible for guarding the gate is like an ant on a hot pot.

The notified soldier has gone several times, but each time he did not bring back the news he wanted.

即便 But even so, he kept sending people into the internal power report.

On the one hand, he wanted the emperor to know exactly what the city gate is now, on the other hand, he also meant to ask for help.

After all, his little general is really unable to carry the anger of so many nobles.

Your Majesty, however, was very kind in the past, but today seems a little indifferent to him.

The gatekeepers of the gatekeepers began to wonder if they had offended the new emperor somewhere, and the latter wanted to remove him with the help of the nobleman.

He has no doubt that if the news of the release of Duke Trolop is not heard, or if Her Majesty intends to continue to air these nobles and not to meet, the angry crowd will certainly tear him away.

I saw that this situation was more and more likely to happen, and the tenth soldier sent by him to the Harem to send a message finally ran back panting with his Majesty's token.

"Your Majesty has an order, let go!"

When the general heard the two words of release, he was excited, but he was afraid that he was too nervous to have hallucinations, so he didn't open the gate for the first time, but instead seized the soldiers who ordered him. Arm, confirming again and again: "Are you sure you are right, Your Majesty asked me to open the gate?"

"Your Majesty has an order, open the palace door, and ask everyone to go to the Palace of Government."

I was sure that I didn't hear it wrong. The general had a feeling of escaping from the dead.

However, he finally resisted, because the nobles outside the palace door already scolded at him.

I quickly opened the palace door and let the nobles come in.

But the general knew that his duties did not end there.

These people have been put in, but they are all excited, and no one can guarantee that they will not have any accidents when they go to the Palace of Parliament.

For this reason, he had to dispatch soldiers, accompanied carefully.

Fortunately, what he was worried about didn't happen, and the aristocracy didn't seem interested in putting his energy on his little general.

They held their breath one by one. As for the venting target, they have already selected.

However, what the nobles didn't expect was that as soon as they stepped into the Palace of Parliament, Jiawen hit them by surprise before they even got into a storm.

I saw Gao Wen sitting on the emperor's throne, using his eyes to signal his confidant, and the latter directly read the book.

The Duke of Trolop was executed, and three days later he was executed publicly in the Royal Plaza. The Duke of Trolop seized and confiscated all the property.

After Dangdang's books were read, the main hall was at first deadly silent, but soon there was a loud noise.

No one can accept this result!

The aristocrat came here today, on the one hand to support the Duke of Trollope to rescue the compatriots persecuted by the new emperor, and on the other, to show the muscle to the new emperor who stretched his hands to the noble group at will. He understood that although the aristocratic group was forced to admit Jia Wen's succession due to the situation, the royal family wanted to shake the noble group to control the empire, which was a dream!

They had already thought about how to give a lesson to the newly appointed emperor, but they didn't say a word. The latter directly determined the treatment of the Duke of Trolops. Did not look at their aristocracy.

His Majesty, "Your Majesty, innocent slaughter of a duke who has made great contributions to the empire, is this atrocity, and are you not afraid to cause dissatisfaction among the people of the country?"

He first stepped forward to question Jia Wen's decision, which was also a duke.

As an aristocrat with a status equal to that of the Duke of Trollope, his treatment of His Majesty can be described as angry.

If it wasn't for him being out of the palace at this moment, he would now order his subordinates to start revenge immediately.

Don't doubt his duke's ability to retaliate against the royal family.

I want to know that his family's business for hundreds of years has been involved in all aspects of the empire and has a wide range of influence in the military, politics, and economy.

As long as he gives an order, others dare not say that the price level of the empire can at least multiply several times in a day, and it will affect the entire empire within half a month!

Although the former royal family didn't care much about the lives of the civilians underneath, but if the civilians couldn't survive, they fled, who could the supreme emperor rule?

老 The old duke was aggressive in the chapel, but Jiawen didn't panic.

I was not that he was young and did not understand the benefits, but that he was well prepared. ,

Aren't the aristocrats always pointing at the royal innocent slaughter of the Duke of Trolops?

Jaina Gavin now intends to give them a reason ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and a reason to make them speechless!

"The Duke of Trollope bullies and bullies, embezzles and misdeeds, and commits all kinds of crimes."

In the face of Jia Wen's censure, the aristocrats didn't take it seriously, let alone convince them.

After all these things that Jia Wen said, who has never done any aristocracy?

If the Duke of Trollope can be judged to be a capital punishment, should all of them present be killed?

Jian Jiawen saw the faces of the nobles and understood what these guys thought.

Although I was resentful in my heart, I also knew that now was not the time to go too deep into the topic.

The reform of the aristocracy is a long-term and very arduous task. It cannot be done overnight. Jiawen's purpose today is to sue Duke Trolop.

"There is another allegation from the new president of the alliance."

Hearing here, the nobles finally changed their faces slightly.

Although they had expected that Jiawen would definitely move out of Wang Jun to oppress them, but once things happened, they still had to be cautious.

"I don't know what accusation President Wang Jun has confessed to Duke Trolop?"

"Buy murderer."

嘉 When Jia Wen spit out these four words, the nobles suddenly burst into their hearts and suddenly thought of what happened last night. Sure enough, Jia Wen's next words confirmed their guess.

"President Wang Jun accused Duke Trolop of buying the killer and assassinating the Secretary-General of the Alliance, Ham. After investigation, the evidence is conclusive, do you still think he should not die?

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