Superstar Couple

Chapter 37 How much can a nursery rhyme sell for?

Chapter 37 How much can a nursery rhyme sell for?

The person who came was the owner of this clubhouse, and the person who fought Zhang Le just now was obviously from this clubhouse.

It is possible that such a large clubhouse opened in the suburbs of Yanjing and attracted so many so-called upper-class people. If there is no energy in Yanjing, even the beggars on the street will not believe it. It is not surprising that such a person has masters around him.

"Brother Xiang, I'm sorry." Wu Xiaoyong hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile, "Although we didn't do it first, the loss here is on my account. I'll serve wine to Brother Xiang to make amends some other day."

"Xiaoyong, who are you arguing with to the point of fighting?" Brother Xiang smiled, and then glanced at Lin Xiaofan who had already fallen unconscious on the ground not far away, and suddenly realized.

Wu Xiaoyong and Lin Xiaofan are both old acquaintances of his club, let alone him, even the general public probably knows a lot about their affairs.

However, Brother Xiang was a little puzzled. Before, the two confronted each other with cynicism and sarcasm, secretly making troubles and so on, but they always maintained a bottom line. What's more, at their level, it's too honorable to do it directly.

"Are you okay?" Feng Lei asked with some concern under his dark circles.

"I'm fine, but I see you have something to do." Zhang Le smiled and said, "Don't be so impulsive next time, your bottle will directly bring everyone else into it."

"Can I just watch you being beaten up? If you lose arms and legs, how can I be at ease!" Feng Lei rubbed his swollen eye circles, gave Zhang Le a white look, and then said, "I'm not impulsive, I'm pulling out my sword to help my brother. It's fine if you're not moved, but you actually taught me a lesson. You deserve to be beaten."

"Just those few rotten eggs and rotten sweet potatoes can make me lose arms and legs?" Zhang Le said disdainfully.

"You can make calls, right? The next time this happens, I'll buy a glass of beer and sit and watch the excitement. At most, I'll watch you and my brother play together and cheer you up." Feng Lei said.

Zhang Le and the two walked up to Wu Xiaoyong while talking, glanced at Brother Xiang, and said apologetically to Wu Xiaoyong: "I'm sorry, did I bother you?"

Zhang Le was a little surprised that Wu Xiaoyong could do it. We didn't get along for a long time, and Wu Xiaoyong gave Zhang Le a more gentle impression. It's rare to see a gentle man beat someone up, and he beat him so badly.

"Hehe! What trouble is it? I've wanted to beat that guy up for a long time. After all, I'm the one who got you involved." Wu Xiaoyong smiled, and then introduced, "Brother Xiang, my friends Zhang Le and Feng Lei. This is Li Xiang, the owner of this club. , Just call Brother Xiang."

There is no doubt that Wu Xiaoyong won the group fight. Although almost everyone except Zhang Le had some minor injuries, but compared to Lin Xiaofan's party who was beaten to the ground, the minor injuries were simply the winner's declaration.

A group of people laughed and went towards the hospital. But Lin Xiaofan and others were carried to the hospital by the people from the clubhouse.

Just after Zhang Le and the others left, Yang Mingwei walked into the clubhouse. Seeing the messy scene, he looked at Li Xiang in surprise, and then smiled and said, "I said Xiao Xiang, what's going on! You Are you going to renovate?"

"Renovation?" Li Xiang was taken aback when he heard it, and then he reacted, smiled, and said, "You missed a good show."

"Oh, is that so?" Yang Mingwei smiled and didn't care.

"Do you know who was fighting here just now? Zhang Le, Xiner's boyfriend." Li Xiang smiled and said, "A Biao even fought him a few tricks. I didn't expect that guy to be very skilled. Why, don't you believe it? Ah You know Biao's skill, and he didn't take advantage of it. Besides, according to A Biao, that guy's kung fu is better than him, but his actual combat experience is too poor."

"A person who can hit acupuncture points secretly, how bad is his kung fu?" Yang Mingwei shook his head, and then said, "What's going on, why did he come to you to fight?"

"I found out the matter clearly, and I have to say that guy is very interesting." Li Xiang smiled, and then told Yang Mingwei about what happened before.

Wu Xiaoyong and Lin Xiaofan, as the top rich second generation in the country, have already attracted the attention of the media, and the two of them will do something from time to time to add some entertainment to people. Entertainment news, those two masters are regular customers.

Wu Xiaoyong not only likes to change young models and girlfriends, but also bombards celebrities on Weibo from time to time, attracting countless people to watch every time.

Compared to Wu Xiaoyong, Lin Xiaofan showed his true qualities as a scumbag. He got involved in the entertainment industry because of his romances, scandals, and disputes with countless female stars.

Two people who received much attention were reported to have fought and fought, and they were admitted to the hospital one after another. It is said that one of them was seriously injured. This kind of breaking news, for the media, is naturally not available.

What's more, this time the fight between the two rich second generations also involved Feng Lei, a second generation star, and Zhang Le, who was a hot topic. This news naturally aroused the pursuit of countless media.

After some investigations, those media were as excited as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

"A brawl over a song!"

"500,000 to buy and scold!"

"Lin Xiaofan satirizes singers for selling songs!"

"Zhang Le wrote a song and secretly scolded Lin Xiaofan!"

"The fists and feet of the rich second generation are facing each other!"

"Those things about Wanxing Group and Wanbang Group!"

The media has spared no effort to speculate on this matter, and countless people are discussing it on the Internet.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world. The ins and outs of that matter can be regarded as being figured out clearly. Wu Xiaoyong and Lin Xiaofan, the two rich second generations, met in a club, and then fought each other. Wu Xiaoyong scolded Lin Xiaofan with Zhang Le's Internet language.

But Lin Xiaofan, who had no choice but to Wu Xiaoyong, thought that Zhang Le was a soft persimmon, and wanted to use it to vent his hatred. So he ridiculed him as a singer, and his words were full of insults. Who knew I stepped on a landmine.

Zhang Le is obviously not a soft persimmon!

Buying 500,000 curses is unprecedented.

With 500,000 won such a song "without conscience", it's no wonder that Lin Xiaofan couldn't help but fight. It's definitely not that the 500,000 yuan was used by Zhang Le to do good deeds, but that song made Lin Xiaofan lose face.

Face is very important!

Things tend to be one-sided.

Lin Xiaofan was already notorious, but as far as this matter itself is concerned, he was the first to provoke, he was the first to insult people, and he was the first to strike! He was beaten up entirely by himself.

In the whole matter, Zhang Le was lying on the ground. And the reason why he sang such a song was obviously angered by Lin Xiaofan's insult, which is totally understandable.

And Zhang Le's song shows his musical talent even more. Not everyone can make a song like this immediately. As for the song Zhang Le sang, too many people were curious. What kind of song is a song that can make Lin Xiaofan furious?

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Zhang Le looked at Yang Xiner and asked.

"His words didn't just insult you, he insulted all singers!" Yang Xiner said, "I'm a singer too!"

"Hehe!" Zhang Le smiled, and then said, "Let's pass it on! In fact, this song is just an ordinary nursery rhyme."

Yang Xiner smiled, and then uploaded the video of herself singing "Song of Pigs" with a text: I am a singer and I sell singing, how much can a nursery rhyme sell?

But Yang Xiner did not expect that this Weibo post would be forwarded by countless singers.

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