The sky gradually became cloudy, and there seemed to be signs of heavy rain.

Except for some merchants with carriages who want to speed up the process and want to enter the city before it rains, most of the others have chosen to avoid the rain.

Some people are looking for caves that can withstand heavy rain, while others are choosing higher places to set up tents.

Among these busy figures, two figures on the road are still moving slowly.

A man and a woman all look like they are only in their teens.

The man's reticence, the frost that seemed to condense on his face, made people feel panic when they looked at it.

The woman's lively and active, although a little more boyish, but it gives people a vibrant feeling.

It would be surprising if two people with opposite personalities would come together.

And the most unacceptable is that they seem to go out alone.

Without an adult, it can be seen from the dress and salute of the two that they are not nearby children.

You know, the wilderness is full of danger.

Lilili ...

The rain finally fell.

Seeing the two men walking alone in the rain, the merchant Humphrey couldn't stand it anymore.

The first rule for businessmen is to be cautious.

Although the law and order of the empire improved a lot because of the alliance's overwhelming slavery some time ago, there are still many robbers and robbers in the mountains.

As a businessman, you have to be vigilant all the time in the wild, sometimes because of your carelessness, you will cause disaster.

Humphrey understood this, but didn't know why, and felt uneasy when he saw the two men.

Or this is the so-called fate.

Humphrey rose for a moment and called out the men and women who continued to walk in the rain.

The boy turned his head coldly, and his cold eyes almost startled him.

"Uncle, is there anything for us?" The girl asked cheerfully.


Humphrey was a little lost.

You should know that he is only in his early twenties, maybe his face has been exposed to excessive wind and rain through business all year round, so he looks a bit old.

Humphrey sorted out his morbid expression slightly and invited the two of them: "It's going to rain soon. If you don't want to abandon it, you can come to my carriage to shelter from the rain and wait for the day to clear."

The boy looked reluctant, and Humphrey even saw vigilance in the other's eyes.

The cheerful girl, after hearing Humphrey's invitation, immediately smiled, and then came over with the reluctant boy.

"That's great!"

Carrying people in a carriage, Humphrey had people bring clean food and clear water to the two of them. The girl was not polite and picked up and ate, but the boy was still sitting.

"My name is Humphrey and I'm planning to go to Ella City. What's your name?"

"My name is Wei. He's called Robbery, and it's just that we plan to go to Ella City."

That's right, they are Wei Hejie.

Originally Wang Jun gave them a month's leave and told them to follow Ham to the territory.

But the plan can't keep up.

As Wang Jun's main task was completed and the ranking system was activated, they were left to rank.

As for Ham, because his wife has already delayed a lot of travel, he cannot continue to stay in the imperial capital, and can only leave first.

Today, Wei Hejie has finished his own grading match, and now the two of them went to Ella City to find Ham according to Wang Jun's plan.

All the way was relatively smooth, who thought that when they were approaching, they encountered heavy rain.

Humphrey didn't know the inside story, so he still had some opinions about the two going alone.

Don't look at his young age, but without a strong guard, he wouldn't dare to travel long distances alone. Therefore, he was very dissatisfied with the adults in Wei He's family.

But out of politeness, Humphrey didn't say what he thought.

"Only the two of you traveled, very lucky along the way, right? We are all going to the city of Ella. It would be better to go with each other next, or to take care of it."

Taking care of things is just polite. After all, Humphrey didn't think he needed help from the other side.

He was purely worried about the two people, Jie and Wei, and wanted to protect them into the city of Ella.

Dawei Wei didn't understand the good intentions of the other party, but she agreed with her colleagues' thoughts.

As for robberies.

He may have guessed that the other party has other thoughts, but with his character, he would not even think about the good side.

It's just that Wei has promised that he is too lazy to refute it.

Humphrey noticed Jie, who had not spoken, and tried to talk to him, but Jie didn't care about his master at all, and he couldn't help but feel awkward.

"Ignore him. He is this virtue. One day, he will suffer because of his character."

"Hum, each other."

Humphrey finally waited until the robbery spoke, but the latter was to counter Wei Wei's irony.

I don't know how.

Obviously Wei and Jie were incompatible in personality, but Humphrey gradually felt that this combination had a strange harmony.

Boom boom!

Just as they were talking on the horse, a loud thunder sounded outside.

At the same time, they felt the carriage tremble slightly.

what happened?

"Not good, Lord Humphrey, because of the rain, the landslide appeared!"

Humphrey was confident that his team could withstand the heavy rain, so instead of camping, he parked the carriage next to the road.

There was nothing in this book, but what he didn't expect was that the torrential rain and the lightning just now actually caused a landslide in the mountain.

Humphrey opened the window immediately after hearing the guard's shout.

I saw that under the dark night, the dirt and gravel accompanied by rain continued to slide down from the mountain on the right.

The horse seemed to feel the danger, and he was anxiously scratching his horse's leg, making a constant hissing noise.

Humphrey was equally anxious.

You know, the cargo on his convoy is very valuable. If he is drowned by this mudslide, he will definitely lose a lot.

The guards have begun to respond, trying to soothe the restless horses, so that they would not run away in panic.

The caravan's magician has begun to sing, trying to hold up the magical enchantment to block the upcoming mudslide.

Humphrey's mouth was slightly bitter.

Perhaps because he was too close to the city of Ella, he relaxed his vigilance and did not consider the dangers caused by the heavy rain, so that the entire caravan was put in danger.

Now, he can only hope that the magician's enchantment can block the mudslide, otherwise, he really does not know what terrible things will happen.

"It was originally intended to hide you from the rain, but you didn't expect it to put you in crisis." Humphrey's tone was full of apology.

