Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1314: The Prince of Ten Thousand Demons Breaking Through the Demon Saint


With a roar, the wind howled.

The violent black wind cut the void and blew out chaos.

When the peaks were blown by the black wind, they collapsed instantly and turned into smoke and dust!


The black profound pterodactyl transformed by the prince of ten thousand demons shook its wings for a moment, and in an instant the devilish energy was overwhelming, shocking the world!

A wave of demonic energy lingered around the Prince of Ten Thousand Demons, like a black light around the body, exuding an evil and terrifying aura.

Even many strong monsters frowned slightly.

Generally speaking, the creatures of Tianyao Continent, whether they are human warriors or monsters powerhouses, can't have such a pure demon energy.

Even the human martial artists who practiced the magic way, and the Nether Leopard family who were good at the devil qi of the imperial emissary, were not as good as the devil qi in the prince Wan Yao.

This demonic energy was vast and vast, and even the whispers of the Nine Nether Demon God came out!

The Prince of Ten Thousand Demons at this moment is no longer like the prince in charge of the affairs of Ten Thousand Demon Dynasty, but a demon **** who has come out of the devil world!

"His Royal Highness?"

Xiaoyue Yaozun stepped forward and cautiously probed.

"it's me!"

The Prince of Ten Thousand Demons bowed his head, and the vast demonic energy spouted from his mouth.

With every word spoken, the heaven and the earth set off gusts of cold wind, and the cold fell into the bone!

"Human, you caused this prince to almost die, but you don't know that your Royal Highness is sitting on a strange relationship, breaking through between life and death, and becoming a demon saint!"

"Speaking of which, the prince would also like to thank you. If it weren't for you, it might take years for the prince to break through the realm of the demon saint!"

"To thank you, this prince intends to eat you!"

Prince Wan Yao looked down at Qin Yi, and his scarlet eyes were full of jokes.

Perhaps before Qin Yi's strength, Prince Wan Yao thought he was not his opponent.

Then, after breaking through the realm of the demon saint, Qin Yi was not in his eyes.


With a thought, a long river with surging black water suddenly appeared.

The long river is rushing, surging and surging for thousands of miles, like the Jiutian River bursting and falling!

It was Xuanming divine water, but the current Xuanming divine water was also entwined with billowing devil energy, evolving into a monster that respected the sky and roared.


Immediately, the long river of Xuan Ming rolled and moved towards Qin Yi.

The power of billions of junks, coupled with the blessing of devilish energy, weighs more than everyone present can imagine.

Even if there is a demon saint here, the prince of ten thousand demons is confident and will kill him in one fell swoop!

What's more, what about a Feathered Venerable of Human Race?

After the prince Wan Yao had done all this, he slowly retracted his gaze and stopped looking at Qin Yi. In his heart, under this blow, Qin Yi would undoubtedly die!

Looking at the endless river of Xuan Ming, Qin Yi stood quietly and without any fear.

As the Xuanming River fell, a huge black hole emerged silently.


The powerful suction power immediately spread from the black hole.

This huge black hole, like a bottomless pit, will absorb the influx of the profound river, and those who come will not refuse.

Xuanming Longhe seemed to have an endless source, but in fact it was transformed by the mana of the Prince Wan Yao, so absorbed by Qin Yi, the Prince Wan Yao couldn't help but change his appearance.

As a last resort, Prince Ten Thousand Demons directly cut off the Long River of Xuan Ming!

"Humans, I underestimated you, but don't think that you can compete with this prince!"

The prince Wan Yao incited his wings, and his demonic spirit screamed.

"All clans follow the order, end the battle, and kill this human warrior!"

Prince Wan Yao shouted sharply.


Many strong monsters suddenly promised.

With the honor of the Prince of Ten Thousand Demons, one can command thousands of demon races!

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