Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1328: Extraterritorial demons

One hundred thousand mountains.

Quiet and peaceful.

A black light suddenly appeared in the void, with the roar of countless demon gods.

As soon as the black light appeared, the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped, causing gusts of wind and anger!

In the blink of an eye, it dropped thousands of degrees, the rocks were frozen, the vegetation withered, and it was like a world of Nine Netherworlds descending!

Wu Guang didn't stop much, and lased away.

In a short while, he came to a barren area.

Withered plants, no creatures survive, there is no life, only a desolate mountain stands here.

At the foot of this mountain, there is an inconspicuous cave.


When the black light sank into the cave, an unbelievable breath suddenly spread from the cave.

The whole mountain, even the countless surrounding peaks, are shaking!

Countless devilish qi, gushing out like a wave from the cave, a palpitation breath, filling this world!

Inside the cave, it seems that a fierce beast is dormant, its breath is constantly rising, as if awakening from a deep sleep, with unusual anger.

"Who is it, there are still people in this empire of Ten Thousand Demons who did this step!

With the power of the source of devil qi, it is enough to push the cultivation base of the ten thousand demon prince to the dual realm of sage!

In this decayed Tianyao continent, there are still people who can kill the existence of the sage in such a short period of time, but this seat has underestimated the Tianyao continent! "

The sound of anger floated from the cave.

Just as the Nine Nether Gods were furious, every word uttered shook Qianshan Mountain, and waves of nether and cold winds were set off in the world, with terrifying prestige.

However, in the end this awakening breath gradually fell silent.

"Hmph, wait until this constellation has swallowed the body of the old sage star snake, let's talk about this again!"

The voice in the cave is getting lower and lower.

The breath that shook thousands of miles also gradually disappeared, slowly returning to calm.


However, at this moment, a bright golden rainbow flew in the distance!

Changhong goes through the sun and moves the sky!

This golden rainbow was extremely dazzling, and shot toward the cave unscrupulously, pointing directly at the existence in the cave.

"Outside Demon Race, why not show up?"

At the same time, there was a light laugh, a faint sound, shaking thousands of miles.


The extraterritorial demons in the cave were startled, and the aura of silence stagnated.

I saw Jin Hong dispersed, revealing the two figures in it.

A person in a white shirt is like a hunting, red sandalwood and gold hairpins are tied to his hair, set off his dusty temperament, floating like a fairy.

A person dressed in brown clothes, the whole body is dark, and the posture is respectful, like an ordinary old servant.

"Two ants, dare to disturb this seat?"

The extraterritorial demons in the cave coldly examined Qin Yi and the two, and then said with a cold voice.

It was originally the sage power of Tianyao Continent, and he called the door. Then, it was worried that its whereabouts would be exposed, and it would be inconvenient to act in the future.

After carefully examining Qin Yi, the existence in the cave suddenly smiled.

A mere feathered sage, who gave him the confidence and dare to trouble him?

"Ant, die!"

With a arrogant soft drink, the aura suddenly condensed in the void, transforming into a huge devilish palm the size of a hundred meters.

As soon as the giant palm came out, the horrible breath rushed out, as if it was about to crush the sky and the earth, causing the ground in a radius of 100 miles to sink!


Quickly, the giant palm roared and patted the two Qin Yi.

Before the palm of the hand, the strong wind has arrived, and it directly tore the void open, blowing Qin Yi's clothes between the two people, hunting and hunting.

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