If he hadn't stopped Wei Hejie before, the other party might have found a safe place to shelter from the rain now, so don't worry about facing the danger brought by the landslide.

For Humphrey's apology, Jie still kept his indifferent face, and Wei was indifferent.

It is indeed two people who travel alone, really calm!

Humphrey secretly admired Wei Hejie, then set his eyes out of the car window.

The mudslide finally came and crashed, hitting the enchantment just held up by the magician.

The moment the two sides contacted, the enchantment began to shake violently.

The impact of the mudslide caused the enchantment to break at any time. In order to maintain its stability, the magicians tried everything.

Finally, the enchantment gradually flattens.

Humphrey breathed a sigh of relief. At first it was the most difficult. As long as it can block the first wave of debris flow, then there should be no problems.

Humphrey was obviously too happy.

Lightning reappeared, fiercely chopped on the cliff, and suddenly, the tip of the mountain was cut off, and the boulder rolled down towards them.

Humphrey was stupid when he saw this.

It is very difficult for the magician to maintain the current enchantment. Once this boulder landed, they can destroy all their efforts in an instant. At that time, whether it is an enchantment, a carriage or a human, even if it will not be smashed into flesh. The sauce will also be rolled away by the mudslides that follow.

"It's over!"

Humphrey was anxious to give himself a slap, but he also knew that this was not the time for depression.

The convoy is doomed to fail, but the alive are not entirely dead.

If the team abandons the team and chooses to escape, a miracle may still occur.

Humphrey made an immediate decision, but before his order was issued, he felt the shadow flashing around him.

Wei didn't know when he had disappeared from his side and jumped off the carriage.

"Save her and run backwards!"

Humphrey thought that Wei had lost his position because he was too frightened, so he jumped out of the carriage and immediately wanted the caravan's guard to go to the rescue.

But Wei was obviously not what he thought.

I saw her turn her head, smiled at Humphrey, and said, "Just fix this stone, right?"

Wei's smile was full of self-confidence, and she didn't seem to put the falling boulder in her eyes at all.

For a second, Humphrey was infected by Wei's self-confidence, and nodded subconsciously, but immediately saw Wei's figure out of the enchantment and immediately reacted.

That's right, as long as this rock is solved, the caravan magician can calmly resist the mudslide.

But is it really that simple?

The huge boulder and the momentum that rolled down from the agreement all these powers, even the platinum strong, dare not say that they can easily resist.

Wei seemed to Humphrey to be a cheerful girl, how could she do that?

"Aren't you worried?" Humphrey was like an ant on a hot pot, but he found that Jie was still expressionless, and he couldn't help showing his disappointed expression to him for the first time, and he said, "She But your sister! "

"Wei is not my sister."

Calm answered Humphrey's words rarely, but what he said made the latter sound so ruthless.

Jie didn't care about the disgust on his face, his expression remained calm.

"It's just a somewhat bulky stone. What are you worried about?"

Humphrey clearly felt despised.

Just a somewhat bulky stone?

Humphrey felt like he was going crazy.

You know, this stone is enough to kill all of them!

But what happened next made him have to start agreeing with Jail's ridicule on himself.

Because Wei suddenly jumped out and disrupted Humphrey's original plan. Even if he wanted to run away with his men right now [嗷, he also lost the best time, because the boulder had already appeared in front of them.

Seeing that it was about to break the enchantment, Wei moved.

Her body burst into an unimaginable manner that led Humphrey.

"White and platinum strong?"

Humphrey listened to the stuttering noises of the guards around him, and the whole man fell into aggression.

The girl who "picked up" herself was actually a platinum strong man who was hidden?

You know, the guard of his caravan is the only one with the highest strength!

Humphrey subconsciously turned his attention to the robber.

If Wei is a platinum strongman, then the strength of traveling with her should not be worse?

Humphrey lamented a hint of hope in his heart while lamenting that the world was too crazy.

If Wei can really solve this megalith, then all of them can survive.

Before she knew it, Wei had become the focus of everyone's attention, but she didn't know it.

Today, Wei is fully focused on the boulder in front of him.

Facing the boulders rolling down, Wei didn't have any timidity. Instead, she was very excited.

Seeing that the time is almost up, Wei has started!

Powerful punch!

Wei moved towards the boulder at a very fast speed ~ ~ The magic fist hit the boulder.

Such a rude way of fighting, let the people who follow her stop.

But they soon became disappointed.

Because Wei seemed to do her best to punch, and did not blow the boulder into pieces or break it.

Although the descent speed of Boulder was slightly delayed, it still couldn't solve any problems.

"Still not?" Humphrey was desperate.

Wei's appearance brought a glimmer of hope to them in despair.

But the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment that comes with it.

Wei didn't solve the boulder, and they still couldn't escape.

"Jack, you ..."

"I can not."

The cold voice interrupted Humphrey's words.

"Keep quiet."

Humphrey's heart raised hope again, because he read a different message from the cold words of robbery.

Could it be that Wei hasn't exerted all his strength?

Sure enough, what happened the next moment confirmed his guess.

Outside the enchantment, the original megalithic bombardment had to pounce on the megalith with a strange gesture in the air.

"Tianba blasted!"

Wei's roar echoed in the sky.

The next moment, a loud roar sounded.

Seeing that the boulder was about to break through the enchantment, Wei Wei was broken into pieces under the eyes of everyone.

The rubble slaps on the enchantment, causing the originally stable enchantment to shake violently again. The magician makes every effort to maintain the enchantment with no effort.

He reacted when the clouds cleared and the sun fell on Humphrey.

He and his caravan survived!

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