Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 527: so horrible

A group of foreigners have a high self-esteem. In the past, as long as you add friends with WeChat, you can basically add girls in Asia.

They are very good, and they don’t need to be particularly good. They only need to have a foreigner’s face, and then pretend to be a very gentleman and show them around. Basically, on the first day they met, they can fāshēngguānxì that night.

These foreigners specialize in playing with Asian women, even in island countries, South Korea, Thailand, etc. They like Asian měinǚ, and they can play tricks with the least amount of money.

There are not a few women who are fond of foreigners and foreigners, and foreigners know that Asian girls are so popular.

Of course, it cannot be generalized, not all good girls are like this.

Gringoes are also good. After all, many people have a problematic vision and have a deep misunderstanding of Asian měinǚ. The beauty they think often has a great origin from the beauty that Asians think.

These foreign scumbags have obviously played with many women, and they know what the real Asian měinǚ is.

However, at first he touched his nose.

Li Tian isolated them directly, without giving them the slightest chance.

Li Tian is not very familiar with English, and doesn't know if he is scolded.

But after these foreigners left, Li Tian realized that the faces of Li Yuxin and He Yun were not pretty.

"what happened?"

"Nothing..." He Yun's character is a bit weak, after all, she doesn't want to cause trouble when she is abroad. If you cause trouble in a foreign country, but you don't have a strong relationship to settle it, it's easy to be bullied by being unfamiliar with your life.

But Li Yuxin is different. She has Zhao Qi's side. She is aggressive. When Zhao Ruxue and Zhao Qi came to Li Tian's house, she was like a little tiger making trouble.

"The scumbags scolded us just now, saying that we are buses-damn, I want to kill them." Although this is Li Yuxin's angry words, but in a place that Li Tian and others do not know, a'foreign woman' 'But suddenly his ears stood up.

"It's okay, it's okay, not everyone is good. Next time I come out, sister Li Yuxin and I will wear sunglasses. They are too beautiful and will always cause some trouble." He Yun grabbed Li Tian and didn't want him to look for trouble.

But Li Tian was angry. On the surface, he said that He Yun should not worry, but secretly he thought of revenge.

Although modern history is a history of being bullied, Li Tian has never realized that being an Asian is inferior to others.

When encountering this kind of thing, naturally there is no way to go shopping anymore. Li Tian takes them back to the hotel, so that they can rest here and wait for Gu Jie and others to come.

And he is going out to buy some snacks or something.

He Yun was a little worried about him. Even Li Yuxin shook his head at his brother. After all, it is better to have his tail caught in a foreign country. Even if it is an ordinary fight, it will not have a good effect if caught.

Li Tian gave them peace of mind.

Li Tian returned to his bedroom and came to the mirror, really thinking that Li Tian and the ancient family were fighting wits and courage.

Li Tian is good at forbearance. He gained the blood of their ancient family through being with Peony. Now his physique is different from normal people.

In front of the mirror, his bones began to undergo subtle changes, and then he put a crude and messy human skin mask on his face, which he secretly made.

Although far worse than the ancient family, Li Tian is also studying hard.

Put on a dress and open the [eyes of my heart] to avoid almost all surveillance. However, what Li Tian did not expect was that he originally planned to come to the beach to beat the foreign scumbags. However, he did not expect that he would smell Arrived slightly burnt smell.

Immediately afterwards, the front exclaimed: "Gosh, they are fighting."

"Call the police..."

Because Li Tian didn't understand much English, he could only hear a few sentences, and was shocked when he approached.

I saw that the few foreign scumbags just now, all of them blushed, as if they were drunk, they fought with their own people, and the fight was particularly fierce, and their nosebleeds were all coming out.

"How is this going?"

It looked like he didn't drink alcohol just now?

Li Tian was puzzled. Suddenly he smelled the burning smell, which was very familiar. Immediately afterwards, Li Tian had a numb scalp. Yes, the scumbag was three people, but now one is missing, that is the gringy who just scolded He Yun and Li Yuxin as the bus.

The scary thing is that those who watched the fight didn’t even notice that there was one missing person here, so there was only one possibility, disappearing out of thin air, or the smell... spontaneous combustion...

The foreigner's scum burned out of thin air, except for Li Tian's familiar taste, nothing else.

Disappeared without a trace.

"The ancient family! It must be the ancient family——"

Looking around in horror, Li Tian turned out that the ancient family had always been there. Whether at home or abroad, the corners of Li Tian’s mouth were a bit bitter and terrifying. This method of killing is invisible, and what’s more terrifying is that in broad daylight, It didn't even arouse everyone's suspicion. As for the two people who seemed to be drunk and beaten to the blood, most of them were also planted with a neurotoxin and were controlled by others.

These methods all showed that they were made by the poison master Peony.

‘Where are they? ’

The ancient family all had superb camouflage techniques that Li Tian could not find.

When he came back, Li Tian looked lost again.

Someone died out of thin even the foreign police didn’t even know about it. As for the scumbag's companions, according to Li Tian’s cruelty to Peony, most of them were abandoned, or they became mentally ill for a lifetime. Or, there are more terrifying waiting for them.

Today's Li Yuxin is no longer the Li Yuxin he used to be. Even if it was just a verbal insult, the ancient family would not let them go.

"Li Tian, ​​are you okay?" He Yun came over to comfort Li Tian.

Li Tian shook her head. Li Yuxin on the side seemed to see something, but she didn't say much that the power of the mysterious ancient family had long been confined not only in China, but also in foreign countries.

It's just that they are controlling secretly, not the power on the surface.

This level is too high. If it weren't for Li Yuxin, it is estimated that Li Tian would not have encountered it in his life. Even if he did, it would be classified as an unsolved mystery of the world, and would not let him know that there is such a terrible ancient family exist.

Li Tian became nervous again, but no matter whether it was Peony or Rose, or the ancient family abroad, they did not come into contact with Li Tian.

Until Gu Jie really brought the two sisters of the Tang family over.

They don't know what happened before, and everyone is very happy to meet abroad.

Tang Xiaohong dressed very beautifully. He was obviously bāoyǎng, but he was very suitable for Gu Jie.

When Tang Xiaotian, the little loli beside Tang Xiaohong, looked at Li Tian, ​​Li Tian's heart immediately shrank. No, this little girl is fake from beginning to end, right?

{End of Chapter}

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