Superhero Comic – Overlord’s Path

Chapter 601 1. The Hunter and the Cat

July 15th is the second month since the Mutant Nation Utopia was established.

The international situation is very calm, and the impact of the New York War two months ago is still fermenting. This time, the battered US government did not dispatch the men in black to erase the memory of the entire city. On the contrary, they were generous Take out all the information on this matter and share it with other countries.

On the one hand, it is to gain sympathy. On the other hand, the fact that the Apocalypse spaceship cleared the Hydra forces in North America cannot be hidden from other countries. The new US government urgently needs to restore its credibility. This information exchange , It is the first step to restore the image.

The think tank of the U.S. government believes that once it is confirmed that there are powerful aliens hostile to the earth as opponents, the major powers on the earth will inevitably unite under pressure. At that time, Hydra will infiltrate the government. Such a small matter, not many people will care about it.

And under the adjustment of this kind of thinking, a great discussion about aliens and alien invasion wars has been set off worldwide. Every day, many experts and professors with various names publish various Alarmist remarks are used to gain attention, but in the eyes of truly rational people, the world is still the same, and not much has changed.

Just like Victor, who is hiding in a small town along the coast of the Aegean Sea at this time, looking for something, this mutant will not think about the hell of aliens at all, because he knows very well that what he works for With great power, he will not be afraid of the hell aliens at all.

"This is here! The hometown of the great hero Perseus in Greek mythology!"

A guide hired at the port enthusiastically introduced the history of this town to Vidok. Of course, 99% of it is fabricated, but Victor came here to find 1% of the truth in the lies. .

Seeing the gleam of interest in the eyes of this generous guest, the third-rate guide immediately cheered up, and said mysteriously:

"I know that you outsiders don't really believe in myths, but for us locals, these things are not fabricated. Believe me, I was born in this village. When I was young, the old man told me that Perseus Before Si became a god, he left his own blood here, and some treasures that only belonged to the gods were buried in the mountain in front of him."

"Oh, then you know there are treasures here, why don't you go and get them?"

Victor flicked the cane in his hand, pushed aside the weedy path in front of him, and carefully observed the surrounding environment. Hearing his question, the crappy guide who was full of lies immediately choked, but he rolled his eyes , and said:

"Because it's the wealth of the gods, and mortals can't get close to it, otherwise it will lead to disasters, but guest, to be honest, I think you dress like a decent person in a big city, let's put it this way, I know local people I'm sure there's no one in this little place who knows better than me..."

In the middle of his speech, he deliberately stopped talking, and just looked at Victor meaningfully.

The saber-toothed tiger grinned dangerously, and a sharp canine tooth was exposed outside the lips, which startled the guide, but the next moment, Vidok, who was wearing a windbreaker, waved his hand, and threw a wad of green dollar bills At the foot of the guide.

"Money means nothing to me, do you understand?"

He stretched out his finger and pointed to the guide's chest: "As long as I can see something valuable, I'll give you 10 times more, but if I can't see..."


The sharp silver-white metal nails, like a file, easily cut through the skin of the guide's chest, causing blood to flow down. At this moment, no matter how stupid this third-rate guide was, he knew that he had offended someone he couldn't mess with. Kneeling on the ground, screaming:

"Don't kill me... There is a cave in the mountain, it's very deep, only the locals know that place, every month when the moon is full, there will be a green halo shining there, the old man said that the last curse of the gods resides there, they Said it was the blood of the gods after they were killed, and everyone who went there died..."

"Then take me there!"

Victor picked up the wad of dollars from under his feet, stuffed it into the guide's pocket, and then scratched his neck with his sharp claws:

"One side is money, the other side is life, you choose!"

Half an hour later, Victor stood at the entrance of a dark cave. At his feet was a guide who had collapsed from exhaustion. He did not lie to his orthopedic surgeon. In the valley in the center of the mountain, no one with a normal IQ would travel here, and there are traces of beasts in the surrounding grass, which shows that this is a completely undeveloped natural area.

"Cherish your little life..."

Victor kicked the third-rate guide, and threw down a wad of dollars: "Get out with the money."

After speaking, he quickly jumped into the cave. It's not that the ruthless saber-toothed tiger suddenly became easy to talk, but Victor knew better than anyone that it would be almost dusk. According to the guide's climbing speed, He would definitely not be able to run out of this mountain before dark, and there were beasts in the mountain, that is to say, unless something unexpected happened, this guy... would be dead.

"The place where the demigod Perseus fell..."

In the darkness, Victor couldn't help but rubbed his hands, his face full of anticipation: "This time, what surprise will you bring me?"

In Greek legend, Perseus is the son of Zeus, with the blood of the gods flowing in his body. His most well-known story is that he killed the monster Medusa, cut off her head, and dedicated it to Athena. As for whether Perseus went to Mount Olympus in the end, no one knows, but according to a few words from Victor’s master, the silent Ares, he had seen Perseus on Mount Olympus. Hughes's.

