Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 549: Congratulations, the system has been successfully upgraded to level 8

Chapter 549 Congratulations, the system has been successfully upgraded to level 8. "Thank you."

Li Tian said sincerely.

"You're welcome..." The quiet girl with glasses pointed to the store next door. "I've been drinking coffee there just now and I saw Uncle... Brother, you have been handing out flyers with a smile on your face, which is very touched. Sorry, I didn't mean to laugh at you."

Li Tian smiled and said, "It's okay. You are a kind girl and will be rewarded."

A trace of melancholy flashed in the girl's eyes, but she didn't say much, but like a little girl, stretched out her white fist and said to Li Tian: "Come on."

Then she left with the flyer.

Li Tian looked at her back and smiled. There are still good people in this cold society.

Li Tian's body seemed to have been injected with strength to make him move forward. He continued to hand out flyers with a smile. All afternoon, his smile and his figure almost became a beautiful scene in the shopping mall and pedestrian street. Scenery, and some girls who play on the Internet, several of them have photographed Li Tian.

Although he is not handsome, his eyes are vicissitudes of life, and his head is full of sweat in such weather, but he never forgot to smile.

Almost all the videos I took have become popular.

Because this is too positive energy-

On the Internet, Li Tian made a small hit in this way.

Of course, it was just a small fire.

Among them, the manager came down once, and Li Tian's attitude of handing out flyers touched him.

An hour ago, when Li Tian didn’t know it, on a crowded bus, the wretched man who had touched Li Tian’s buttocks in the elevator before, a scum like him, rushed into the bus during peak hours. Finding young and beautiful girls in there is just to take advantage of them.

It used to be all right, but today, he was caught upright on the spot, and then beaten into a pig head. I don't know who made the shot and broke his stamina.

And an hour later, the man who hit Li Tian with the big five and three rough, but cursed the man who kicked Li Tian's headgear away, he was even more miserable.

He went to drink with Hu Peng and Gou, but when he was looking for a bar girl, he was beaten in an alley. The beating was so bad that his head was broken and one leg was directly broken.

And it was a man who shot, however, when the man walked out of the alley and pulled off his human skin mask, the bones of his body began to crackle and turned into a cold and beautiful woman.

At this time, just under the dark night, a ghost fire flew, and then turned into a girl like a loli, with a mocking smile at the corner of her mouth: "Rose, you protect that man like this, it's not like your style. what!"


Rose ignored her and said: "You can't control it."

Then he moved away very quickly.

"Huh! Duplicate woman."

The girl didn't leave, but walked into the alley just now. When no one noticed, her eyes and long flowing hair turned silvery white.

Suddenly the scream of the man came from inside.

"No! No! Don't kill me—ah!"

Peony slapped her little hand and turned into a ghost again and disappeared.

After she left, the ashes burned in the alley were also directly blown away by a gust of cold wind, and then nothing was left.

As night fell, Li Tian finally returned to the milk tea shop. I have to say that with Li Tian's efforts for an afternoon, the business here has indeed doubled.

Li Tian's old face almost stiffened his smile.

"Excuse me, the manager, this headgear made me dirty."

However, to Li Tian's surprise, the store manager suddenly pulled Li Tian aside. "You are the person I have ever seen and distributed the flyers the most. Here is 200 yuan, buy some delicious food, in the future our store will do activities, I will look for you."

200 yuan is quite a lot. If Li Tian did his job step by step, he would be worth 60 yuan this afternoon, and he even had to buckle a little because he soiled other people's red bear clothes.

The store manager was able to give him 200, indicating that Li Tian has indeed made income for his store, and at the same time, it shocked his professionalism.

After adding the contact information, the manager personally gave Li Tian a cup of milk tea and a piece of cake, and then went to work.

Sometimes, a little touch is as simple as that.

This also reminded Li Tian that the harder he worked, the luckier he was.

Because, at the same time, his system also prompts: Congratulations for completing the random task. The 10,000 yuan cash red envelope, 500 lottery points, and 300 experience points have all been distributed, please pay attention to check.

Li Tian was extremely excited.

I worked hard all day, looking for a job handing out flyers in the morning, and enduring endless gaze and coldness in the afternoon, just for the harvest of this moment.

No matter how wronged, no matter how angry and uncomfortable, this moment is worth it.

Li Tian went to the mall bathroom and washed his face. He was not in a hurry to go back. He sat on a stone bench in a square. The night was cool, but the stars in the sky were bright and beautiful. Li Tian was not in a hurry to drink the warm milk tea. I'm hungry, eat a piece of cake first, and then turn on the system.

His transparent system can only be seen by him alone.

In the inventory, click Confirm collection.

The system is indeed very user-friendly now.


When Li Tian clicked to confirm to receive the 10,000 yuan cash red envelope, WeChat went directly to the account. When Li Tian clicked to receive 500 draw points, adding the original 300 to 800 draw points.

When he clicked to confirm to receive the 300 experience points nervously, Ding Dong, his total experience points exceeded 6051, and then, the entire system page directly burst out dazzling fireworks.

Congratulations, the system has been successfully upgraded to level 8.


When the number 8 was successfully displayed in the upper right corner of the system page, Li Tian was very happy.

It is really not easy to be able to upgrade successfully.

Ding Dong——

System upgrade, reward 500 lottery points, 50,000 cash red envelopes, and 1 good luck card.

Li Tian smiled sincerely this time, and he clicked to receive them all.

The lottery points accumulate to 1,300 all at once, the WeChat cash red envelope is also a joy, and the good luck card...

At this moment, the night breeze blew Li Tian's hair, which was held together by sweat during the day.

The night is beautiful, and the mood is beautiful.

Ever since, he clicked to confirm the use.

Then the good luck card once again turned into a colorful light that only Li Tian could see. Li Tian picked up the milk tea that had not been drunk and the cake that was left, and immediately followed.

Passing through the square, passing through a green flower pond, came under a large commercial building, and then, the colorful light brought by the good luck card What surprised Li Tian was that he was in front of him. The only quiet girl who took the initiative to ask for flyers during the day appeared. She was still wearing thick glasses and dressed very ordinary, with a thick scarf around her neck.

She seemed to be talking anxiously to the unsmiling man in front of her.

The man seemed to be her supervisor, and he said coldly: "Xiaojia, you are indeed very talented, but you offended the boss’s son during your internship. Even though I value your talent, I’m sorry. ."

After the man left, the girl called Xiaojia just squatted on the ground and cried. It can be seen that she worked very hard, but in this world, there are often many unfairs.

Li Tian didn't hesitate, he walked over and handed over the milk tea that was still warm and had not been drunk.

The girl was surprised. She raised her head with tearful eyes and saw the man who had laughed all afternoon under the street lamp behind Li Tian. (Needle Farmer System: 110110272)--(Needle Farmer System)

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