Superstar Couple

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Zhang Le once again had conflicts with others, and Yang Xiner immediately started the "Supporting Husband" mode. The "Song of the Pig" she sang was naughty and cute, which made people feel happy.

Goddesses also have cute moments.

From the lyrics to the melody, this song should belong to the category of nursery rhymes. But the birth of this song is full of drama. Speaking of this song, it is inevitable to think of a sensational brawl, a rich second generation who is quite a topic, and it is impossible to have anything to do with the nursery rhyme.

A good nursery rhyme has become a curse song.

I am a singer and I sing, and while I am making fun of myself, I express my extreme dissatisfaction with Lin Xiaofan.

How much does a nursery rhyme sell for? This is even more naked irony. How many sellers? Naturally, it reminds people of Lin Xiaofan who spent 500,000 yuan to buy it.

Lin Xiaofan said that singers sell songs. This matter has been hyped by many media, which has already caused dissatisfaction among many singers. As soon as Yang Xiner's Weibo post was published, it was immediately liked and forwarded by countless singers.

This song, which caused Wu Xiaoyong and Lin Xiaofan's two rich second generations to fight, has aroused the curiosity of countless people on the Internet. The version sung by Zhang Le is only known by his name, but not by his name. Now Yang Xiner's singing has spread all over the Internet instantly.

The video of Yang Xiner singing this song also rushed to the top of the search list in an instant. The influence is gradually expanding.

Not long after the version sung by Yang Xiner came out, countless versions appeared, the most memorable of which was a three-year-old girl singing this song. That singing voice, that appearance, simply turned countless people so cute.

In this way, this is really a nursery rhyme!

The song became popular, and Lin Xiaofan was ashamed.

What made Lin Xiaofan even more angry and unbearable was that Wu Xiaoyong actually held a grand donation ceremony for the 500,000 he gave to Zhang Le, and invited countless media. The huge banner is extremely dazzling.

Thanks to Mr. Lin Xiaofan for his contribution to education in poor mountainous areas on behalf of Mr. Zhang Le!

So ironic. Especially the word "for" is extremely dazzling.

This banner seems to be afraid that others will not know. He spent 500,000 yuan to let Zhang Le sing a song, and Zhang Le donated the 500,000 yuan.

Lin Xiaofan gave the money, but Zhang Le donated it. It seems that Lin Xiaofan's money has gone out, his reputation has been taken away by others, and he has also been taken advantage of.

Although Lin Xiaofan was beaten to the ground, his injuries were not serious, and he left the hospital within two days. But after leaving the hospital, he went directly to the United States. Obviously, he was ashamed to stay in the country.

Yang Xiner's strong support made the two of them become a topic again. How did Zhang Le make Yang Xiner treat him like this?

Of course, Feng Lei also got a lot of fire because of this.

He is the second-generation star who has attracted much attention. Although he took action in this matter, he has won the support of many people, especially when he was interviewed by reporters, he said: "Brother was surrounded and beaten, don't you Why don't you just sit by and drink and watch a play?"

After all, Xinle Film Studio was a start-up, and the speed of post-production of "Crazy Stone" was naturally greatly affected by this. However, it is only September now, and there is still a long time before the Spring Festival. The time is not so rushed, and it is enough to keep improving.

Zhang Le and Yang Xiner became the topic again, the publicity of "All the Way With You" will naturally not be let go, it is inevitable to take the opportunity to make a big publicity.

Zhang Le's musical talent has been verified again. In the promotion of "All the Way With You", it is inevitable that Zhang Le sang a French song, and Yang Xiner sang the Chinese version of the song. This matter has been expected by countless people. I also began to look forward to the program "All the way with you".

The program will not start until next week, but the time for the second recording has come again.

Based on the previous experience, everyone was a little less restrained this time.

"This seems to be the way to the airport again?" Zhang Le looked outside, and then asked the staff, "Isn't there going directly to the airport, and then where to fly? Isn't there anything new?"

The staff smiled, but did not answer Zhang Le's question.

"Where are we going this time?" Yang Xiner asked.

"America!" said the staff member.

At Los Angeles Airport, Zhang Le and Yang Xiner held hands and walked with luggage.

"You won't have to go to the hotel by yourself again this time?" Yang Xiner asked.

"No!" the staff replied.

"No, that's good?" Yang Xiner said in disbelief.

"The program needs to be innovative!" The staff member smiled and said.

With that said, everyone came outside the airport, and the program team's car also drove over.

"Mr. Zhang Le, can you come here?"

After Zhang Le and Yang Xin'er put the salute in the trunk, they were about to get in the car, when the staff not far away waved to Zhang Le.

Zhang Le was a little puzzled, and was about to go there, but suddenly thought of something, then smiled, and said to the staff: "You can't lie to me, and then they took the opportunity to take Xin'er away, what kind of kidnapping and rescue, lost Looking for the plot, what tasks do I need to complete so that I can have a round with them?"

When the staff member heard this, he was stunned. And Zhang Le glanced at the other staff around him, and they looked similar.

"You won't let me guess right?" Zhang Le said in surprise.

"No! Teacher Zhang Le, you are thinking too much." The staff member reacted and denied it immediately.

"No? Your expression just now has betrayed you." Zhang Le smiled at Yang Xiner again, and said to that person.

"We're just surprised why you said that." The staff member said with a smile.

"Really not? Hehe, besides your expressions, the photographer in the car betrayed you just now. Do Xiner and I need two photographers? I wasn't sure before, it was purely random guessing, now it's time Some are sure. There is simply no room for so many people in the car. Then someone must stay, who will stay? If it’s not one of Xiner and me, is there a need for multiple photographers?” Zhang Le said with a smile.

"Okay, Mr. Zhang Le, you guessed it right. They need to go first, you need to stay, there are tasks to be completed." The staff smiled bitterly, and then said.

"Hehe!" Zhang Le smiled, and then said, "How about cutting out the part just now? For example, Xiner got into the car first, and I went to put the luggage. And just after the luggage was put, the car left without waiting for me? Hehe, yes It's not that Xiner didn't get in the car first, but because she helped me put my luggage and disrupted your plan?"

The staff smiled wryly again, just as Zhang Le said, Yang Xiner didn't leave Zhang Le and get in the car first, which disrupted their plan. The other three groups of guests all went according to the predetermined script, but they didn't expect that something unexpected happened to Zhang Le and Yang Xiner, and Zhang Le guessed the next plot.

Looking at the leaving car, Zhang Le smiled triumphantly at the camera: "Is it possible to cheat my future daughter-in-law in front of me? Who doesn't pay close attention to beautiful daughter-in-laws?"

Not long after the car left, Zhang Le's phone rang, and when he picked it up, he was immediately happy.

"Okay, Xiner was kidnapped, what should I do?"

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