Superman Lord Of The Abyss Game

Chapter 105 Reward Settlement (Look for another wave of first orders!)

What He Shan is looking at is a post written by a "businessman". The specific content is still quite a lot, but the main meaning is that the resources in novice village can be left and replaced with hard currency, such as inscriptions and attributes. The inscriptions, even listing the possibility that the inscriptions will be hard currency one by one, are logical, clear and convincing

Whether the inscription is hard currency or not, He Shan doesn’t know, but this big business man was the first big man to create a business alliance in Otherworld. He shocked many people at that time. At least He Shan was shocked. , The financial resources of Tongtian are also extremely powerful, at least in those war-torn worlds.

Don’t think that it’s not safe to hold so much wealth in the hands of an ordinary person. Wealth can be psyched. It’s not just like on Blue Star. Behind every powerful company is a large group of capital. Then in those wars and chaotic worlds, behind every ordinary person who masters the wealth of the sky, there are a group of strong men, or investment, or wooing, or interest binding, etc. The world is a red dust net, and the net is live. Everyone!

At least at this moment, He Shan feels that he can trust the other party. Besides, this is also beneficial to He Shan. After all, bad boats have three catties of iron. Besides these players, maybe they are really desperate, but they must not feel that They have nothing, especially those players in the war-torn world, with the idea of ​​making a fortune for labor and capital, and unabashedly scouring a wave of population. He Shan felt that those people must do it.

Sure enough, a large number of people believed the post of the "business tycoon", [transaction] gradually appeared in the market a large number of creature cards and map papers, etc.

He Shan smiled lightly. Business is indeed very profitable. Perhaps the big business man has a lot of inscriptions in his hands, but you must first know that killing people and setting fire to a golden belt, repairing bridges and repairing roads without corpses, business needs to keep a certain amount of activity funds. , And powerful lords like He Shan not only have a huge number of inscriptions, but also have absolute control over these inscriptions.

During this period of time, He Shan has obtained many inscriptions. What is the inscription? The inscription is part of the origin of the abyss. It is the essence of the abyss. The world has fallen into the abyss. It has essentially become the same as the abyss. In the living world, he also has the authority to control a certain amount of inscriptions

The abyss is chaotic, so chaotic that even if the world uses the original power of the abyss to avoid falling into the endless abyss, the abyss will not stop it, and even support it, because no matter what you, the meat will always be rotten in the pot, and it will be the owner of the abyss. Want to run away?

As the lord, He Shan's army attacked and killed a large number of undead skeletons, and also obtained a large number of inscriptions, and even a lot of attribute inscriptions.

Therefore, He Shan started to scan the goods, the life card, buy, get the map paper, buy, the random troop inaugural symbol, this thing seems to have another under the box, it doesn’t matter, buy, design drawings, buy, a lot of resources, buy...

In fact, it is not only women who like to buy, buy and buy, but men also like it. He Shan sweeps goods really. They sweep the goods in piles and piles. The price is not expensive anyway. Well, a dozen or twenty inscriptions. There are more than two hundred undead skeletons. At that time, a lich exploded two attribute inscriptions. Now the attribute inscriptions can be exchanged for 100 ordinary inscriptions.

Soon, the beginning of the transaction was over. After all, it was a group of sirs. There were good things, but there must not be many. After all, to a certain extent, the number of good things also determines the strength.

[This time the countdown to the closing of the Ascension Channel, 10, 9, 8..., 3, 2, 1, the channel is closed, you can apply for Ascension to leave after completing a small loop of the main mission]

[The first phase of the main task is completed and the reward settlement begins]

[Detected that you have killed the first guard boss: Marquis of Undead, Legendary Necromancer, Skeleton Mage, Tulip*Chris, you have completed the first phase of the mission, the second phase of the mission is open: Recover the Eastern District (different from person to person) , One fifty cents, deleted in brackets)]

[The second phase of the main mission starts, chasing death to the north, Le Shi Yanran: Life and death Samsara is more than that, you live them and die. Even in the chaotic abyss, there is no large-scale coexistence between creatures and undead. They are in the East Zone, and the powerful Skeleton King dominates one side, but as a creature, you are naturally hostile to him. Please fight with it to determine the East Zone’s ownership. 】

[Remarks: The South District and the West District seem to be about to move, the Central District seems to be different, please pay attention]

He Shan has thought about confronting the Skeleton King, but I didn’t expect to come so early. Well, it should be possible to delay the time. At least wait until He Shan enters the Legend Realm by himself. Not unacceptable...

[The first phase of the main task is completed, the reward has been delivered, please check the email]

He Shan clicked on the mail that has been useless. Sure enough, a piece of golden mail was flickering. He Shan reached out and clicked. There were three more items in the [Package]. He Shan's eyes twitched, and there were only three items. There are few accidents

A mythical level clearance treasure chest, a tiger charm similar to the random troop inaugural charm, and a design drawing

Special items: [Optional units inaugural symbol]

Quality: Transcendent



Note: You can choose any of the Transcendent units in the list to be employed. Please note that some units are only suitable for special races

List of Transcendent units: Li*Angel Legion (limited angels), Shenlongwei (limited dragon bloodline), giant Divine Armament (limited giants), tiger and leopard wolf ride (requires wolf mount)...


Territory building: [Inheritance Hall]

Quality: Myth

Equal order: third order


Description: A territory can develop in the long term, such as a heritage hall

Inheritance Hall: It comes with the drawings for making inheritance stone pillars. It requires professional inheritance stones and other materials to create inheritance stone pillars. Inheritance stone pillars will never wear out in the inheritance hall. Inheritance training method (arms inauguration), vocational training method (professional inauguration), skill training method are available (Skill learning), assistant vocational training method (assistant job inauguration) and level promotion

Remarks: The territory without the inheritance hall will not last forever, this is the heritage of a territory!

This is a real accident. I did not expect to be able to produce a top-level map paper. The inheritance hall is easy to build. The inheritance stone pillars in the difficult stone hall not only require a lot of materials, but also the most important cores. There is one kind of material, He Shan has seen one. The inaugural talisman can be used as the crafting material of the inheritance stone pillar after the optional arms are selected.

This is what He Shan never expected. He hadn't used the powerful Transcendent units yet, and he was caught up by the game system. He took out a blueprint of the Inheritance Palace, leaving He Shan in a dilemma. In the future, how to choose!

He Shan’s choice difficulty attacked immediately, he smiled madly, and prepared to hand it over to Li Xiuning’s Little Big sis to make a choice.

Next is the happy time to open the treasure chest

So, what is a happy planet!

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