Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 946: Li Tian is too poisonous

On Li Tian's side, after Zhu Lian joined, the planting and construction of tigers were made extensively.

On the Spring Agricultural Park, they have held several meetings collectively. In this second-tier city, because of the developed logistics and transportation, coupled with the fertile land. Therefore, new agricultural parks are built almost every year.

After all, there are more and more wealthy people now, and everyone hopes to eat green and healthy vegetables.

However, every once in a while, there are not a few agricultural parks that have fallen into the sand.

Most of them are not accurate enough, the investment is large, but the return is small, and the labor that needs to be hired is also large. If the long-term failure to make a profit, the cost of the input will also increase, and the ceiling is easy to see. Come in, and most of them end up unfailingly.

But Rich Agricultural Park is different.

First of all, it was originally a company that the children of the Wu family wanted to kill in a hundred years, but after a few months, not only did the Rich Agricultural Park not be killed, but the Rich Agricultural Park began to resist aggression like a rebounding vicious virus.

At first Li Tian bumped into walls everywhere, and the enemy was still secretly happy.

But when Li Tian's luck came, he took advantage of the situation like a scourge, and the crisis that was almost unstoppable spread directly into the Spring Agricultural Garden.

Zhou Zihong, who was defeated in the first confrontation, had a big head and a thick neck. He was going to be swept out, but because he provided Li Tian’s latest trends in time, he also joined forces with Qian Qing, the chairman of the bankrupt agricultural park in advance. Ping finally humiliated Li Tian and remembered him for his merits. Now he can sit in this senior leader's conference room.

"Because of a small and rich agricultural park, we have been in meetings for three days, so it's not enough."

Some company veterans began to give their opinions.

"Our Spring Agricultural Park has a market share of 10% in the country’s vegetable market, and the market share in this city has even reached 80%. A small and rich agricultural park, what will he fight with us."

For so many years, in this city, there is no agricultural park that wants to compete with the spring agricultural park.

At the beginning, Qian Qingping was also ambitious. At the most fierce time, his share of the city reached 20%. However, later, he did not directly compensate for the bankruptcy. Instead, under the leadership of Zhou Zihong, he bought 100 million yuan directly. .

Spring Agricultural Park may not be ranked among the top 100 enterprises in the city, especially in the financial and real estate industries.

However, in the industrial chain of agricultural parks, it is definitely the city's leading enterprise.

Li Tian, ​​a foreigner, looked to the veteran at this meeting, he is undoubtedly a little mouse. As long as their spring agricultural garden shows its claws like a lion, the agricultural garden will fall apart instantly. , I worked hard for a little mouse.

It even held meetings for several days.

At the moment, sitting at the top of the conference room is a middle-aged man with a pale face. He has an elegant temperament, a decent manner, wearing literati glasses, and a calm voice. If he weren't sitting here, others would think he was someone. Professor in the university.

However, he is Qin Linzhe, the head of a multi-billion-dollar enterprise called Spring Agricultural Park.

Their old Qin family is also a well-known big family in this city, on par with Feng Hongmei's family.

In his early years, Qin Linzhe also studied abroad, and his cultural knowledge was very high, which was not comparable to that of small farmers like Li Tian.

Therefore, the temperament of this Qin Linzhe is not pretended at all. He does have real talents and learning. It is no exaggeration to say that at the beginning, there were very few vegetable brand concepts in China. A great man who has achieved success.

However, the fate of such a character who can be regarded as a big man in this city is a bit tragic. The reason is that in the most prosperous years of the Spring Agricultural Park, Qin Linzhe had a lot of money in his hands, so he didn't want to just do it alone. The industry wanted to diversify. He entered the real estate, finance, and even apparel brand industries. As a result, his business luck seemed to run out in the first half of his life.

Those newly developed industries have not only failed to bring rapid profit growth to the company, but have evolved from a company to a large group enterprise.

On the contrary, all the money earned in the vegetable industry in those few years went in.

Almost after returning to the pre-liberation period, Qin Linzhe learned from the pain, cut off all the diversified industries, even sold them at a low price, and expanded the original agricultural park with the money from the sales. This saved the Spring Agricultural Park from declining.

In recent years, although the Spring Agricultural Park looks like a big family, but in fact, it is far from reaching Qin Linzhe's ambitions.

This time he is willing to cooperate with Wujia, a century-old family in the capital, and Qin Linzhe also hopes that his company can seek breakthroughs, and it is best to become a century-old enterprise.

However, it is a wish.

When he decided to fight Li Tian as a hostile force, his luck almost came to an end.

He is a person with very high IQ and EQ. He can't help but feel heartbroken when he sees that his company has been suffering from the legendary officialdom disease. He is blindly arrogant and restless.

"Fufu Agricultural Park is not as simple as you think. They have a larger background than ours. Although their current industry and market share are far inferior to ours, don’t forget that they have the most advanced biological species in the world. The laboratory has already mastered the core competitive product of new celery. Once his new vegetables are mass-produced in this city and become famous, the consequences will be disastrous."

Qin Linzhe got more and more angry as he talked, he slapped the table fiercely. "At that time, our spring agricultural park will also be built, overnight."



The audience fell silent for a moment, the new celery, they have naturally tasted as the leaders, the taste and nutritional value are too difficult to imitate.

Even if it is agricultural products, the core competitiveness is the core competitiveness. For example, Japanese fruits are generally more expensive, because their agricultural products are always being updated. Other countries want to imitate, and it is difficult to break the technology.

"Zhou Zihong, how are you working with Qian Qingping?"

[UU Reading 00kxs] Qin Linzhe asked in a deep voice, if it weren't for his small meritorious service this time, this person would have been driven home long ago. UU reading

"Back to President Qin, as soon as our new celery varieties come out, we can plant all of the entire agricultural garden. Then, with our offline sales channels, they will definitely be able to find teeth in their rich agricultural garden."

Zhou Zihong said that he was full of pride, as if he had seen the tragic situation of the fallen flowers and flowing water of the rich agricultural park.

"The new celery has been researched out." At the meeting, another leader who specializes in researching new varieties stood up and said: "Not only that, our new loofah and new cowpea have also been researched. You know, our There are more than a dozen biologists and more than 20 postgraduates. The entire R&D team is more than ten times that of Rich Agricultural Park."


Qin Linzhe finally heard good news, and he laughed. "In order to completely collapse the agricultural products of the Rich Agricultural Park, we have also developed a subsidiary named [Fuyu New Vegetables]." Qin Linzhe also intends to use Tencent's strategy to imitate first, and then introduce better and higher-quality services. Occupy the entire market across the board.

You know, in this city and even across the country, Qin Linzhe has offline channels that Li Tian cannot match.

However, the smile on Qin Linzhe’s face has not fully unfolded, and the leader of the marketing department on the side suddenly poured cold water on him: “Mr. Qin, you may not know that all keyword companies related to the rich agricultural park have been registered. Reality, wealth, wealth, wealth...and so on, even the Regal Agricultural Park has been successfully registered, and the registered legal person for all of these is the head office of the Regal Agricultural Park."

"Oh shit"

Even if Qin Linzhe had a refined temperament, he couldn't help cursing at this moment. "Li Tian in this rich agricultural park is too poisonous."

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