Supreme Arrow God

Chapter 790: Scatter search

Under the leadership of the Fengfeng masters, in accordance with the order of the first peak to the tenth peak, the disciples of each peak boarded the Xuxu Shenzhou that Xue Yinan took out in turn.

Xue Yinan didn't say much, there was an intangible power covering the entire wave of Shenzhou, and the next moment, the surrounding scenery reversed, and the crossing Xuzhou moved forward with a horrible speed.

At the time of the first breath, the disciples were able to see the surrounding images of the rapid reversal, and the second breath was completely blurred, like countless lines receding backwards.

The third breath has turned into a chaotic void around the sky, crossing the virtual Shenzhou has broken the space, shuttle in the dimensional void, in other words, it is already teleporting.

In less than a tenth of an blink of an eye, the Crossover Shenzhou had already shuttled from the dimensional void and returned to the real world. At this time, the Dark Star Temple was already ten million miles away.

When the disciples of Tenth Peak traveled from the middle continent to the Dark Star Temple, they all took the transitional virtual Shenzhou, but none of them was as fast as they are now.

The same is the crossing of the virtual Shenzhou. In the hands of the quasi-gods and true gods, the speed is not at the same level.

Crossing the virtual Shenzhou to the real world, only one tenth of an eye can't be blinked, and then to the dimensional void, and continue to teleport.

Repeatedly, in a blink of an eye, it can be teleported five or six times.

The dark star continent is extremely vast. The entrance and exit of the Tiangong continent is very far away from the Dark Star Temple, which is about hundreds of millions of miles away.

But for the speed of crossing the virtual Shenzhou at this moment, it seems that hundreds of millions of miles are not too far away. After only ten blinks of time, crossing the virtual Shenzhou to the real world, it stopped.

The entrance to the Tiangong mainland is here.

Duxu Shenzhou stopped at an altitude of 10,000 meters above the ground, and a thousand meters away from Shenzhou, there was a space crack.

A faint light shines through the cracks in the space, and one of them is faintly visible.

The true **** strong Xue Yinan waved his hand, and the intangible power shrouded outside the virtual Shenzhou boat dissipated.

Xue Yinan came to the front of Duxu Shenzhou and looked at the space crack in front. Tao: "That ... is the gateway to the Tiangong continent. This portal will last for one and a half months.

After entering the Tiangong continent, I calculated the time myself, within one and a half months. You must come back through this portal, remember, if you do n’t come back, the Void Portal will be closed and the prohibition will be fully opened. There is only a dead end in it.

The disciples of the Xinghe Temple and the Light Temple will also enter the Tiangong continent. There is a great chance of meeting in them. You are all disciples of the Dark Star Temple. In this, you must unite and help each other to fight against the disciples of the other two temples. Do not kill each other "

"Yes, elder"

The disciples replied in unison, and all looked excited.

The Tiangong continent can enter once every 100 years. Xue Yinan lived for more than 16,000 years. I don't know how many disciples have entered the Tiangong continent, and his heart is very calm.

Xue Yinan said lightly, "Go then"

As for the Tiangong continent, the disciples all yearn very much. At this moment, the entrance is right in front of them, and their faces reveal their joy.

First the disciples of the first peak, then the second peak of the third peak ... all the disciples of the tenth peak passed through the void portal in front and disappeared in order.

Xue Yinan's face was calm. The ten peak masters were sighing.

Opportunity often means risk. This hundred disciples are elites of outside elites. Most of them will become quasi-gods and core disciples in the future, but ... According to past practice, a batch of Tiangong mainland trips will inevitably fall.


Tiangong continent was originally an extraterrestrial land floating in an endless void. Only about a million miles away.

Compared to the normal starry continent in the streamer world, a million miles away is just a small piece of starry land. Lower-level continents like the starry continent have a radius of billions of miles, and the extraterrestrial starry land cannot be compared with it.

The disciples of the Dark Star Temple have a world map of the Tiangong continent on their body. This is a required item and is distributed by the temple. The top ten of the peaks have the opportunity to enter the Tiangong continent. The map of the Tiangong continent is in the top ten. Among the rewards.

On the map, the three entry and exit positions of the dark star continent, the galaxy continent, and the light continent are marked in three different directions.

The Tiangong continent is sealed, there is no rising or falling moon, no day and night alternation, and naturally there is no direction.

However, the warriors who entered the Tiangong continent from generation to generation set the direction for this continent.

The entrance of the Dark Star Continent is located in the south, the entrance of the Galaxy Continent is located in the west, and the entrance of the Light Continent is located in the north.

As for the East ... there is no entrance, but Ye Xing knows that somewhere in the East, there is a void crack that connects the Qingyun Mountains of the star continent.

After entering the Tiangong continent, Ye Xing did not intend to return to the dark star continent, and the star continent was where he was going.

However, Ye Xing is also very interested in Luo Tiangong's treasures. He is a true god-like arrowhead and is the closest to the Supreme Being in the true gods. He leaves an item casually. For Ye Xing, Heavenly treasure.

In front of the Void Portal, the hundred elite disciples of the Dark Star Temple were divided into ten groups.

Each peak ranked first disciple, naturally became the leader of the group.

"Many people have great strength, do we look for them together, whether we encounter treasures or the disciples of the other two temples, we are powerful enough to grasp more."

The leader of the Seventh Peak proposed.

The person who spoke was Zhuo Fei extraordinary. Just now he met Ye Xing, and the two greeted him with his eyes.

At Wu Daofeng, Zhuo Feifan successfully realized the arrow, but it took longer than Ye Xing.

Zhuo Feifan's strength is already very strong ~ ~ is at the first level of the seventh peak. Understanding the arrow means that he has greatly increased his strength and became the first person of the seventh peak.

The first people of the first nine peaks are all Samsung Kings. Only Zhuo extraordinary is the two-star King, but the strength is strong, but it has an entire outer door and is one of the best.

Zhuo Feifan's words were approved by the leaders of several disciples of Feng.

In Tiangong mainland, there is also danger in organic fate. The disciples who come in know that people have more strength and unity can reduce the danger to a minimum.

However, not all disciples agree with this proposal.

Xue Ziyi, the leader of the First Peak disciple, stood out and said, "Treasures of the Tiangong mainland have been searched nearly 200 times. Basically, the treasures that are relatively easy to find have been found by the predecessors. The rest Treasures are very difficult to find. If we all gather together, one treasure may not be available after one month. If you look for it separately and divide it into ten parts, you will have ten times more chances, so ... I think it should be scattered Looking for ... "To be continued.

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