Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1313: The resurrected Prince of Ten Thousand Demons


Many powerful kings, their expressions fluctuated, their thoughts flowed, and no one chose to do it for a long time.


Many powerhouses of the Demon Cow tribe panted and shook hands with the totem pole.

The demon cow king has fallen, how can these demon cow clan powerhouses not be angry!

However, the remaining two half-holy demon lords of the Demon Cow Clan stopped them.

"Clan elder, this person killed the king, I must avenge the king!"

A soldier of the Demon Cow clan, his eyes were red and his mouth roared.

"The king has fallen, and my demon cow clan can no longer withstand greater losses!"

The semi-holy demon cow clan is unmoved.

"Could it be that we just watched that?"

The Demon Cow Warriors were unwilling.

"Of course not, the king's hatred will naturally be avenged, no matter who it is, if you dare to kill my demon cow clan king, you will have to pay the price of blood!

Shaoan and not impatient, soon, when the royal family arrives, it will be the death of these two people. "

The half-holy eyes of the Demon Cow Clan were cold, with awe-inspiring killing intent.

The powerhouses of the various races present are all thoughtful generations.

They don't trust each other, but they don't trust the Ten Thousand Demons Royal Family.

Since the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor had asked them to come here, he would naturally pay attention to the affairs of this place, and the powerhouse who wanted to come to the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor should also be there.


Just thinking about it, there was a slight trembling in the void.


Strands of deep black air emerged out of thin air.

Immediately, this deep black energy gathered more and more, turning into a huge black cloud, revealing a gloomy, evil aura.


A roar mixed with pain came from the black cloud, resounding throughout the sky, as if some terrible beast was gestating in it.

The powerful aura even escapes, shaking the void!

That terrible black cloud is like a passage leading to Jiuyou, exuding a terrifying aura, powerful!

"what is this?"

The eyes of many powerful monsters were immediately attracted, looking at the black cloud.

Even so, those dozens of semi-saint demon veterans had solemn expressions, and they realized from the dark clouds a terrifying power far beyond them.

The existence that can make them feel the palpitations, there is nothing else except the power of the saint!

"This is a strong man sent by your majesty. Which clan is it?"

Xiaoyue Demon Sovereign frowned, secretly guessing.

However, Raoyi didn't recognize the origin of this demon saint for a while with his knowledge.


At this time, a sound of spreading wings suddenly sounded.

The black cloud dissipated, and a huge body rushed straight out of it, as if it passed through the heavenly pillar, and reached nine days.


The surging momentum shook the world, almost shaking the sun and the moon!

Everyone quickly looked intently, and saw a dragon reaching a height of ten thousand feet, lying between the sky and the earth.

The dark scale armor, the sturdy wings, the hideous head, and the scarlet eyes gaze at everyone present, it is terrifying!

"His Royal Highness?"

"His Royal Highness, you are not dead?"

"This is the breath of His Royal Highness, this is the Black Wing Profound Dragon!"

However, Xiaoyue Demon Sovereign and other demon clan powerhouses, when they saw this huge figure, they all cried out in surprise.

This demon saint is not other demon saints, but is clearly the prince of ten thousand monsters!

Even Qin Yi couldn't help but raise his eyes and looked at the resurrected Prince Wan Yao.

However, Qin Yi had a smile on his face:

"This extraterritorial monster finally couldn't help showing his feet?

Casting a demon saint is a good handwriting! "

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