Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1355: The demons from outside the territory about to lift the mystery


Qin Yi slightly moved his muscles and bones, and suddenly heard thunder-like sounds.

Qin Yi felt the mighty power in his body and couldn't help being more satisfied.

At this moment, his strength has even reached the strength of three hundred heavenly dragons. Compared with the previous strength, he has doubled!

The power of Emperor Pin's exercises far exceeded Qin Yi's expectations.

If the imperial rank technique is not strong enough, it is not qualified to claim to be superior to the saint rank technique!

Qin Yi squeezed his right palm at will to tear the void into pieces!

Even Qin Yi had a feeling that his true essence was rolling, like a layer of golden brilliance, with a trace of mana essence.

According to the real dragon Yun Linggong, as long as Qin Yi breaks through the nine layers of feathering, his true essence can be directly transformed into mana, eliminating the trouble of transforming the true essence into mana.

And Qin Yi, who possesses mana in advance, can even feed himself back with mana, and he uses mana to temper the seed of the law and forge the law!

You know, ordinary warriors who want to break through the realm of saints first forge the principles of Tao, and use Tao to transform their true essence and transform them into mana.

The true dragon enchanting function allows Qin Yi to achieve mana in advance, and can feed his body back, which undoubtedly increases Qin Yi's 50 to 60% chance of breaking through the realm of a saint!

If this news comes out, I don't know how many warriors who have been in the semi-sacred realm for countless years want to take action!

How many semi-sages, in order to take that step, wasted countless years, and failed to get what they wanted.

There is such a technique that can increase the probability of breaking through the Saint Realm by 50% or 60%. How can they not be moved when they are placed in front of them.

Although, for Qin Yi, such an effect did not make much sense.

However, Qin Yi was quite useful to the cultivation bonus of the True Dragon Yun Linggong.


Qin Yi slowly exhaled a sulky breath, calming his mood.

Lifting their eyes and looking at the sky outside the window, they had already left Yaozhou at this moment, returning to Qingzhou, and were heading towards Buluohuangdu.

"Snake Yuan, come in."

Immediately, Qin Yi's eyes flashed and he spoke calmly.


The curtain of the carriage opened, and Snake Yuan swam the snake body into the carriage.

"the host."

Snake Yuan lowered the head of the snake and said respectfully.

Originally, with the cultivation base of Snake Yuan, it could naturally be transformed into a human form.

But because of the human form that Snake Yuan transformed into, it was called a hideous face, which was even more fierce and evil than his body.

When I first saw him, not to mention Su Daji, even Qin Yi was taken aback!

Therefore, Qin Yi directly ordered Snake Yuan not to transform into a human form in front of him, so Snake Yuan always showed his body.

"Snake Yuan, tell me about the strength of the outer demons."

Qin Yi gently tapped on the case in front of him, and said casually.

As soon as the voice fell, not only Snake Yuan, but also Su Daji, Zhao Yun and Datongmu Yuyi outside the carriage, were all shocked.

Extraterritorial demons.

Even if it is, the two Datongmu Yuyis who have not been in this world for long, are also like the name of the outer demon clan!

However, everyone knows very little about the strength of the outer demons.

Even if there are ancient books of the Tatian School, there is not much detailed description of the strength of the outer demons.

As the first warlord of the outer demon race, Snake Yuan should know the strength of the outer demon race very well.

This is also one of the reasons why Qin Yi chose to sign the heavens contract with Snake Yuan instead of killing Snake Yuan!

Through the mouth of Snake Abyss, learn about the true strength of the demon clan outside the territory!

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