Superhero Comic – Overlord’s Path

Chapter 600 35. Letter from Paradise Island

Quicksilver was eventually released.

The price was that his sister got a black blood dripping devil head tattoo on her neck. Wanda exchanged her loyalty for the safety of her worried brother. Seber didn't care about their sibling affairs, but Wanda seemed Send Kuaiyin back to Sokovia, where the siblings grew up.

By the way, the speed of Kuaiyin was sealed with chaos magic.

She would rather let her brother be an ordinary person and live an unhappy life, and she doesn't want him to be involved in anything related to Saibo.

This is not to say that Wanda is indifferent to his father's death, but as Saibo said, there is no deep hatred between him and Magneto King Eric. A mutant in the legacy of Magneto, and now, as a secretary, Wanda is sitting in the office of the Mexico City mansion, looking at the utopian map in front of him under the sunlight, and always has a fantasy.

If his father was still there, and he saw the mutant utopia just established, maybe he would also feel satisfied?

The issue of mutants is sensitive. This is a worldwide issue. Every change will affect the rhythm of the entire world. Therefore, the founding of Utopia did not make much momentum, and it will not hold a high-sounding ceremony. A small-scale ceremony declared Utopia's right to rule over Mexico, and the mutants truly had their own homeland in the world.

It is worth mentioning that the Tianjian Bureau also sent Mr. Quan, who had dealt with Saibo, to participate in this small ceremony, which can be regarded as reaching a kind of secret tacit understanding, and the US government is busy dealing with the mess of the Battle of New York. They chose to turn a blind eye to such a thing as entering a new country.

This is how the rest of the world reacts... as if utopia doesn't exist.

But the truth is...

"Professor, just 2 hours ago, we had to temporarily close three coasts to foreigners."

Ororo the Storm, wearing a very formal office suit, said with a headache on her face:

"Within 12 hours, we received more than 200,000 immigration requests...Our people can't handle it at all. Everyone has no experience in handling government affairs. The previous Mexican theater was also a wartime system. This week, everyone Everything is done in a mess, and there is no effective cooperation at all..."

The new head of the Utopia Immigration Bureau kept vomiting bitterness to her mentor. She looked at the professor sitting opposite her, with a cheerful smile on his face all the time, as if all the troubles in front of her were no longer troubles. .

"Professor, to be honest, many temporarily appointed officials, including me, have doubts about whether we can manage such a large piece of land. It is not in the academy now. If we do not handle the problem well, the country will become It's a mess."

"Okay, Ororo, my favorite disciple."

The professor stretched out his hand and stopped Ororo's words. He looked out of the window, where the grand occasion of the float parade a few days ago seemed to be still vivid in his memory, and the pedestrians on the road greeted each other and enjoyed the new day, but with Other places are different. The streets here are full of mutants. Although the city still has traces of the garrison not long ago, there is a kind of positive enthusiasm here.

"I know what you are worried about, and I have the same worry."

The professor withdrew his gaze, and he looked at his disciple gently, just like he did in Xavier College, with his hands on the desk:

"I sometimes think about it, what if the country that our compatriots built with the blood of their heads, the land that has been sacrificed so much to get it, is paralyzed by our poor management?"

"But then I figured it out, Ororo, the fact that we were able to build this country has already achieved something that we couldn't do before. When Eric and I were young, we also dreamed of having a homeland of our own. , Now, the most difficult step has been taken, Seber led us to create a new country, no one can ask us to do better."

Professor Charles said softly:

"Don't be afraid of making mistakes. We are managing a country. How can we not make mistakes? But as long as we do our best to do our best... Tell those compatriots who are eager to immigrate that Utopia has just been established, and the system still has a lot to do. There are vacancies, we cannot accept so many immigrants in a short period of time, from now on, we will open a limit of 500 immigrants per day, select talents from the administrative staff of the previous Mexican government, wait until they are proficient, and then open up to 1,000 per day.”

The professor gave a solution:

"To tell the truth to our people, I believe they will understand us, it only takes 10 years, Ororo, as long as Utopia lasts for 10 years, we can reintegrate into this world with another attitude, one day, We will be accepted by the United Nations, and we will truly appear as an existence recognized by other countries, majestically appearing on every world map, and we don’t need to keep our heads down to live.”

Ororo breathed a sigh of relief, and the mood of being overwhelmed by the cumbersome government affairs calmed down. The former soldier became a high-ranking official in the new country, and this change will always be difficult. She stroked her white hair, and her face was touched. With a smile:

"Okay, professor, I will discuss it with the people in my department and come up with a solution. By the way, Scott's problem may be more serious... He is really not suitable to be a tax officer. Moreover, the tax law in Mexico was a complete mess when drug lords were rampant, and he may come to bother you again in a while."

"Call me Speaker, boy."

The smile on Professor Charles’s face remained unchanged, and he said softly: “There is a lot of waste here, and every one of our compatriots needs to contribute to this country, but you are right, Scott may be more suitable to be a Patrol cops, but he doesn't need to worry too much, Hank will be back soon to replace him."


