Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1338: Enslave the Serpent Abyss

Contract of the heavens.

This thing is naturally an upgraded version of the master-servant contract.

The original master-servant contract could only constrain the existence below the realm of saints.

When the creature breaks through the realm of the saint, the soul undergoes transformation, and with the power of the master and servant contract, the saint's power cannot be restrained.

The contract of the heavens is different, the contract of the heavens can also restrict the existence of the saint realm, which also includes the ancient sage giant.

Of course, in the system store, the exchange price of the heavens contract is also expensive!

"The Contract of the Heavens: The system is formed by the power of the contract.

Just drop a drop of blood from both parties to take effect, and neither party can violate it!

Those who violate the contract will be directly obliterated by the road of contract!

Description: The highest bound realm, the ancient sage realm.

Exchange price: two million killing points. "

The price of two million killing points is far four hundred thousand times that of the master and servant contract!

However, Qin Yi actually earned two million killing points in exchange for an existence that is about to advance to the realm of the ancient sage.

Snake Yuan is only half a step away from the ancient sage realm, a little training can make it break through the ancient sage realm.

Furthermore, after enslaving Snake Yuan, it can be regarded as weakening the strength of the outer demons, and strengthening the strength of the Tianyao continent!

In any case, Snake Yuan is the number one warrior of the demons outside the territory!

"Since you also know the existence of the heavens contract, the son will not explain much and sign the heavens contract.

My son can spare you not to die! "

Qin Yi said with a gentle face and smiled.

While speaking, Qin Yi moved his wrist lightly, and a drop of blood was forced out of his fingertips.

Immediately, this drop of blood was submerged in the contract of the heavens, instantly immersed in the contract of the heavens, dyed it into a blood red!


She Yuan looked bitter and remained silent.

Qin Yi's words put it in a dilemma.

It came from an extraterritorial demon clan and naturally understands the terrifying strength of an extraterritorial demon clan.

If it betrays the demon race outside the territory, the demon race outside the territory is bound to chase after it.

However, if it does not sign a contract, it will only have a fall!

Since Qin Yi even took out the contracts of the heavens, then Qin Yi's meaning is very obvious, if it is not for not signing, it is a dead word!

And with the power of the heavens contract, as long as it is signed, I am afraid it will not be able to betray Qin Yi until death.

"Why, you don't want to?"

Qin Yi's eyes became colder, like a supreme **** overlooking the ants.

At the same time, the mana in Datongmu Yuyi's hands gathered, and the six chains creaked and tightened!

"I sign, I sign!"

She Yuan felt the movement of the chains on her body, her body trembled, and replied repeatedly.

If you want to survive, this heavens contract must be signed if it is not signed!

It's not that Snake Yuan didn't understand that after signing this contract, it might be difficult for it to escape Qin Yi's control!

However, compared to freedom, it is more life-saving!

As for the pursuit and killing of the extraterritorial demons, Snake Yuan can only pin his hopes on the extraterritorial demons. After learning the identity of the true dragon family of Qin Yi, he gave up on chasing and killing it.


Snake Yuan's face was bitter, no longer hesitating, a big mouth opened, and a drop of blood flew out of his hideous fangs.


The essence and blood of Snake Yuan merged into the contract of the heavens, and the contract of the heavens trembled, and no wind spontaneously ignited.

Under the gaze of Qin Yi and the others, an invisible will descended, like the supreme will of the eternal blue sky!

The void shuddered, and the will in the darkness absorbed the remaining handwriting after the contract was burned.

In the next moment, a powerful binding force suddenly appeared between Qin Yi and Snake Yuan!

This binding force is far stronger than the binding force of the master-servant contract, and is above the will of Qin Yi!

The contract of the heavens is complete!

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