Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1596: Complicated

   Xiaochangmei didn’t know, but now she heard what Du Tingting said, she was completely shocked, because she used to feel that as long as she is beautiful and clean, she has a chance.

   It turned out not only that, but also fate.

   Just like Du Tingting now, maybe she and Li Tian brother are fate, but because of the lack of something, it also leads to the fact that she and Li Tian brother cannot really be together now.


   Xiaochangmei talked a lot with Du Tingting again.

   When I learned that little factory sisters knelt on the ground to serve Brother Li Tian almost every time, Du Tingting couldn't help but smile. He didn't expect that Brother Li Tian had a bad taste in this respect.

   However, she doesn't comment too much.

   This is a private matter between her and Li Tian.

   You love me, between lovers, you can do whatever you want.

However, Li Tian has not really slept with her until now. The first time she took her away, this is the first time Du Tingting feels that now Li Tian has the evil taste of some big men, but he still treats feelings as before. Looks, no change.


   On Li Tian's side, the result of his discussion with Zhang Wei came out. He would double the Tomorrow Foundation, and he decided to change the place.

   Here we continue to focus on charity for children, and then build a charity place exclusively for the elderly in another place.

   In the past, Li Tian had limited funds, and his focus was on children, because he promoted his children’s education in order to make more contributions.

   And the old man, it’s really just old age.

   However, the biggest difference between humans and animals is that humans have morals and emotions.

   Now Li Tian’s rich agricultural park is blooming all over the world, and billowing money flows from all over the world. Li Tian is not a person who regards money as dung, but he does not care about money anymore.

   Because he has a system that is 100,000 times more important than money, this is the core of Li Tian.

   Therefore, how to spend money has become an important thing.


   Zhang Wei also agreed with Li Tian's approach.

   There were no conditions at the beginning, so naturally only limited resources could be spent on children.

   Now that the conditions are available, it is natural to take care of the elderly. There are countless elderly people in the country. Li Tian was unable to protect all the elderly.

   First, Li Tian and Zhang Wei choose some places, and then talk about the best conditions there, such as free land, free resources, and some places where they want to be truly charitable, just build them there.

   The children are schools, and the elderly are naturally nursing homes.

In    nursing home, besides daily fitness walks, planting flowers, grass and vegetables, you can also learn some art classes.

   Because old people are different, they do different things.


   Some elderly people are actually more troublesome than taking care of their children because of inconvenience.

   So in addition to volunteers, we have to hire staff with high salaries.


   In fact, doing charity is not as easy as expected.

  Because the society is too complicated, it’s not that if you do well, others will applaud.

   If there are health problems for the elderly, dietary problems, it will cause a storm of elder abuse.

   Even if there are no problems, some people will say it is a show...

  The hearts of the people are complicated. Even if Li Tian and Zhang Wei have many years of experience, they cannot be perfect.

   So, first of all, the target group of their charity is the elderly.

   If you have children, I would rather give some money and not bring them to the nursing home they built... The reason is simple. Some poor old people are born with wicked obstacles. If they are brought to the nursing home, if there is a problem, it will be super troublesome.

  They are private equity foundations and don’t need to face the public because they don’t collect money from the public.

  The charity objects are selected by the Tomorrow Foundation itself. Although there are poor elderly people who have been omitted, there is no way. They are all human beings. When doing charity, they can't take care of everything.

   There are children, but because the children are not in good health, they are sick and cannot support the elderly. In this part, the foundation will set up a caring medical team tomorrow, and will visit their homes for medical treatment every month.

   If it is a curable disease, even hundreds of thousands of medical expenses will be sent to the hospital for treatment.

   If it is terminally ill, tomorrow the Foundation will have no choice but to treat it conservatively.

   Try to do the best.

   The lonely old man is simpler. Those who are willing to live in the nursing home of the Foundation tomorrow, sign a contract to avoid some bad old men.


   Li Tian is not a saint, some bad guys have grown old, but even if this part of the elderly is pitiful in their old age, they will not be among the charity objects of the Foundation tomorrow.

  Each old man will investigate his history in detail, comprehensive reasons, and according to his personality...

   In short, the nursing home of the Foundation tomorrow will not be accessible if you want. The threshold is very high.

   All problems and troubles have been avoided in advance. The contract has also been repeatedly studied. If a bad old man is found to come in and cause damage, Tomorrow Foundation has the right to kick it out immediately and never include it in the charity list.


   And kind-hearted, willing to have a good old age, in the nursing home of Tomorrow Fund, there will be some happy, harmonious and loving old age.

  Because they are all lonely old people, Li Tian and Zhang Wei have considered even twilight love and other situations.

  Because of the high threshold, the old people who can enter the nursing home are old people with good reputation and personality. Without relatives, it is normal to have a twilight love together.


   Although Du Tingting has her own company, she has also done a lot for charity, and she has also participated in it and provided some opinions.

  There are other members of the Tomorrow Foundation. Some of them are really willing to do charity without salary. They find that the Foundation is so good tomorrow, and they are willing to stay and help more people as they can.

   It lasted a long time...

   During this period, Xiaochangmei was very obedient and didn’t bother, because she was silly and white, she didn’t understand anything, she had no dreams, and she didn’t know what she liked...

   Seeing that Li Tian, ​​the charity team is really one-on-one ~ is also deeply infected, and she also wants to try charity.

   At first I was very energetic. I went to a nursing home, or followed the team to the poor old man’s home...

   But after trying a few times, Xiaochangmei found that she really couldn't do it.

   It’s okay to offer love for a while, it doesn’t matter, but if you take this as a job and do it for years, she really can’t come...

   Xiaochangmei is different from any of Li Tianqi’s other girlfriends. Even Hanxiang, after receiving Li Tian’s help, she will choose to work hard to make the whole village prosperous, and she is still working hard now.

   Even Feng Xiaoling, who is also mediocre, asked for a good luck card on Li Tian's side, and Li Tian helped her add attribute points to help her in the workplace more smoothly.

   Unlike Xiaochangmei, she is not from a poor family. Apart from her cuteness and beauty, she has almost no specialties or ideals.

   She has a simple mind and she does things casually.

   But luck was good, so after trying hard, in the end Xiaochangmei decided that she would be a vase, a pure maid-level vase...

  Because she felt that Li Tian liked the feeling of her kneeling to serve him, every man would have some perverted and dark elements in his heart.

   Li Tian may have a lot of girlfriends, they really love each other, Li Tian can't bear those girlfriends like this. .

   But Xiaochangmei can, because the relationship between the two has been different from the beginning.

  Furthermore, the personality of Xiaochangmei’s maid and her willingness to serve and depend on the strong also determine that she is willing to serve Li Tian sincerely, and she is happy to serve Li Tian...

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