Superior Immortal was Reborn in the City

Chapter 853: Lin Langtian appeared

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Long Tian also knew what happened tonight.

When he heard that Ling Chen's information was wrong and his strength was not the fourfold of Qi training, his handsome face finally showed a look of surprise. He looked at the man with a swollen nose and a blue face and said, "I will meet you Speak out."

This man told everything tonight.

Listen, Long Tian's mouth slightly hooked, "According to what you said, this one named Ling Chen is really interesting."

"The woman who dares to blame me, I really should not underestimate him, I will meet him later."

"You retreat first."

Long Tian said calmly.


The man retired.

When he couldn't see the servant, Long Tian stood up from his chair, and Junyi Zhi's face was hung with a playful smile. "Ling Chen... It's a bit interesting, maybe it won't be so boring."

the next day.

Ling Chen prepared breakfast for Lin Lengshuang as usual, and then sent her back to the company.

But when he came to the company, he found that the atmosphere was a little bit wrong. Ling Chen found that the people in the company looked at him from time to time, as if he had a flower on his face.


"The system detected the presence of a strong **** in the company, which was determined to be the father of Lin Lengshuang, the head of the Lin family, and Lin Langtian."

After hearing the prompt from the system, Ling Chen realized why the atmosphere of the company felt weird today, and why these people peeked at him from time to time. It turned out that because Lin Lengshuang's father came, she was close to Lin Lengshuang. , Everyone is curious.

Ling Chen was not afraid.

He has seen the gods, and the devil has also seen it, and now he sees a master of God, what is so scary?

Ling Chen followed Lin Lengshuang into the office, and then he saw the middle-aged man sitting on the office chair. Presumably he was Lin Lengshuang's father, Lin Langtian!

Behind Lin Langtian, there are still two old men, Huang Lao and Jiang Lao, whom I saw that day.

When Lin Lengshuang saw Lin Langtian, she did not feel any excitement. She saw her Liu Mei slightly wrinkled and said indifferently; "That's my location."

Lin Langtian stood up, glanced at Ling Chen, and then kept looking at Lin Lengshuang, expressionless: "Going home when there is enough nonsense outside."

"I'm not nonsense." Lin Lengshuang said.

Lin Langtian looked at Ling Chen, looked up and down, and then said to Huang Lao behind him: "You look at Jiu Xiao's real eyes again, this time see clearly."

Then Huang Lao stood up and looked at Ling Chen up and down.

Ling Chen stared at him and found that this old Huang's eyes possessed abilities and even had two layers of pupils. Just now I heard what Jiuxiao's real eyes were. I thought that this should be the special feature of Jiuxiao's real eyes. .

"Lao Huang, what are you doing?"

At this moment, a shadow of beauty stood in front of Ling Chen. Lin Lengshuang looked at Huang Lao coldly, frowning and said, "He is my person, when can you be investigated?"

Obviously she knew Huang Lao's real eye.

"Don't fool around, come here, something to tell you."

Lin Langtian frowned, and it seemed that some of the information in the intelligence was not false, such as Lin Lengshuang was extremely protective of Ling Chen, and now it seems to be the case, even let Huang Lao use Jiuxiao's real eyes.

In his view, Lin Lengshuang is going to marry someone else. Now he is entangled with a rural man. That is the black spot. If he marries Long Tian in the future, this black spot will make his Lin family fall into the face. How to meet the Dragon family at that time?

Lin Lengshuang gave Lin Langtian a glance, still, still blocked in front of Ling Chen.

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