In other words, that guy finally became a god.

Ares is not an easy man to be around but is a good leader who doesn't limit what his servants can do and doesn't dig the greek gods because of what Victor got from him He has been preparing a big plan and has not shown up for a long time, and Victor has been free for a long time.

And he also got too many benefits from this service.

When the Ancient One destroyed Mount Olympus, most of the bones of these gods were gone. Ares, who escaped with his life, collected the only bones and hid them in places only he knew. They are also scattered all over the world. Those are Victor's goals. He has no collection addiction, he just knows that these things can make him stronger.

Victor is a typical power chaser. Unlike his brother Wolverine Logan, who is happy with the situation, his thirst for power has no limit, but he is not the kind of fighting madman. It can only be said that this guy is just Simply enjoying the fun brought by power, especially after seeing the ancient gods from Ares, he became more and more dissatisfied with himself now.

"Ah, the harvest is not bad!"

Two hours later, the triumphant Victor came out of the cave with a bulging bag on his back. It seems that the statement that Perseus still has blood left in the world is true, because he was in the cave. The items in the legend of Perseus were found in the tomb, which was obviously restrained carefully, but now, the tomb robber has taken advantage of it.

Humming a song, he stepped out of the dark cave, and the surrounding sky had already dimmed. On the coast of the Aegean Sea, he could always smell a fishy smell from the ocean. This smell usually makes people relax, but the moment Victor stepped out of the cave , the bag behind his back was thrown on the ground, his hands were open, his body drooped slightly, ten silver-white file-like claws popped out his fingers, and he let out a low whimper towards the darkness ahead.

The wrinkles on the top of his head were retracted, his beard was opened, and his canine teeth were exposed, making him look like a real tiger.

"Who's there! Get out!"

He shouted in a deep voice, and the next moment, a black figure jumped out from behind the nearby tree, and a familiar voice sounded:

"Yo, the big cat went hunting and got the trophy... remember me? Dear Victor."


Victor immediately recognized who this voice belonged to. A few years ago, he had an intersection with this dangerous guy. At that time, the relationship between them could be summed up as friends, but in Ares' plan After a little push, especially after Diana got in on the action, they never got in touch again.

But Victor knew that this guy was not a good person, because just 2 months ago, he took away something that belonged to Cyber ​​from SHIELD.

"My friend, why don't you talk? Are you unhappy to see me?"

Saibo walked out slowly from the darkness, holding a sheathed long knife in his left hand, he looked at the vigilant Victor in front of him, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"If you don't tell me, then I will ask... Where did you take my warhammer?"

"What warhammer?"

Victor took a step back: "I don't know what you're talking about!"


Saibo frowned, and his face turned ugly: "Aren't you pretending to be stupid? For the sake of our happy cooperation in the past, don't let me do it, Victor."

"I really don't know what you're talking about..."

Victor looked around bit by bit. After finding that there was no ambush around him, the tension on his face disappeared. He clenched his fists tightly, and a trace of golden light began to flow around his body. He whispered :

"Besides, that warhammer is not yours either, I just returned it to its original owner, didn't I?"

"Well, it seems that you have some unexpected gains, that is, it gave you the confidence to face me, right?"

Saibo was not in a hurry to start, he tilted his head, looked at the golden light dancing on Victor's body, and said with great interest, "What is this thing? It looks pretty pretty."

"Not only beautiful, but also dangerous enough!"

Victor moved his body, making the golden light on his body beat more violently: "The divine power of Hercules, this thing can strengthen my body in all aspects, strength, speed, perception, and most importantly, It's all see, it's not just you, I've learned new tricks too."


Saibo frowned: "This is the ancient Greek god. It seems that you have completely surrendered to Ares, so we have nothing to say. Come on, take me to Ares, maybe I will I can still spare your life for the sake of past affection."

"Stop joking! Who do you think you are!"

Victor's figure crushed the huge boulder behind him at this moment, and his body mixed with Adamantium alloy was like a warhammer, yelling at Seber and rushing forward. The ray of light cut across Sable's eyes, and in the blink of an eye, the deadly claws were on his neck, almost tearing Sable's blood vessels apart.

But unfortunately, he no longer has this opportunity.


Saibo's right hand firmly grasped Victor's wrist, and with his left hand, a bright thunder light flashed in the air. A black shadow flew high into the sky with scorching blood, and then hit Wei Wei. Under Kedo's feet, it was an arm that had been severed from the shoulder, still twitching nervously.

Saibo recalled the feeling of cutting his arm with a sharp blade just now, and it seemed that it was not difficult. He looked at the unbelievable Victor in front of him, and said in a deep voice:

"The power of the gods on Mount Olympus? It seems like that... Listen to me, the era when you can be invincible by wearing an adamantium alloy is over. Come on, tell me honestly what you know Together, like I said, I might spare your life..."

"Big cat, life or death is completely up to you to choose now."

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