Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1771: Rheumatism

Li Tian and Zhao Ruxue were extremely difficult. They were alone overseas.

Recall that when Li Tian first started to climb Zhao Ruxue, there was such a great disparity between the two of them, but now, walking together like this, they seem so close to nature.

Zhao Ruxue is undoubtedly a special existence for Li Tian, ​​so Li Tian didn't use the mission card, and wanted simple and sincere company.

The figures of the two of them were drawn very long on the beach, like a beautiful scroll.

As for Li Tian's other girlfriend's side, his obvious behavior is different, and of course he didn't go too far.

In the laboratory of Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group, Li Tian started new medical research.

Hepatitis B is just one of them. There will be many diseases that will be completely cured by Li Tian in the future.

The subject Li Tian wants to study this time is rheumatism.

Li Tian planned to start researching this disease for a reason. It was not because of the task, but because he happened to see the relevant prescriptions while reviewing the "Shen Nong Medical Book". Li Tian discovered that these were in the relevant medicines he had recently cultivated. , So I decided to do it.

The reason why Li Tian wants to continue to study this disease is mainly because this disease was difficult to cure before. In other words, it was impossible to cure it at all before Li Tian studied.

Rheumatism is a group of diseases that invade joints, bones, muscles, blood vessels and related soft tissues or connective tissues, most of which are autoimmune diseases. The onset is mostly hidden and slow, with a longer course of disease, and most of them have genetic tendencies.

In a broad sense, all diseases that cause bone, joint and muscle pain can be classified as rheumatism.

Continuing, so far in the classification of rheumatism, there are more than 100 diseases in a broad sense, including infectious, immune, metabolic, endocrine, hereditary, degenerative, neoplastic, endemic, toxic, etc. Causes of diseases.

In a narrow sense, it should be limited to dozens of diseases in the fields of internal medicine and immunity. Some of these diseases are interdisciplinary, such as gout, osteoarthropathy, and infectious arthritis.

Therefore, this disease is classified into many categories and cannot be treated uniformly.

Even if you go to the hospital, you still need a doctor to prescribe the right medicine after diagnosis.

However, Li Tian's current research was able to solve all the diseases that can be integrated in rheumatism in one way.

The general treatment is oral administration and external application, followed by injections.

Li Tian did not plan to use external medicine, because the disease could not be cut off before, Li Tian planned to study internal medicine.

The treatment of hepatitis B is a pill, and the right medicine is prescribed.

And this time it is small particles soaked in water, just like isatis root, even after taking it, the taste is better than this.

Because everything is readily available, Li Tian's research and development is extremely fast, and it will soon be ready for mass production.

This time, Li Tian also plans to build a factory in his hometown for rheumatism drugs, so that it can benefit the people.

Li Tian is now a big celebrity in their city, but not everyone will appreciate Li Tian.

One part did not receive Li Tian's favor, while the other part was born with the feeling that Li Tian didn't care for them.

In their eyes, even without the current Li Tian, ​​there will be Zhang San and Li Si behind.

So they have no feelings for Li Tian.

In fact, it is very normal for such people to appear, and there will never be a shortage of people in the world who eat and break the bowl.

Just like no one can make everyone like it, not even Li Tian.

But one thing is certain. Li Tian’s ability is now getting stronger and stronger. If he doesn’t hide his identity, Li Tian now has the highest medical contribution in more than 100 countries around the world. The specifications are treated.

Li Tian took the initiative to find the big star Sun Xiaoxiang. When she knew that Li Tian had successfully developed a rheumatism medicine without a word, she was undoubtedly stunned, and then she couldn't wait to start publicizing it.

She called Zhou Ruihan and asked her to do all the preparations.

And here, she said to Li Tian: "Li Tian, ​​you are too good."

Sun Xiaoxiang admired Li Tian very much at this moment. "The most powerful research center in the world is not so powerful."

Li Tian smiled modestly: "It's okay, it's okay, it's not that powerful."

After that, I will discuss with her the precautions related to this rheumatism.

Because this drug is so miraculous, the test patients see results very quickly, even faster than the hepatitis B drug.

Therefore, Sun Xiaoxiang is also vigorous and vigorous, the factories quickly make medicines, and the major pharmaceutical-related pharmacies across the country are quickly getting new.

The die-hard fans of Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group quickly bought the relevant products without much consideration.

Then they discovered that this turned out to be a new medicine.

[I'll go, no, Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group has a new drug. 】

[Yeah, it's incredible, this time it turned out to be rheumatism medicine. Although I don't have this disease, I still bought two boxes. 】

[My family has this disease, and it is particularly uncomfortable to get sick, but I didn't expect that this medicine can cure this disease perfectly. It is simply incredible. 】

[It is true that is a bulk drink that is soaked in water, and it says that sooner or later, it will be ready in 3 days. It was too fierce. It was obviously not cured before, but it was three days, which is a little weird. 】

[It’s just Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group, we just believe it]

After the emergence of rheumatism drugs, it undoubtedly caused an uproar in the entire medical world again, and then various authorities came out to speak.

Although there are some doubts, Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group has created countless miracles, so they dare not speak too much.

Three days later, the time came. Sure enough, the situation immediately changed.

The whole country and the whole world.

Medicines related to rheumatism are rushed all over the world, just because it is a new medicine of the rich pharmaceutical group and it is guaranteed to be rooted.

This kind of medicine is of course undesirable.

Three days later, countless cured patients were almost moved to tears.

【OMG! I am finally well, thank God, thank Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group, thank the people who researched this magic drug...]

【No illness and mild body. I have been ill for too many years. I almost forgot the feeling of bone comfort...Three days, 6 packs of medicine, not bitter, soaking in water is delicious, not expensive, only one hundred yuan One box, one box can get rid of rheumatism, which is simply a magic medicine. 】

Countless experts are also emotional.

[Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group is the greatest pharmaceutical company in the 21st century, and it will be recorded in history forever. 】

[Another great miracle in the history of human medicine, not only has hepatitis B completely eliminated, now rheumatism will also become history. 】

[Too exciting...]

Medicine is always a huge treasure of mankind, which is shocking, sighing, and moving.

Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group has now become a milestone in the history of medicine, praised by countless people.

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