Superstar Couple

Chapter 39 Wasn't it arranged by the program group? (Part 1)

Chapter 39 Wasn't Arranged by the Program Team? (Part 1)

Zhang Le embarked on the road to save his lover.

Complete tasks and get clues. The task is carried out in the form of a game, and the game is accompanied by some questions and answers. This shows Zhang Le's understanding of Yang Xiner.

For example, Yang Xiner's favorite song, favorite actor, favorite color and so on.

Zhang Le completed the game very quickly, and he never made a mistake in answering questions. Although they were the last group to get off the plane, Zhang Le quickly overtook the others and found the manor hotel where Yang Xiner and others were staying.

"You are amazing!"

Seeing Zhang Le, Yang Xiner ran away, gave Zhang Le a bear hug, and said happily at the same time. Zhang Le's performance was truly amazing. Xu Min, Chen Fang, and Zhang Yao looked at each other, then shook their heads and smiled wryly.

In the last recording, Zhang Le and Yang Xiner took the lead, their performances were extremely eye-catching, especially Zhang Le. But this time the recording has just started, and Zhang Le's performance is still so eye-catching.

Of course, there are winners and losers in the game tasks in the show, but the winners and losers of the guests are determined by the depth of impression left on the audience. In fact, if the program ratings are good, they are all winners.

Not to mention Zhang Le, Yang Xiner's reputation is the highest among the crowd. Even in the show, being crushed by the performance of Zhang Le and the others, for others, it is nothing to gain. After all, because of Yang Xiner, they received more attention.

"Low-key, low-key!" Zhang Le said with a smile.

"Oh, that's right. I remember I never told you what kind of movies I like to act in! How do you know?" Yang Xiner suddenly asked.

"Damned!" Zhang Le smiled and said, "I didn't expect to be fooled correctly."

"Then why are you obsessed with action movies, why not comedies?" Yang Xiner continued.

"You are an actor, so you naturally want to try more types of movies. And you have never made action movies!" Zhang Le said with a smile, "If you have time in the future, I will definitely let you enjoy it."

When Zhang Le said this, a movie suddenly flashed in his mind, an action movie about a couple.

Not long after, the three of Liu Zheng also rushed over. Although they didn't look too embarrassed, they showed signs of fatigue, but what people didn't expect was that Liu Zheng, an old actor who was over 50 years old, was relatively much better.

When asked about it, Liu Zheng flaunted his six-pack abs.

"Okay, everyone successfully rescued your lover, but you are not safe now, the kidnappers will try their best to capture you back, and then you will flee with your lover, and you will be safe only if you escape to the designated place." The voice of the director of the program group sounded. At the same time, the staff handed over the task card.

"The program "All the way with you" really shows the word 'road' to the fullest!" Liang Bin shook his head and said with a bit of tears.

Among the four male guests, his physical strength is undoubtedly the worst. The previous road to salvation had already made him out of breath, and now that he has not recovered, what kind of "escape road" is coming!

"The guest who arrives at the destination first will have the advantage in the next task." The voice of the program director recalled again, "And to the destination, you can find your own means of transportation, and the program team placed four There are four treasure boxes, and each treasure box corresponds to a vehicle, as for which vehicle you find, it depends on your luck."

"Wahhaha, I'm sorry everyone, the stupid bird flies first, we're leaving first!" Lin Yang smiled, pulled Chen Fang up and walked out.

"Sharpening knives and chopping firewood!" Zhang Le watched the other three groups of guests hurrying away, and said to Yang Xiner with a smile, "Four treasure boxes, four names, the place where the treasure boxes are placed must be the same There is a great connection. They search aimlessly like this, and they don’t know how many wrong paths they have taken.”

"Gold, wood, water and fire are named after four of the five elements. The treasure box of water must be related to water. Wood is the east, fire is the south, metal is the west, water is the north, and earth is the center." Zhang Le said to Yang Xiner , and then pulled out a floor plan of the manor hotel on the newspaper shelf in the house.

"Here, there is actually a swimming pool in the north of the manor! Let's go and have a look there." Zhang Le looked at the floor plan and said.

"See if there is any sign of the program group?" Zhang Le said to Yang Xiner when he came to the swimming pool.

"There!" Yang Xiner glanced around, and then found the sign of the program group, and then ran over, smiling immediately.

"I found it." Yang Xiner smiled happily, she never expected to find it so easily.

"Open it and have a look!" Zhang Le said.

"There is a key!" Yang Xiner said.

"Do you have a pen and paper?" Zhang Le picked up the key and said to Yang Xiner.

"Yes! But why do you need a pen and paper?" Yang Xiner asked suspiciously, taking out a pen and paper from her bag at the same time.

"You'll know right away." Zhang Le said with a smile. At the same time, he put away the key, wrote a line on the paper, put the note into the treasure chest, and put the treasure chest back to its original place.

"This treasure, I've already arrived first, wow haha!" Yang Xin'er read the note written by Zhang Le, a little confused, and then saw him put the treasure box back to its original place, she suddenly understood, smiled and said to Zhang Le, "You are good or bad !"

"Hey! There are even worse ones. Say, if we find all the other treasure boxes and put this note on them, they will finally find the treasure box. After opening it, ha ha!" Zhang Le said with a smile, He got up, then looked around and saw that there was no one around, and pulled Yang Xiner away.

Yang Xin'er's eyes widened when she heard it, thinking about the scene described by Zhang Le, she suddenly became excited and smiled sinisterly.

"Shall we go east or west next?" Zhang Le asked as he walked.

"Whatever!" Yang Xiner answered with great interest.

"Casual, girls can't say casual." Zhang Le said with a smile.

"Then go east." Yang Xiner gave Zhang Le a blank look and said.

"To the east, the east belongs to wood. Wood..." Zhang Le frowned and looked to the north, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"Could it be that big tree?" Yang Xiner followed Zhang Le's gaze to the east, and what caught her eyes was a towering tree.

"You'll know if you go and have a look." Zhang Le said with a smile.

The two quickly came to the big tree, searched carefully, and were discovered by Zhang Le.

"I'll come, I'll come! I'll write this time!" Seeing this, Yang Xiner said excitedly. She picked up a pen and paper, and immediately wrote, "Please take this treasure box to the director's team to exchange for a transportation key!"

"You are worse than me!" Zhang Le glanced at what Yang Xiner wrote, and laughed immediately.

"Let's go, let's raid the other two treasure chests!" Yang Xiner waved her hand in high spirits.

"There are four treasure chests of gold, wood, water and fire, why is there no treasure chest of earth? This is unscientific! Is it because there are only four groups of guests?" Zhang Le frowned, and then said, "Whatever, find the two treasure chests first Say more."

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