Supreme Arrow God

Chapter 791: Are you afraid

Xue Ziyi's words won the support of more people. n∈n∈,

Hu Yanlong, the leader of Discipline II, said, "The purpose of entering the Tiangong continent is to find treasures and opportunities, not to come to swim in mountains and rivers. Opportunities and dangers always coexist. If you are afraid of danger, you still come to Tiangong continent. What do you do? Stay in Zongmen and let the other disciples have the opportunity to enter the Tiangong continent! "

The disciples who had previously supported Zhuo Feifang were a little blushed at the moment. Even the woman Hu Yanlong said so, it seemed they were very cowardly.

Yang Gan, the leader of the ninth peak disciple, said a little bit angrily, "Who says we are scared? If you scatter and seek, scatter and seek, I don't believe my luck will be lower than you."

Yang Qian originally agreed with Zhuo Feifang's proposal and looked for it together, but now, he changed his mind because of Hu Yanlong's words.

Among the leaders of Shifeng's disciples, only the second peak's Hu Yanlong is a woman. Since Hu Yanlong's attitude was expressed, naturally the leaders of the other disciples will not behave as a woman, and they all agree with Xue Ziyi's proposal.

As for Ye Xing, he also agreed to scatter the search. If he opened the card all over, his strength would rise by a large level. For him, it is best for him to act alone.

Seeing the approval of the scattered search proposal, Xue Ziyi smiled slightly and said, "In my opinion, we divided the ten peaks into ten teams according to the outside gates, and searched for different regions, and searched for teams in the same region, and continued to disperse. , Looking for it alone, if you find a treasure, then notify the team members to explore together, if you find a big treasure that the team cannot explore, then tell all the teams to act together? "

Hu Yanlong first agreed: "This should be the case, the personnel are scattered, the chance of finding treasures is greater, they are interconnected, and they can rescue each other when they are in danger."




Xue Ziyi took out the map, divided the southern and eastern regions into ten regions, and assigned each region to the team of each peak.

To the west there is the entrance to the Galaxy Continent. In the north, there is the entrance to the light continent. When you go to the west and north areas, you will definitely meet the disciples of the other two temples and fight. Since the south and east regions are enough for them to search, naturally they don't have to go to the west and north to venture.

After the division was completed, Xue Ziyi said, "These areas are enough for us to search for one and a half months. If there are no big treasures that all teams need to explore together. Forty-fifth day, the teams must come back to gather here."

Ye Xing looked at the division of Xue Ziyi. The area searched by Tenth Peak was located in the north.

The seventh peak, the ninth peak, and other peaks that were previously agreed to be searched by everyone, are also located in the north.

The entrance to the Dark Star Continent is located in the south. Therefore, the disciples of the other two major temples are not likely to come to the south to search, just like the disciples of the Dark Star Temple do not go to the west and north to search for a reason.

but. The eastern area is not the same, the three temples will not let go of the treasures in this area.

Therefore, in the eastern region, the three temple shrine disciples are more likely to meet.

Most of the dangers in the Tiangong continent come from the struggle between the disciples in different temples. Meeting with the disciples in different temples means danger.

Xue Ziyi allocated this way, and all the disciples who had different opinions from him before were assigned to the dangerous eastern region, if they were selfless. That is impossible.

However, danger and gain are often directly proportional to the entrance to the dark star continent. Located in the southern part of the Tiangong mainland, the disciples of the Dark Star Temple have searched the most in the southern area most and most thoroughly.

The probability of finding a treasure in the southern region is certainly not as good as in the eastern region.

Enter the Tiangong continent in order to gain something. Ye Xing is not afraid of danger and has no objection to it.

The ninth peak disciple leader Yang Qian did not want to venture to the east and raised objections. The second peak disciple leader Hu Yanlong was a person who was not afraid of danger and exchanged the two peak search areas with Yang Qian.

Disciples of Nine Peaks search in the south, while disciples of Second Peak travel to the east.

With all arrangements in place, disciples of Feng Feng went to the divided areas under the leadership of the leader.

The areas searched for the second, fourth, seventh, and tenth peaks are all in the east.

Everyone walked in the air, very fast, hundreds of thousands of miles away, and arrived within half an hour.

Reaching the eastern area, the disciples of Four Peaks scattered and went to their respective areas. After a quarter of an hour, Ye Xing and others reached the area where the Tenth Peak searched.

The area searched by the Tenth Peak was tens of thousands of miles, and at their speed, flying tens of thousands of miles was only a matter of a quarter of an hour, and it was easy.

However, in the area of ​​tens of thousands of miles, finding treasures is not so simple. For a month and a half, you can only search for this area roughly.

If you want to search carefully, it may take a year and a half.

However, the time is only one and a half months.

Because every time a disciple who enters the Tiangong mainland can only search for one and a half months, he can only do a rough search, and most of the treasure areas will be missed.

Therefore, even after searching for nearly two hundred times, treasures can still be found in the Tiangong continent. Even the true inheritance left by Luo Tiangong has not been discovered.

Ye Xing took out the map and watched it for a while, and said, "Brother Butcher, Brother Zheng, and Brother Gao, we four act independently. Brother Brother Sun and Brother Mo, Brother Brother Lu and Brother Ming, Brother Yu and Brother Zhen, you go together. Divided into seven groups to search, can you disagree? "

Ye Xing's distribution rules are the first four separate actions, the fifth and tenth, sixth and ninth, seventh and eighth team action, to ensure that the seven groups have strong strength.

Otherwise, like Ming Qiudie and Mo Tianhao, even the top strength of Samsung King is not enough, it is dangerous to act alone.

Everyone shook their heads, Ye Xing ascended to the top of the tenth peak with the nine-star Lord ~ ​​ ~ Even though Tu Qianzhang and Lu Li had contradictions with him, but now only admire, Ye Xing is in the tenth Feng's disciples have enough prestige.

Ye Xing divided the search area of ​​the seven groups and said: "Since there is no objection, go to each place and everyone will contact each other and pay attention to safety."

Everyone left, Ye Xing also left the sky in a certain direction.

Flying a thousand miles away, Ye Xing fell into a valley and said, "Hasn't you come out after so long with me?"

In the dense forest, a figure flashed out, and it was Xue Ziyi.

Xue Ziyi's expression was slightly surprised, and he said, "You can find that I am following you?"

Ye Xing looked at Xue Ziyi and said, "The reason why you want to let everyone scatter for a while, the real purpose is to trouble me when I am alone, am I right?"

Xue Ziyi smiled slightly and said, "Yes, I just killed you by chance. Are you afraid?" (To be continued.)

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