Squatting jail is definitely a novelty experience for the Duke of Trollope, but he did not enjoy it that much.

Even the Duke, the only preferential treatment given to him by the prison manager was a small single cell. Inside the cell, except for a straw mat and a constant toilet, there were only fleas and cockroaches.

Duke Trollope repeatedly asked the nobleman for the treatment of his cell, but he waited for him, but it was the other person's eyes.

"Wait, wait for me to go out, you all have to die!"

A duke in the hall, where Trollope had gone before, there was compliment and flattery, and he had never been so angry.

Since he was in jail, he has written a long list in his heart, and he swears that after he is released from prison, the first thing is to retaliate against these people.


You said he can't go out?

Just kidding!

Duke Troloppe never doubted this.

As a nobleman, he knew too much about the nobleman's urine.

The emperor rushed to do something to a duke without the consent of the aristocratic council, which greatly violated the interests of the nobles.

In the case of impaired interests, even Duke Trolop's political opponent, this time had to stand on his side and fight against the imperial power.

Even the first emperor George Atlanta could not duck the entire aristocratic group. Can Garvin on the screen do this?

So, in the eyes of the Duke of Trollope, his release from prison was only a matter of time.

Uh ...

Footsteps sounded in the prison, and Duke Trollope's ears flew up, and his spirits immediately flew.

看 "Look, this Duke is about to go out, you wait for me!"

Duke Trolop grasped the railing of the cell and laughed arrogantly.

However, what he didn't expect was that the person who came was not the noble who read his release, but someone from the Academy Alliance.

"Sorry, Lord Trollope, I'm afraid to let you down. Your Majesty has no intention of pardoning you. On the contrary, in three days, you will be sent to the torture rack in the square of the Imperial City in full view. , Read that you are a noble, maybe you can choose a torture that you like? "

With a ridiculous voice, Duke Trolop's heart shook.

He didn't believe the ghost words in front of him, but the expression on the other side made him worry subconsciously.

"This is impossible, this is impossible, I am the Duke of the Empire, Your Majesty cannot execute me, and the aristocratic council cannot agree!"

"If you speak of the aristocratic council, they have entered the palace today and have not agreed with His Majesty's decision, so you have no reliance on it now."

The Talai people waved at the jailer, who took out the key and opened the door.

Of course, they did not want to let Duke Trolop leave, but brought him to the interrogation room, where someone was already waiting.

Duke Trollope's heart grew even more frightened when he saw the sitting figure.

He knew the two people who were sitting.

One is Wang Jun, the current president of the Academy Alliance, and the other is his direct contact with the target that the killer wants to get rid of-Ham.

出现 The presence of the two men in jail at the same time disturbed the Duke of Trollope.

Sure enough, as soon as the two spoke, they confirmed Duke Trollope's guess.

"Duke Trollope, you are suspected of murdering members of the Alliance, and the crime is extremely serious. Your Majesty has ordered that you will be sent to the Torture Rack of the City of God three days later. This is Her Majesty's edict. Would you like to look carefully?"

Although the same thing was heard by the Duke of Trollope before, it was completely different from what Ham said, especially the table in front of him, where his decree was placed.

The Duke of Trolop grabbed the decree on the table, and upon seeing the red emperor's seal on it, the Duke of Trolop knew that the decree was definitely not a fake, after all, he was too familiar with the imprint of the imperial power.

"Impossible, impossible ..."

Duke Trolop collapsed on the chair, muttering in his mouth.

The matter of hiring a killer to assassinate is very hidden. Only his steward, Francis, knows it, and he has already sent someone to destroy it. It stands to reason that this matter should be a permanent case. How could it be less than a day? Time, did he show up?

看着 Wang Jun looked at the expression of Duke Trollope, and naturally understood what the other party was thinking, and could not help but sigh the other party's luck.

Yes, the Duke of Trollope is very secretive, and even when he sent the housekeeper to contact the killer organization, he did not leave a trace of his housekeeper.

But how can he think that Wang Jun has a student who once joined the killer organization?

Although as early as two years ago, Jie had been pulled back from the Scarlet Rose by Wang Jun. This evil killer organization was also destroyed by the former president Clive, but after all, Jie had stayed in the killer organization.

Although this is not a glorious resume, it has played a role this time.

Robbery recognized the identity of the assassin of Ham!

The killer's identity was discovered, and it was easy to do next.

He nearly smashed the signboard of Master Benjamin and personally led someone to the killer's stronghold to organize the capital. ,

Although the killer group has no information about the employer, the alliance has obtained a very useful clue.

The cost of assassinating Ham is up to eight million coins!

This is an astronomical number!

I can take out this money aristocracy, even in the imperial capital.

After determining the scope of the suspect, the alliance can determine its final goal only by investigating which big aristocracy has recently made frequent fund transfers.

"I didn't expect it? This huge wealth has exposed your existence."

Duke Trolop's head began to sweat.

He didn't think he was leaking, but the Academy League found him out of the box.

But the Duke of Trollope did not intend to plead guilty because he knew that if he did, he would be really over.

"Even if I can take out eight million gold coins, it does not mean that I did it. The emperor is so big, and the big businessmen and nobles are countless. How can I be said to be me?"

Duke Trolop's desire to survive was so strong that he denied allegations of murder.

问题 But the question is, is it possible that Wang Jun will change his mind because of his two weak sentences?

"Don't struggle, yes, Emperor can take out this money, there are still a few, but in a short period of time, a huge amount of money has been transferred, but only your Duke of Trollope, we have found it in your mansion The account book clearly stated that in recent days, the Duke's Mansion had mobilized more than 10 million funds. Although the whereabouts of the money was not indicated above, it was about the same as the cost of hiring a killer. "

When I heard Ham's rebuttal, the Duke of Trollope reacted. The price the housekeeper offered him was ten million gold coins!

