Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 187: 1st female fan

Li Tian was very excited. He quickly calmed down and said in a softer voice, "Because the anchor is a voice actress, he can imitate the voice of a game hero."

Really? Don't tease the anchor, who would you imitate? The audience's screen name is Cute Little Dot.

Another viewer, 733, said goodbye to listening to the anchor's bragging. He Li Bai is not as good as I am. Seeing that there were so many people on the opposite side, I didn't rush to drive away, and then secretly took the blue with punishment. As a result, he stood stupidly and was accused to death by the other party.

Li Tian smiled. "You give me some attention, and I will show you a section."

In the end, this 733 said that the anchor was deceiving attention and left.

At this time, Li Tian’s Li Bai said a line, and Li Tian took the opportunity to imitate Dahe’s sword and come up to the sky, come~ fuck~

The cute little bit was surprised. Oh my god, will the anchor really imitate it? The sound really seems.

Therefore, since Li Tian's live broadcast, the first concern has been there.

The 733 found out, and he immediately said not to pay attention to him. He is a liar, and he must have played the recorded game Li Bai's voice.

Li Tian smiled again. Don't believe me, I can use Li Bai's voice to broadcast live with you. With that said, Li Tian looked at the game, using the voice of the game Li Bai to explain whether he saw it or not. On the small map, the three enemies on the opposite side wanted to break us on the road tower. Read my poem by Li Bai, a pot of wine, and a long song. , Yijian Tianya to destroy them.

As a result, before Li Tian arrived, Kai was tortured to death and the tower was pushed. He, the assassin Li Bai, ran to give away the second man.

Kekeke, everything is based on entertainment and entertainment.

However, at this time, the two spectators who came suddenly were stunned, and their focus was obviously not on the game.

The cute little bit said, "God! The anchor really knows Li Bai's voice, it's so nice."

Although 733 was surprised, he still didn't believe "Anchor, did you use any transformation cards, simulators, etc.?"

Li Tian smiled. He continued to activate his all-round voice actor skills and said in the game Li Bai’s voice, “I will not only know Li Bai’s voice, but after the next game, I can play other heroes and imitate the voices of different heroes.”

733 immediately said, "The anchor has a deep routine, so I want us to stay and continue watching your live broadcast. Okay, if you can imitate the voices of other heroes, I will not only pay attention, but also give me a reward."

Li Tian smiled. "Then you can be optimistic, I'm going out to have fun."

733 sends "Anchor, don’t wave, the opposite monkeys are level 5, UU reading, you are only level 2, you have a woolen yarn? Haven’t hurry to develop...Oh, forget it, your wild area has been reversed. Clean, you should go to the line."

To be honest, this 733 game is better than Li Tian. Under his command, Li Tian finally reached level 4, but he was scolded by his teammates because of the line.

The cute little bit likes the voice of the anchor. She said, "I have watched so many anchors, but this is the first time I have seen an anchor who can use Li Bai's voice to broadcast live. The anchor, although you can't play games, you are so talented and funny. You I usually watch the live broadcast every day."

Li Tian did not expect that this cute little bit became his first loyal fan.

The game only lasted 6 minutes and 32 seconds. All 4 teammates clicked to surrender. Li Tian didn't want to vote, and the crystal tower exploded.

"In the next game, I can imitate most of the heroes you want to watch." Although Li Tian is an all-around seiyuu, Li Tian is still conservative in order not to be too abnormal.

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