Ororo's eyes widened: "Teacher, are you dizzy? Hasn't Hank already..."


The professor put his finger to his mouth and showed a mysterious smile:

"It's a secret, boy, Sable has kept their souls, and we'll see him again soon."

"The piano?"

Ororo hurriedly asked: "Where is Qin? Can Qin come back?"


Charles shook his head regretfully, and flicked his fingers on the document in front of him: "This is the most regrettable thing for me, Qin, really left us, but it may also be a kind of kind for her. Let go."

In another conference room, another founder of Utopia was also busy with his work. Seber, who was wearing a serious suit, was sitting on a chair bored, beside him were temporarily appointed senior officials of Utopia, including mutants. , there are also locals, the ratio is about 1:2. Although Utopia is a country of mutants in name, in fact, no matter how cruel Cyber ​​is, it will not kill all ordinary people in Mexico.

In this country where the regime has changed, the number of ordinary people is about 120 million, and the total number of mutants in the entire world is estimated to not exceed 80 million. That is to say, for a long time in the future, the main body of Utopia The nation is still ordinary people.

But this is enough. At least three days ago, 47 of the world's top legal experts hired by Seber paid a lot of money to start working on the Utopian constitution. No one knows what the specific bill will be. , Mutants fully enjoy the same rights and obligations as ordinary people.

No one would ask for superiority, but equality, this is the only appeal of mutants, and just a little, according to experts, is enough to attract at least 5 million mutant immigrants from all over the world for Utopia.

This is the last thing Cyber ​​can do for Utopia.

He knows very well that he is not a qualified manager. Being a nominal leader is enough. As for the cumbersome governance of the country, let’s leave it to the real elites among the mutants like Professor Charles. He doesn’t have that I don't have the time or the energy to do these things.

However, when this country needs it, he will still take up arms again for it.

It is worth mentioning that Professor Charles has received a lot of letters recently, including many high-level members of the Fraternity of Mutants who fell apart after the death of Magneto. potency.

Although the concepts are different, the arrival of these former Magneto loyalists will also inject new vitality into this country. As we all know, in a qualified government, both hawks and doves must exist, and a balance needs to be maintained.

"Boss, there is a letter from you!"

After the long meeting ended, Sebo walked out of the meeting room with a yawn. Sergey, who was waiting at the door, stretched out his hand and stuffed a special letter into his hand. Sebo frowned and checked that there was no sign in his hand. He let out a sigh of relief, turned around and walked into his office.

He could sense... another wave of trouble was coming.

"Dear Mr. Sable:"

"When you receive this letter, I may have already been fighting for my home on Paradise Island. The long-slumped Atlantis Dynasty has recovered from the dark abyss and began to march towards Paradise Island. I Received what I've been waiting for."

"My mother, Queen Hippolyta asked me to return to my hometown to fight for my people. This is a mission I must stick to, but I can't pretend to turn a blind eye to the threat of Ares hidden in the dark, so I decided to ask You help me with this, capture his servants, and discover his evil plans."

"If things go well, I will return to the human world in about 3-4 months. If things don't go well, I will probably be buried in my hometown like my ancestors. The people of Atlantis are strong in the sea. The enemy, even if it is me, there is no certainty of victory, if I die, my friend, please don't feel sad for me, after all, a soldier deserves to die on the battlefield."

"I have to admit, besides my former lover Trevor, you are the most reassuring opposite sex I have ever met, please forgive my recklessness, but please do me this favor, Ares masters With the remaining half of the war authority, once his conspiracy starts to be implemented, the whole world will be caught in the flames of war, this is for me, and it is also for yourselves."

"——from your faithful friend Diana"

Sable quickly finished reading the letter, and it could be seen that the letter was written by Diana in a hurry without revealing much about the plot, but Sable could barely guess the troubles Diana was facing, This is similar to his experience of going through hell to find a way to return to the present world and save Gotham, and being entrusted with an important task by an outstanding lady, Cyber ​​also felt that kind of trust.

Although the number of times they met was not many, it was clear that the other party had regarded him as a friend who could entrust his future affairs. Maybe it was really like what Diana said jokingly, she had a pair of eyes that could see through people's hearts.

But in any case, Sable couldn't ignore his friend's request for help, and because of this letter, he suddenly remembered something that had been forgotten.


He rang the communicator on the table, and after a while, Coulson's deep voice sounded:

"What's the matter, Cyber."

"I want to ask, Coulson, during the search of the S.H.I.E.L.D. secret warehouse..."

Saibo lowered his voice: "Did you find the war hammer I used? It's called the "War Scepter"."

"Hold on."

Coulson was silent for a few minutes, then said:

"No, according to the information in my hand, Fury should have put it in Base 37, but we just searched there yesterday, and there is no Warhammer in it."

"I see."

Saibo rubbed his chin, thought for ten seconds, and then said: "Send one more mission, Coulson, send all your spies out, I want the Beta-level mutant, the whereabouts of Victor the saber-toothed tiger , the sooner the better!"

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