"Grandpa, we're in town."

"The city tax is one gold coin per person."

"Is it too much?"

"Where did the buns come from? You do n’t have the money and still want to enter the city to do business? Hurry up and go home for milk!"

At the gate of the city of Ella, a foot trader and a city guard in charge of guarding the gate were having a dispute. The voice was so loud that it once caught everyone's attention.

Wei Hejie, who is waiting in line to enter the city, is the same.

Wei cast a glance at Humphrey's inquiry.

The term entry tax is not new.

Although not every city in the Greek Empire will be taxed in the past by businessmen, tourists, and travelers, but it is also subject to the laws of the Empire. However, each city has its own considerations. Whether it is levied or not, it is up to the local city owner. Or the Lord decides.

However, for the first time, Wei encountered such a high amount of entry tax.

You know, even if the imperial capital's entry tax is usually just a copper coin, Ella City is just a small town in the countryside, how dare you accept a gold coin?

You know, the income of the civilians of the Greek Empire is only about one gold coin a day.

"The city of Ella has been collecting income tax for a long time, but the amount of a gold coin should be changed recently." Seeing the doubt on Wei's face, Humphrey explained.

"Is it an order from the New Town Master?"

I don't know if it was an illusion. Humphrey felt Wei's tone lost, but he didn't delve into it.

"It's not the case. As far as I know, the city guards have increased the amount of entry tax before the new city owner arrives."

"Is that a good thing the old town owner did?" Wei's face quietly improved, but she was still dissatisfied with the high entry tax.


Humphrey gave a very surprising answer.

"Although the former city owner here was also greedy, he also knew that if he wanted to earn more money, the city must have businessmen, and he would not use the city tax to block people out of the city.

At this time, even the silent robbers cast their eyes on inquiry.

"If I'm not wrong, it should be these guards who make their own claims."

The guards are responsible for guarding the gates. Although it is a fortunate job, sometimes it is a poor job.

Although they do not have the right to set the entry tax quota, they are the ultimate enforcers.

Now, the former owner of the city of Ella just stepped down because of the slave arrest team, and most of the nobles in the city were also implicated. In this case, even if the new city owner has arrived, he still cannot completely control the entire city.

This also gives these greedy guards a chance.

"You mean, they are levying heavy taxes without their knowledge? This is against the laws of the Empire!" Wei expressed an unbelievable expression.

Such a blatant violation of the laws of the Empire, aren't these guards afraid of something wrong?

For Wei's surprise, the robbery reported huh.

His own experience has made Jie Biwei more aware of what is called human heart. How can they miss this opportunity to get rich?

"Isn't anyone revealing their crimes to the Lord of the City?" Wei's expression was uncomfortable, watching the flames coming out from the eyes of those who were still exploiting the business travel guards. They will be punished! "

Humphrey smiled awkwardly.

In his opinion, Wei's strength is very strong, very strong. After all, he has never seen a person in his second teens who can punch a piece of heavy boulder into powder with one punch.

But compared to strength, Humphrey felt Wei was a little naive.

That's right, if the soldiers are indeed punishable under the laws of the Empire, the question is, will anyone accept such complaints?

It has been almost half a month for the guards to increase the city tax on income. During this time, there must have been businessmen or tourists who did not hesitate to behave, but these guards still stood here and continued to exploit, which has already explained many problems.

As a businessman, Humphrey paid attention to the benefits. Although the tax on entering the city was high, he decisively chose to pay for the consequences of offending these soldiers.

It happened that at this time, the crowd in front had dispersed, and it was their turn to enter the city.

Humphrey took out his purse and wanted to count the gold coins, but at this time, a palm came up and grabbed the hand he wanted to hand over money.

"Wei, you saved our entire caravan before, I will pay the city tax for you and the robbery, which is also a little bit of my mind ..."

Humphrey thought Wei stopped himself because he was polite and didn't want to help himself pay, but he was clearly thinking wrong.

Because from the beginning, Wei didn't plan to pay.

If it is normal, Wei will certainly abide by the law, but the problem is that the current entrance tax is obviously collected by the guards in order to satisfy her selfish desires. How could she be silent in her personality?

"We don't pay this money!"

The guard at the gate originally smiled when he saw the gold coins, but when he heard Wei's words, the smile on his face instantly solidified.

Another guy who doesn't know how to die!

The guards did not show mercy on the other side's role as a girl, only to see that they showed their weapons one after another and looked murderous.

"Dare to make trouble in Ella, don't you want to live?"

The head of the head, in order to scare Wei, even planned to put a long knife on Wei's neck.

But as soon as he shot, he felt a hint of coolness behind him.

Before he could react to what happened, he saw the girl in front of him pushing him away!

The powerful force caused him to knock over a truck loaded with vegetables instantly. When he got up from the inside, there were even a few leaves on his head, which looked extremely funny!

"Dare to stab guards, I think you are spies from other countries at all!" The leader angrily plucked the leaves from his head, and then commanded his subordinates, "Catch them all. If there is resistance, let alone kill!"

As soon as they were about to fight, the gate was immediately chaotic.

The people who originally wanted to enter the city at the gate of the city pushed away instantly. The huge gate left only the opposing sides, as well as Humphrey's caravan crowd.

"It's all misunderstanding, misunderstanding, general, don't do it!"

At first the incident happened too badly, Humphrey didn't have time to react at all, and by the time he recovered, the situation was out of control.

Seeing the fierce look of the guard trying to catch Wei, Humphrey hurried out to save the field.

"I'm willing to pay compensation, and please let the military breathe out!"