I have no doubt that his butler who has turned against the water has fooled him by a fifth!

If it was before, the Duke of Trollope would of course wish to smash Francis to pieces, but now he feels differently.

First of all, the Duke of Trollope has ruled out his guards to go out of his mouth, and Francis is now a dead person in his heart. The Duke of Trollope does not need to worry about a dead person.

On the other hand, Francis greeted two million gold coins, which caused the Duke's account to be inconsistent with the actual cost of hiring a killer, which gave him a little vitality.

The Duke of Trolop just planned to refute this, but he did not expect that Ham had taken the lead to see his intention.

I saw Ham clap his hands and the interrogation room door opened again.


Duke Trollope shouted instinctively when he saw the people who came in, but he quickly reacted, refusing to say what he wanted to say next.

He came in, the guard he had sent to destroy the mouth before, but when he saw his hands tied, he obviously became a prisoner.

"Master Duke should know who he is?"

"One of my guards," said Duke Trollope, compelling himself to calm down.

"During the siege of the Duke's mansion, we did not find him, but captured it at the city gate this morning. I wonder where he went during this time?"

"Go out for business."

"doing what?"

"The Duke has a manor outside the city. Send him to see what's going on?" Duke Trolop asked hard.

"Of course this is okay, but only if he really went to your manor outside the city." Ham gave a deep look at Duke Trolop, his eyes full of ridicule, then he turned to the guard and said: "Tell the Duke, what have you done during this time?"

"Duke Trollope filmed me to kill people outside the city."

"Kill who?"

"Fresis, steward in the Duke's Mansion."

Duke Trolop's face paled instantly.

It was obvious to him that his confidant guard had betrayed him and had no intention of covering him up at all.

Fortunately, he did not know why he wanted to kill Francis, at least the Duke of Trollope thought so.

"Why did the Duke of Trollope send you to kill your housekeeper?"

"Because the housekeeper once contacted the killer organization for the Duke of Trolops, and intended to assassinate the Secretary-General of the Alliance, the assassination has failed. The Duke will shoot me to prevent the news from leaking."

"Nonsense, this is slander, this is this falling slander, I want to see Your Majesty, I want to see Your Majesty!"

Ham was pleased to see Duke Trollope's ugliness.

Because of the other party, Ham can be said to have walked away from the ghost gate.

If it wasn't for Master Benjamin's coincidence, if it wasn't for Wang Jun's proper treatment, his life would be gone.

Now that he is in distress and can still watch the enemy unlucky, Ham is naturally very happy.

"My lord, you have to believe me, it is indeed that Duke Trolop asked me to kill. His body is now in the mountains fifty miles from the capital. I can take you to dig him out at any time. . "

"I remember, this guy has a grudge against Francis. It must be his resentment, that's why he killed him. Seeing that I'm out of luck now, I thought of putting this thing on me."

"No, sir, all of this was what Francis told me before he died. By the way, this time, Francis also coveted the two million gold coins of Duke Trolop. These gold coins are all He has been quietly transported back to his hometown. "

怎么 样 "How about, Duke Trollope, need to compare these coins in person to see if they are the same batch?"

Duke Trollope collapsed completely on his chair. He now knows why the noble group would compromise with the emperor, because his charges of murder were already fully confirmed.

After reaching the king's strength, he could have done whatever he wanted, let alone Wang Jun had sufficient evidence this time. In this case, how could the noble group turn his face for him and Wang Jun?

Duke Trolop knew that after three days, he really wanted to go to the fire.

However, he did not understand. Now that the other party has sufficient evidence, why did he come here again today, just because he just wanted to see his joke?

Uncle Ham waved his hand and motioned his subordinates to push down the guards. Only three of them were left in the big interrogation room.

This time, Wang Jun finally turned to speak.

"Duke Trollope, your charge is irrevocable, but you still have something to do before you are sent to the gallows."

With Wang Jun's voice falling, Ham bent over and took out a small box from the ground, which contained all the books.

"You should remember these things?"

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be the account book of the slave capture team in Deji Town."

"Yes, we found them in Deji Town, which clearly wrote all kinds of activities that have been used in the slavery team of Deji Town in recent years ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ So what? "Understanding that he is bound to die, the Duke of Trollope has completely renounced himself. Even in the face of Wang Jun, he has no respect.

"Now that you recognize it, it's very good." Wang Jun motioned Han to put away his stuff, and then questioned Duke Trolop again: "You and the slaver are so deeply involved, I believe that the Empire's Slavery in other places, even if you haven't stepped in, there should be a lot of news in your hand. "

没 "Yes, I know, but why should I say that?" The Duke of Trolops smiled, his face full of irony, and he saw: "Did I say that, you will let me go?"

不可能 "Impossible, for your crime, three days later, you will be sent to the torture rack."

The Duke of Trolop did not speak, but the meaning on his face was clear.

"I advise you to think about it well. You also know that the empire has many means of interrogation. Do you want to be severely interrogated before being sent to the torture stand?"

Duke Trollope frowned, apparently not at peace, but he had not spoken.

"Don't think about suicide. The jailer in this cell will watch you around the clock to make sure you don't take a breath before you get on the torture stand, and you don't want to think about your people?"

"What are you going to do to them?" This time, Duke Trollope was no longer silent.

"You should understand that according to the laws of the Empire, what you commit will affect your people, but as long as you can tell everything you know, your Majesty promises to be generous with them."

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