Superior Immortal was Reborn in the City

Chapter 854: Immortal Emperor cannot be invincible, then I surpass Immortal Emperor

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Su Ku suddenly sighed: "You still have people who can't let go, and there is some concern in your heart, which is not in line with Dilu."

"The emperor has no tears. Since ancient times, the emperor has been ruthless. Because he is used to life and death, he has no sense of life and death at the end. Relatives, friends and lovers gradually die, and they can still remain calm and will not cry. "

Na Kui said: "You have too many hearts, those heavy things will only slow down the speed of your sword."

"So it is difficult to become an emperor, and it is difficult to take the last step."

"People are not plants, but they can be ruthless." Ye Feng said: "No one stipulates that the emperor is ruthless. If there is, I will break it."

Withered, he said: "You are still too young, you may feel that you can change everything, but one day you will be baptized by time and understand that some things cannot be changed even by the emperor, and the emperor cannot be invincible."

"You understand."

Ye Feng was silent.

The other party was right. Although the great emperor was strong, he could not rise back to life or change the past. Although he could overcome the heavens, he seemed to be bound by a larger circle.

It was like... jumping out of a circle, but falling into another bigger circle.

The purple light flashed in his eyes and said: "I will be above everything. Immortal Emperor cannot be invincible. I will go to a place higher than the Emperor. Time, space, even life and death, control everything!"

Withered for a while, he couldn't say a word.


Ye Feng said again: "Why did the battle of the Eight Emperors rise?"

Withered for a long time, Boneless said, "Because of won, and you can pass the test I sent you."

The words fell, and the galaxy in the hidden temple began to circulate.

A doorway, emitting white light, slowly opened in front of him.

"Through the test, you are the master of my faction, everything here belongs to you."

"You are still too young..." Leaving these words full of loneliness, the light on the boneless body dissipated and returned to silence.

"I've seen it before, blocking your horizons, but it's a pity that you are not in this life, you will not see my style, I will surpass the eight emperors."

Ye Feng slowly walked into the portal.

There is an endless road behind the door, but here is another small world. The wind is light and the flowers are fragrant. In front of you is a lake with blue waves, thousands of meters long and wide. The road is on the other side of the lake, but there is no boat on the lake. With bridge.

"This water is no ordinary thing."

Ye Feng tried to touch it with his hand, but suddenly felt his fingers hurt, and pulled it out to see only a bone!

More importantly, he found that the water weighed 10 million tons, each drop of water was like a planet, and it had a strong attraction. Nothing could fly over it.

If you want to pass, you must pass this lake.

Ye Feng saw a stone tablet beside it, Meteor Lake, which has records that even the planet can be swallowed by this lake.

"I understand."

His eyes suddenly became firm, took steps, walked on the lake in one step, and strode forward.

Ye Feng is going to walk through this big lake where no stars can escape!

At first, he was still parallel to the water, but after walking more than ten meters, the attraction became greater and greater. As Ye Feng moved forward, his body began to sink into the water.

Painful heart rushed up.

He looked forward, but also knew that his feet had become bones.

Walking another hundred meters, the lake water had flooded his waist, and under the surface of the water, Ye Feng had only white bones, and the pain in his heart made him pale.

As he progressed, the lake quickly flooded him, leaving Ye Feng walking under the water and turning him into a bone.

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