Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1597: Ups and downs

   Charity is not so easy to do. Not only does it cost money, but also many specific things are particularly troublesome to operate.

   Of course, if you have money to help one or two, it is naturally very easy. If you help too much, you will feel powerless.

   Fortunately, Li Tian is willing to give sincerely.


  Although lonely old people are more troublesome than children, there is one thing that children can’t compare to old people.

   is to succeed in bringing good character to good character, but when the fate of the widow and lonely old man received the nursing home carefully, the old man tearfully thanked him, saying that they had suffered for a lifetime and never expected such an old age.

   The old man has experienced social ups and downs and has seen the vicissitudes of life in the world, but because of the unfair destiny, he has toiled for a whole life, and in the end he still has a bad life.

   The appearance of Li Tian undoubtedly gave them an unimaginable old age. Of course, this old age is happiness, respect and decency.

   Tomorrow Foundation's strictness and determination for charity make it an unparalleled level of other charities.

   Old people know how to repay their kindness and know how to be happy.

   Their expressions, their touches, let Li Tian and others experience the satisfaction of doing good deeds.

   This is something that cannot be given to help children.


  Because Li Tian does not help bad old people, old people with bad moral character, so from the root, it is guaranteed that the widows and widows who come to the nursing home are destined to be in a comfortable environment where they can be friends and even fall in love at dusk.

   Even many years in the future, the nursing homes to be built by the Charity Foundation tomorrow will have a lot of management, humanized systems, and high-quality elderly people. Some have begun to learn drama, shadow puppetry, calligraphy, and chess. Many TV media rush to report.

It is incredible that this is actually a charity nursing home. One of the most famous old people was a painter when he was young. However, his paintings were not accepted by the world, but he did not give up. He finally moved into a charity nursing home at the age of 60. With the help of Li Tian and others, he succeeded in making 100 exquisite art paintings in his life reappear, the most powerful one, even sold at the auction house for a high price of more than 2 million.

The old man became the most famous person in the entire nursing home, but he still did not choose to go out. He continued to concentrate on painting, and all the money from selling paintings was donated to the Tomorrow Foundation. Among the list of less than 100 private foundation donations, this An old man with a famous painter suddenly squeezed into the top twenty.

  Of course, in addition to this treasured old man, there are carpenters and bamboo weaving veterans, all of whom have unique skills and have been on TV, making the nursing home here full of love and affection.

  No old people want to leave here, even if they become famous later.

  Because this is the happiest and loving place in their lives.

   There are more than a dozen pairs of old people who have found twilight love...


   Later even the old people who have developed to the outside world want to just come in, they are willing to pay.

But no, this is for charity, not a commercial nursing home that can be entered with money. Therefore, in the end, only no more than 3 elderly people can live in after being selected by Li Tian personally. Of course, they are ordinary lonely elderly people. , I wrote a confidentiality contract before I came in.

   These old people are qualified not because of how rich they are, but because of their good character, good morals, high ideological consciousness, and the good qualities of living and learning.

   At the same time, their family members are also very friendly, easy to talk, can communicate and understand.

   is not the kind that is stubborn and unforgiving.

   You must know that the people who live in are all elderly people who are almost at the end of their lives. The average age is about 60. Their bodies are prone to problems. Sometimes they walk, fall, and even get up again...

   If the old man’s family is not a comprehensible person, no matter how good the old man is, Li Tian will not let him in, and no amount of money will work.

   He can't cause this trouble.

   Whenever an old man has an accident in a charity nursing home, his family is sued to the court, and then the whole network is exposed, then even if the charity nursing home of Li Tian tomorrow is finished, it cannot be opened at all.

   Therefore, the rules and regulations of this nursing home and the elderly who come in are extremely strict, ensuring that it is the same as the products of the rich agricultural park company, with zero mistakes.


   Even if the nursing home is on fire tomorrow, there will be hundreds of elderly people who are famous outside, and no more than ten can live in in the end.

   Although Li Tian can sign some exemption contracts.

   But if he really encounters those elderly children with depraved morals, Li Tian will stay away from him. Even if he invests 10 million yuan, he will not let him in.

   Otherwise, it will cause trouble, it can't be solved with money.


   is like how to avoid being bitten by a dog.

   I was bitten by a dog, can't I still bite it back?

   In case of rabies, he may be bitten once and die.

  The best way is to avoid contact with wild dogs at all.

   Those old people with problems should not come in at all. No matter how pitiful, no matter how rich, no matter how urgent, no matter how urgent, they will not be accepted.


   Because of this set of strict screening system, the charity nursing home of Tomorrow Foundation is not only the best nursing home in China, but also the best nursing home in the world.

   Later, there were even elderly people from abroad who wanted to live in...

   Of course these are all things to follow.


After Li Tian, ​​Zhang Wei, Du Tingting and others successfully perfected the system of charitable elderly people, after the first batch of 9 qualified lone elderly people have been selected from the local area, Li Tian’s system prompts: [Congratulations on completing the random task, The rewarded 1 million cash red envelopes, 1,000 lottery points, and 1,000 system experience points have all been distributed, please pay attention to check. 】

   Of course Li Tian was very happy to hear this.

   But in order to do the best in charity, he still busy here for another whole day, explaining all the rest.

   Finally, I had a meal with Zhang Wei and Du Tingting, and then separated from each other.

   During this period Xiaochangmei has always performed very well.


   On the returning plane, the two chatted.

   Xiaochangmei hugged Li Tian's arm and leaned against him. "Brother Li Tian, ​​you are really amazing."

   Li Tian knew that this girl had learned from Du Tingting, and he also added the word brother.

   "Fortunately, in fact, there are so many powerful people in this world... I am just one of them."

   Xiaochangmei only had brother Li Tian in her eyes and said, "But, brother Li Tian is the man I admire most. There is no one."

   Of course, Li Tian would not be able to find himself by her flattering. He smiled and said, "Are you still going to be a vase and not doing what you want?"

   Little Factory Girl blushed and nodded, and then shook her head quickly. "Well, but when I go back, I plan to take a dance class..."

   Li Tian immediately smiled and said, "Are you going to be a dancer?"

   Xiaochangmei does not have such big ideals. Perhaps for Li Tian, ​​every time a skill card appears, he will become an expert.

But for the little factory girl, she dare not think of a family character at the top of the industry. She replied: "I just want to make my body softer, so that I can make you more comfortable when serving you Li Tian. …"

   Li Tian smiled bitterly when he heard the words, okay, high-end vase. .

   However, Li Tian did not object either. After all, everyone has their own choice. This is also the most suitable way for Xiaochangmei to survive.

   For Li Tian, ​​Xiaochangmei's figure is very soft, and the beneficiary is him, so naturally he doesn't need to talk about the big reason, just enjoy quietly.

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