Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1354: Emperor Pin’s True Dragon Yun Ling Gong

Sky dome.

A carriage is walking slowly.


A terrifying suction power came from inside the carriage.

Numerous auras from heaven and earth converge into a whirlpool of auras, and then squeezed into pure chaotic essence, poured into the carriage.

Inside the carriage.

Qin Yi sat cross-legged, eyes closed, breathing like a dragon.

As he breathed in and out, a stream of chaotic essence was continuously sucked into his body.


The spiritual energy vortex in the void shook again, exuding a fiery light.

In the next moment, it was like a long whale sucking water, plundering all the spiritual energy in a radius for Qin Yi to absorb.


The thick chaotic essence, like a stream of water, made a clear and pleasant sound.

Qin Yi did not refuse to come, and completely absorbed the chaotic essence like a whale swallowing.


Countless pale golden true essences surging in the body like a tide.

The countless acupoints in Qin Yi's body were shining brightly.

If you look faintly, you can see a deity sitting in the middle of the acupuncture point, with a majestic treasure and unlimited power!

The acupuncture point opens the gods, which is a unique sign of the eclosion realm.

The gods of the acupoints in Qin Yi's body still looked a little vague, deep or solid.

And when these gods were truly solidified, it was time when Qin Yi completed the hammer forging of his flesh, took off his mortal womb, and became an immortal body!

At that time, Qin Yi can step into the semi-sage realm, and only need to condense the Taoism again to break through the realm of sage power!


Accompanied by Qin Yi's exercises, he absorbed countless essences.

The shackles in the darkness were finally broken, the cultivation base was a matter of course, and a breakthrough was completed.

The Golden Crow deity in the heart orifice gradually solidified his body, just like the substance!

Eclosion fivefold, breakthrough!


Two air currents like Bailian suddenly rushed out of Qin Yi's nose.

If the white air was thunderous, it instantly pierced the air and bombarded the carriage, swaying the carriage, and the formations were indeterminate.


Qin Yi opened his eyes and sat here, like a **** like a devil!

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, the cultivation base has made great progress!"

Su Da on the side has bright eyes and white teeth and smiles.

"Hahaha, I underestimated this true dragon Yun Linggong that reaches the Emperor Realm!"

Qin Yi laughed, but also overjoyed.

The true dragon aura spiritual power he was talking about was not the previous true dragon aura spiritual power, but a re-transformed true dragon aura spiritual power.

Originally, Qin Yi had already accepted the systematic task of killing Snake Yuan. This task could give Qin Yi two summoning opportunities.

However, Qin Yi did not choose to kill Snake Yuan, but signed a contract with the heavens to enslave Snake Yuan for his drive!

It stands to reason that Qin Yi failed this system task.

However, after the system was judged, it was counted as Qin Yi completed the system task!

It's just that the reward for this system task has also been reduced from two summoning opportunities to one summoning opportunity.

For this reason, Qin Yi also praised the system again.

And this system summoning opportunity gave Qin Yi a chance to rehabilitate the technique!

"Modification of exercises: special rewards, a master can be designated by the host, and the system can transform it into imperial martial arts!"

Emperor product, above the holy product!

The so-called imperial grade technique is the technique that reaches the realm above the sage, transcending the realm of the ancient sage!

Qin Yi did not hesitate to get this opportunity to transform the exercise method, and directly used it to transform his only exercise method, True Dragon Containing Spirit Skill.

After the transformation, the true dragon Yun Linggong, the rank reaches the top rank of Emperor rank!

After Qin Yi practiced, he broke through the realm of the Triple Heaven!

Explore the five realms of Eclosion!

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