Humphrey said as he winked at Wei while motioning to the other party to apologize.

Humphrey was not malicious.

In his opinion, although Wei is powerful, he is only a platinum strongman in the end. Even if these guards present are not her opponents, letting things go, it is really possible for Wei to rebel.

At that time, the emperor was angered, and a small platinum strongman was not arrested in minutes.

Therefore, he chose to stay calm, and for this, he was willing to pay any price.

However, he underestimated Wei's determination again.

For Humphrey's kindness, Wei not only did not intend to accept it, and even mocked the guard leader who had just risen.

"It's a wicked person to sue first, not to mention the damaging things you have done, you know that I was just saving you just now."

The crowd didn't understand what she meant at first, until a robber with a dagger appeared in the shadows.

"Why push him away?"

"I don't push him away, has his head moved long ago?"

"He **** it!"

The conversation between the two, coupled with the coolness felt in their hearts, immediately made the leader understand what just happened.

"Sure enough, spies, kill them!"

The leader would not thank Wei for saving himself, instead, he just remembered that he was almost dead.

Therefore, he doesn't want any liveliness and compensation at the moment, he just wants these two guys to die!

After hearing the command of the leader, the guards started to move.

But someone moves faster than them.

I saw the girl who had just pushed to their boss, punched them, and the fight was over.

The guards were dizzy and could only keep rolling on the ground.

"White and platinum strong?"

The guard who can still stand today is only the leader who was thrown into the van by Wei at the beginning. At this moment, he was trembling, without any arrogance before.

"I warn you that you have violated the laws of the Empire and surrender immediately, otherwise you will be punished by the eyes of the Empire!"

This scene looks very ridiculous.

These guards ignored the law on a daily basis, and in order to collect money, they raised the amount of in-town tax privately. Now they are beaten, but they think of the empire law that they have been thrown aside long ago.

Wei was also laughed at by them, but she stopped the robber who wanted to give them a final blow, which made the latter very dissatisfied.

"Don't do it, let Uncle Ham deal with them."

Humphrey vaguely heard Wei's words, but he did not associate the name of Ham with the new city owner, thinking that Ham was just the elder of Wei He's family.

Although curious about the elders of the two platinum powerhouses, Humphrey knew that the most important thing now was to solve the immediate problem.

Anyway, Wei has beaten people, this is an indisputable fact.

Even though these guards acted against the law, they represented the face of Ella.

More seriously, it is fine to press them for rebellion.

Humphrey was a little anxious, constantly thinking about how he could scapegoat the two.

He thought of using family relations, but he was just a businessman, and the power behind him was just a Viscount, and he was not an aristocracy in Ella.

In this case, Humphrey was not sure about telling the Viscount to mediate, and he could not guarantee that the owner of the city of Ella would give them this face.


Humphrey noticed that there were noisy footsteps in the street behind the gate, and the soldiers of the guard had appeared on the corner and were approaching the gate.

"Afraid, the colleagues of the Security Force will be here soon. I see how crazy you are!"

The leader who had just trembled, and immediately saw the arrival of reinforcements, he immediately resumed his arrogance.

Platinum powerhouses are indeed unattainable for their door guards, but the guards are different from them. They still have the power to arrest a platinum powerhouse.

While they were talking, the men and women of the security team had arrived, and the headed people immediately saw their angry faces when they saw the wolverine leader and the guard who fell to the ground.

"Cousin, you have to decide for me, that is, they assassinate the guards and want to rebel!"

"I said a gatekeeper, how dare to exploit business trips, it turned out to be you as a backer." Rob's tone was unusually cold.

The members of the security team are extremely embarrassed, especially the man whose boss has become a cousin, and now they can't wait to block the other's mouth.

Can such things be casually spoken outside?

But even after being angry again, he now has to go ahead.

Leaving aside the relationship between the two parties, just talking about the other side's gold coins during this time is enough for him to sell.

"Catch them all!"

He said grabbing people, but his eyes were all fierce.

The members of the guards understood it, and naturally knew what to do next.

"Little cousin, this girl is a platinum powerhouse!"

The man was shocked!

Although he is also platinum, and with dozens of brothers behind him, he doesn't think he will lose.

The problem is, the girl in front of her is too young!

The significance of teenage platinum powerhouses is far from being as simple as paper power. Behind them all has a huge backing background ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Only a huge force can be able to cultivate Out of this genius!

If the sight could kill, the man would have chopped his cousin into meat sauce.

The other party actually caused him so much trouble, and now he is already riding a tiger!

The man finally became ruthless.

He understands that in this situation, even if he quits, the other party will not let him go, and only by killing all of them and then taking the actual charge of rebellion before the forces behind them can react Liveliness.

After all, the empire has just put a heavy hand to deal with the nobility, the latter is no longer the arrogance of the past.

At this point, the man joined the fight directly.

As he expected, although the girl's strength is outrageous at the moment, they are not their opponents.

But he ignored it, and it was the deadliest!

In addition to Wei, there is also a platinum powerhouse present, and compared to the platinum powerhouse that Wei is upright and upright, the assassin walking in the shadows is more terrible.

And after some struggle, Humphrey actually chose to stand in Weihejie.

The two platinum strongmen, together with the caravan's escort, suddenly surpassed all the members of the police team.

The chief of the guard who had expected to get back to his place saw that things were not good, and he was scared immediately.

Of course, he is still more motivated. Although he fled from the city gate, he did not abandon his cousin, but ran all the way to the city main mansion.

In his opinion, these thieves were so rampant that the guards could not restrain them. If they wanted to subdue them, they could only resort to the power of the Lord Lord.

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