Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 186: The real dish played by the anchor Li Bai

Li Tian was extremely depressed. Originally during the day, he thought his second live broadcast would rise tonight.

But as a result, not only was there no one living in the live broadcast room, but even playing games was not so smooth.

‘Forget it, it seems that this game can only lie down. ’

Since teammates are robbing heroes, Li Tian can't let them down.

So Li Tian chose a super-show jungler, yes, it was Li Bai——

When the teammates saw that Li Tian had chosen Li Bai, they immediately sent a request.

Li Tian smiled, and replied that there is no problem.

Then the game begins. The opposing lineup is Master Daji, who is equipped in the later stage and can take away the jungler Li Bai in one set. Very good and very powerful.

The old master of the side road hero, a 4th level big move can tie Li Bai for several seconds, very good and very powerful.

The tank Cheng bites gold, and the equipment is formed in the later stage.

Fighter Su Lie, two lives, it is impossible at all, very good and powerful.

Opposite jungler, Monkey King, in the late stage, he can crit to kill Li Bai with 2 sticks, very good and powerful.

"This game can't be played anymore—"

If Li Tian's game is more beautiful, it may continue to waver, but how to fight this kind of plastic surgery?

The game started, Li Tian's Li Bai ran to the jungle, still not forgetting to kill one person in ten steps, and staying a thousand miles away.

Li Bai still needs blue, so Li Tian chooses blue open.

As a result, just after playing wild, the opposite Sun Wukong, Daji, and Su Lie turned against the wild at the same time. When Li Tian saw that the situation was not right, he immediately ordered a request to gather.

The teammates are not bad, so they hurried over.

However, at this moment, Su Lie slammed Li Bai against the wall, and Monkey King took another baton. The jungler had lost blood severely. Only one-third of the game was left. Li Tian saw that this was not good enough. run. As a result, the mage Da has a 2 skill, Li Tian’s Li Bai fainted again, Su Lie hit with a thick stick, and what’s more annoying is that it also brought a beheaded, swish, Li Tian, ​​a jungler, was killed by Su. Reap vigorously.

"I'm going, did you make a mistake?"

The teammates came, Angela made a big fireball with a second skill, but did not hit anyone. Monkey King ate the blue to level 2. The skill CD was very fast, and immediately hit two again. The Angela who knocked was dizzy. Angela saw that the situation was not right, and immediately flashed to escape. Su Lie was a bitter again and pushed Angela to the wall, but Daji’s CD hadn’t arrived yet, Angela still had a little blood, and finally flashed and came to herself. Below the defensive tower, I didn't want the opposite old master to come out of the bushes with a skill pull, Cheng Yaojin turned, well, Angela also sacrificed honorably.

Less than 3 minutes into the game, 2 lives have been lost.

The teammates refused to admit defeat, just like the gourd baby saving grandfather, they sent them one by one. The descendants of the shooter were stunned by Daji, and they were directly attacked by a few big men. .

Sun Wukong had both red and blue on his body, and it was not good enough. Zhang Fei would die if he rushed in without a big move.

Kay can escape with a flash and two skills, otherwise he will get a group to destroy.

After Kai cleared the road **** typed "you are really a pit!"

As a result, the Master said that the jungler can’t do

The descendants are even more drunk, just say 6 points

Li Tian was speechless. In the last round, Angela was still able to get mvp. At the beginning of this round, he sent 4 kills and was accused of being a jungler.

Zhang Fei still has a good temper. There is no shooter on the opposite side of his Dao. He is wretched and developed in the late game.

To Li Tian's sudden surprise, the game was not going well, but suddenly two viewers came in the live broadcast room.

A viewer said that the real dish played by the anchor Li Bai

Another viewer said that the anchor was really funny and the voice was good. Then, she asked what does the host’s room name ‘Game Almighty Voice Actor’ mean?

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