Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1337: Contract of the Heavens


Datongmu Yuyi flung it at random and threw Snake Yuan to the ground.

At this time, Snake Yuan's figure shrank to the size of ten feet, with six chains tied to his five-flowered figure.

Snake Yuan didn't dare to have any dissatisfaction, with a hideous snake face, showing a humane pleasing smile.

Before, the arrogance of Snake Yuan was so overwhelming that it was impossible to live.

As the first warlord of the outer demons, he can break through the realm of the ancient sage and become a giant in just one step!

Now, he was so humble, showing a humble smile.

If you let the existence in the outer demons see it, you will be extremely shocked.

However, Snake Yuan did not have any guilt at all, and respectfully lowered his head, bowing to Qin Yi.


Qin Yi couldn't help frowning, feeling a little surprised.

This Snake Yuan's attitude is really too respectful, even if Otsuki Yuyi crushes it strongly, it shouldn't be so respectful.

"Snake Yuan has seen adults."

She Yuan smiled humbly, carefully constricting his fangs.

"I said little loach, tell me who is the inferior creature?"

Qin Yi was surprised at Snake Yuan's attitude, but didn't think much about it, and asked Snake Yuandao lightly.

"I am, I am, you are noble, how can you be an inferior creature."

She Yuan hurriedly laughed.

The current situation cannot tolerate it not bowing to laugh.

In its eyes, Qin Yi is a member of the true dragon family.

Even the Emperor Xuanye of the Outer Territory Demon Race, in terms of blood, may not be able to compare with it.

Not to mention, there is still a big tube of wood feather robes on the side, if it doesn't lower its head, is it looking for something?


Qin Yi raised his brows, and Snake Yuan's attitude was so respectful that he was very uncomfortable.

With such an attitude, he didn't even have a reason to hit the Snake Yuan, and he was suddenly disappointed.


Qin Yi waved his hand, and a piece of rice paper shimmering with silver light suddenly condensed.

"Come, sign this contract."

He waved his hand casually, and this rice paper flew in front of Snake Yuan.

The rice paper is not big, and it is densely engraved with tadpole-like fonts, revealing an atmosphere of imprisoning everything.

"The contract of the heavens?"

Snake Yuan recognized the identity of this thing at a glance.

"Do you know the heavens contract?"

Qin Yi was taken aback for a moment, and said with some surprise.

"I know it naturally."

She Yuan smiled bitterly.

This thing is clearly a contract condensed with the power of contract laws.

As a member of the extraterritorial demon clan, and even the number one combatant of the extraterritorial demon clan, Snake Yuan is naturally knowledgeable.

In addition, the extraterritorial demons have enslaved many big worlds.

Therefore, Snake Yuan still quite understands the contracts of the heavens.

In the heavens and all realms, there are thousands of creatures, and many powerful giants have been born, and many of them are good at the way of contract.

This heavenly contract is what these beings create.

Taking the road of contracts that exist in the Ten Thousand Worlds, it is condensed into a paper contract. Both parties signing the contract must abide by the content of the contract!

Violators were obliterated by the road of contract, and even the existence of the ancient sage giant could not defy the power of this contract of the heavens!

However, because this thing is expensive to make, it takes a lot of money to be able to condense, so it is generally rare in the world.

Even the ancient sage giant does not necessarily have a contract between the heavens.

Snake Yuan did not expect that Qin Yi had a contract with the heavens in his hands.

At the same time, I was willing to take it out and let it sign with it!

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