Superman Lord Of The Abyss Game

Chapter 104 Abandoning the Mission (Continue to ask for the first order!!)

[The settlement of the first phase of the main task is started, and the player tasks that have not completed the final task continue. At the same time, you can choose to abandon the first main task, end all tasks in the novice village, and fly to the novice city "City of Hope", please choose]

He Shan was a little shocked. This game is so user-friendly, and he can choose whether to abandon the main mission. According to the novels He Shan has read on Blue Star, these big bosses of Samsara, the main god, are mostly behind the scenes. For one's own benefit or for his own happiness, let the creatures who were taken captive by him fight to death and kill them at every turn. Facing the situation of death, he must rely on his own wisdom, courage and strength to make a way out of life.

So, what kind of game is this abyss game, can you give up the mission?

He Shan was silent for a while and asked

"Excuse me, will there be any punishment for giving up the task"

In fact, this is just a question He Shan couldn't help but ask. He never thought that the game official would answer it. Surprisingly, the game prompt light curtain actually answered.

[There will be no game penalty for giving up the novice village mission, but in the era when Weili belongs to oneself, fate has already marked the price for any choices made]

He Shan watched the prompts of the game and brainstormed crazy in his mind

"Novice village", the definition of the game for the current world is novice village, and as we all know, the novice village of every game is very important to the player. It is the first step for the player to complete the accumulation of strength and capital accumulation.

"There will be no game penalty", then there must be a penalty outside the game. No, if you contact the destiny marked price, it is difficult to say what the "punishment" is. There may not be a specific penalty, but The path of spiritual practice afterwards may not be easy, yes, it must be like this. The latter half of his life is utterly drifting, muddled, and not strong enough, isn’t it also a punishment given by fate?

"City of Hope", a newly-emerged place name, in the name of hope, there are only two possibilities, a city full of hope, or a city full of despair, both are possible, but they can’t be distinguished and it’s troublesome.

In the end, He Shan thought, since the game has answered his question, will he answer the second, um, this is very possible, but what about the third, and also possible, the fourth? That’s basically impossible. You need to know how to do things. AC counts.

"Can you introduce the City of Hope"

Soon the game system prompts, but when He Shan saw the prompt, the corners of his mouth twitched. Sure enough, the routine system is not so easy.

[I'll know when you go (sneer)]

The broadness of the problem, the system can distinguish it, and it can also send a "sneer" expression, indicating that it is not an artificial mental retardation in the operation or the administrator who manages the game system has set up an automatic response. The people on the Blue Star are not stupid. In the era of the Internet’s information explosion, it is really not unusual to get the most answers to the least used questions. Therefore, the administrator directly set up an automatic reply and posted an emoticon when he saw it?

It is indeed possible!

Then the third question should be considered, don’t think about routines, don’t think about more sets of information, and ask yourself what you need to ask the most.

"Is there a sun after the ascent"

He Shan stood there and waited for a long time, like a criminal waiting for the trial of fate. Then there was no information at all, and the system prompt did not appear again for a long while. After He Shan confirmed that the system did not appear again, it seemed like a smile. Crying, not crying, patted his forehead, there were only two questions, but the effect of asking one question, blood loss!

And in a world that He Shan didn’t know, a girl in a sea-blue dress saw that she was satisfied with the answer to her third question, and then asked her fourth question, but did not receive any response, and her body became stiff. , Looked up at the dark sky like the deep sea, concealed his embarrassment, waved his hand with a sense of excitement, Leviathan roared under his feet, and took the girl into the endless and bottomless deep sea.

He Shan opened the [Forum]. Sure enough, there are a lot of people on the forum at this time. The posts in the forum flow down like a waterfall. If He Shan does not have strong dynamic vision, he can only lock the posts like ordinary people. Watch slowly, but this post like a big waterfall slowly see when you want to go

I roughly read the Blue Star player’s post, basically asking if you want to give up the mission to ascend to the "City of Hope", will there be punishment for mission failure, after all, He Shan is not the only one who has read the main Shenliu novel.

I’m a god: Let’s analyze it rationally. First, since the game has offered to give up the mission to ascend to the Novice City, and no punishment has been written yet, there will be basically no additional game punishment, otherwise it is just slapping own face. Second, who should give up the task, can't see the hopeful player, know the player who should be retreated, and feel that he can't stick to the player, life is very important, and the City of Hope may not be without new opportunities. Third, if you still have a glimmer of hope, please go on fighting. Everyone knows the meaning of novice village. Everyone knows it. There are dangers, but there are opportunities. There are systems that guide us step by step to become stronger. Yes, the game The system is guiding us, we can’t say any more

He Shan saw that I was a god’s post, and also gave the other party’s classic analysis. He secretly gave a thumbs up. Yes, the kid has a future. He is very close to my idea. This name is a bit arrogant, but the other party is still Some arrogant confidence, He Shan has also heard the system’s full-server broadcast. I am a god and I am also the first in a certain stage of a certain dungeon.

In fact, as long as there is a name on the forum, they are considered powerful bosses, like He Shan’s pseudonym "Saitama", and the first "Sea King" who completed the task, and occasionally heard the name "I am a god". There is a name indicating that the achievement has been achieved. As for the ones that have not been achieved, well, it is the long series of game numbers, so the masters are still very easy to recognize

After thinking for a long time, He Shan still sent a comment

Saitama: First of all, I declare that I don’t make any suggestions. Any choice needs to be made carefully by myself. First, I am God’s saying that there is no punishment for giving up a task. I have confirmed with the game system that there is indeed no punishment. Second, a fair assessment of own Strength, life is only once, please cherish, third, soaring is not necessarily a bad thing, a new starting point in the new world, there may be a new beginning there (above, personal opinion, for reference only, no responsibility)

He Shan glanced at the message he sent, and sighed. To be honest, there is not much he can do. Even if he has a superhuman bloodline and set foot in the legendary Realm, he cannot push the world. Not to mention the most powerful, the Dark Titan Bimon, the king of the earth, who is about to step into the mythical Realm. Even the legendary Skeleton King is enough to drink a pot.

Countless posts stalled for a moment after He Shan sent out the message, but soon declined at a faster rate.

"Hey, this is a bit interesting"

He Shan looked at a post, locked the interface, looked at it carefully, and analyzed it carefully. It really makes sense!

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