Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1329: Outer demons, get out and die

"Stupid inferior creatures, relying on a little cultivation base, dare to find trouble with this seat, and die!"

The existence in the cave snorted softly.

How can two ants that are not in the realm of feathering stand a palm?

However, it was disappointed.


A huge black vortex appeared in front of Qin Yi, directly swallowing that devilish giant palm in one fell swoop.

Even the big monster outside the cave in the cave can see countless devil qi, which is twisted into pure aura by the black vortex, which is absorbed by Qin Yi!

"The power of Kunpeng, how can inferior creatures master the power of Kunpeng?"

The extraterritorial monster inside the cave sank.

As a member of the outer demons, it naturally knows the existence of Kunpeng.

Travel to the heavens, feed on the creatures of the world, and devour the most powerful beasts!

Even the demons outside the territories did not dare to provoke the Kunpeng clan easily. However, it actually saw a human being in this Tianyao continent and could master the Kunpeng power.

"No, the power of Kunpeng originates from the golden wings behind this inferior creature. It is refined from the feathers of an adult Kunpeng!"

After all, this extraterritorial great demon had extraordinary knowledge, and quickly recognized the source of Kunpeng's power.

"Kunpeng Wings? The sacred mid-level war weapon should be used by this seat!"

There was a hint of excitement in the words of the great demon outside the territory.

Although it had heard the name of the Kunpeng clan, it had never seen an adult Kunpeng, even a Kunpeng cub.

Not to mention, get a feather of an adult Kunpeng.

The Kunpeng wings behind Qin Yi are still a sacred mid-level war weapon, how can it not be moved!

With the Kunpeng Wing, it can also increase the speed at which it can devour the Old Sage of the Star Serpent!

"Inferior creatures, offer that Kunpeng wings, and kneel down to surrender to me, this seat can make you a slave to sit down!"

The words of the great demon outside the territories were lofty and arrogant.

As if letting Qin Yi be its servant, it was a reward to Qin Yi.


Qin Yi squinted his eyes slightly, and his eyes were cold and shocking.

The monsters of a demon clan outside the territory dare to make false statements and let me be a slave?

He is the emperor, who would dare to make him a slave!

"Inferior creatures, are you rejecting the kindness of this seat?"

The voice of the Great Demon outside the Territory was extremely cold.

"Outside Demon Race, get out and die!"

Qin Yi didn't say much anymore, he drank in a deep voice, his tone was domineering and arrogant.

Immediately, a powerful aura suddenly rose from Qin Yi, and he swelled in a white robe without any wind.

A touch of golden shadow haunts Qin Yi's body like a real golden dragon!


The vast Longwei flooded between heaven and earth in a blink of an eye.

The dragon is violent, shaking the world!

The dragon power permeated Qin Yi's body, and the clouds that rushed for thousands of miles disappeared, shaking the sun, moon and stars!

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that in this Tianyao Continent, not only can I get a Kunpeng feather, but also a servant with true dragon blood!"

Feeling the breath of Qin Yi's body, the great demon outside the territory was not surprised but delighted.


The next moment, the barren mountain trembled suddenly, and an unbelievable breath rose into the sky from the barren mountain.

Sleeping like a sting dragon, rising from the ground!

Heaven and man.


The saint is heavy.

Sage duo.


Until it reached an indescribable state, this slowly stopped.

This is an extremely terrifying breath, magnificent, vast, majestic and evil!

The devilish energy, like a sea wave, overflowed from the cave.


A pair of huge blood-red eyes opened suddenly.

Overlooking the two of Qin Yi!

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