Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1368: Enemy waiting


The palace gate of the main hall suddenly opened.

A figure stepped into the hall first, wearing a nine-chapter imperial robe and a dragon crown on its head, exuding a noble aura, its majesty to the extreme!

At a glance, many great abilities are shocked by its majesty!

It's like a fairy king who is in charge of the latitude and longitude of the world, the ruler of the universe, is walking slowly!

"This is Qin Yi?"

"Is that the Lord of the Immortal Dynasty?"

"Feathering cultivation base, the majesty is not weaker than the power of a saint, it is still worse."

Many powerful eyes condensed, and their hearts trembled.

"how is this possible?"

The eyes of the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor narrowed slightly, and he hadn't seen it for a few days. The aura on Qin Yi's body was much stronger than it was a few days ago!

With his eyesight, it is natural to see that Qin Yi's cultivation has crossed the realm of several heavens.

Although, the cultivation of the Eclosion Realm is much easier than that of the Saint Power Realm.

However, the cultivation of the Eclosion Realm is not necessarily easy, how can it be possible to cross several realms in a few days!

Of course, how did the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor know that Qin Yi obtained the Emperor Rank technique, and his cultivation naturally progressed by leaps and bounds!

After looking at Qin Yi, the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor silently retracted his gaze.

Speaking of which, he and Qin Yi still have some grudges.

A few days ago, Qin Yi made a big disturbance in the Dynasty of Ten Thousand Demons and killed him as the prince.

If not, be afraid of the six saints beside Qin Yi, maybe he has already fought Qin Yi!

In his opinion, Datongmu Yuyi can turn his hand to suppress the first warlord of the Outer Demon Race, which shows that Datongmu Yuyi should be at the same level as the Hao Xing Sword Master.

He is invincible from the Ten Thousand Demons Dynasty, so he chose to give in.

Even before the people united to condemn the imperial dynasty, he did not participate in it, and he was afraid of Otsuki Yuyi.

A group of unknown people, peeping into the imperial dynasty, I'm afraid they will be beaten!

As long as Datongmu Yuyi is there, how can these great abilities help Qin Yi and not fall into the dynasty.

The Emperor Ten Thousand Demons thought so, but others didn't.

"It turns out that this is someone who dared to collude with the demons outside the territory!"

Suddenly, a strange sound of Yin and Yang sounded.

When everyone looked back, it was the ancient demon holy master who spoke.

This ancient demon holy lord stared at Qin Yi, the greed in his eyes was undisguised!

Relying on the trace of Kunpeng's bloodline, he could feel a thirst from Qin Yi's bloodline!

Kunpeng's wings are on Qin Yi!

Therefore, he couldn't wait the most and jumped out first to target Qin Yi.

"Yes, it is a great sin to collude with the demons outside the territory!"

"The villain, dare to come here too!"

"Who gave you the courage!"

The others coveted Qin Yi's power, and they all spoke up, not to be outdone.

"A traitor who is supported by the demon race outside the territory, don't hesitate to catch it!"

King Bai Yu was even more solemn, and said with justice.

Everyone speaks righteously, like the incarnation of justice.

If it were not for the greed in their eyes, it might be so.

"Emperor Qin, go!"

Fairy Nine Spirits on the side turned pale suddenly, exclaiming in her mouth.

Qin Yi's appearance at this time is undoubtedly in the mouth of the sheep!

The great powers have reached a tacit agreement and want to carve up the imperial dynasty!

When Qin Yi came to Yijian Palace at this time, it was as if he had come to the door by himself, letting many forces divide it up!

This powerful player in the field is Qin Yi's opponent!

Enemies are waiting!

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