Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1369: I will decide the position of the leader

Yijian Palace.

Main hall.

Full of power, one by one stood proudly and scolded Qin Yi angrily.

It was as if Qin Yizhen was the shameless person who betrayed the Tianyao Continent with the most evil.

With a word of you and a word of mine, they did not give Qin Yi a chance to speak!

They basically want to condemn Qin Yi to death, so that they can have an excuse to divide the imperial dynasty!

However, Qin Yi still walked slowly without saying a word.

"Despicable man, stop!"

The Ancient Demon Lord was furious, and suddenly stood up.


There seemed to be a roar through the golden cracked clouds, resounding throughout the hall.

What is more, if there is a sacred bird and giant bird that soars through the sky, flying out of ancient times, looking forward behind the ancient demon saint master, flapping its wings high.


Qin Yi didn't answer, as if he hadn't heard, completely ignored the ancient demon saint master.

As for the powerful aura of the ancient demon saint lord, it fell on Qin Yi, as if the breeze was blowing on his face, even the corners of Qin Yi's clothes could not be lifted!


The ancient demon holy master rushed into the crown, and his anger filled his chest with a burst of anger.

After all, he is the Holy Master of the Ancient Demon Holy Land, a resounding figure on the Tianyao Continent!

With such an identity, he was ignored by the Emperor Fuluo?


The ancient demon holy master's body was so angry that his blood filled the hall like a large furnace.

That divine bird, surrounded by the fire, has unlimited power!

The blood is like a furnace, the **** bird flies!

The holy master of this ancient demon holy land has also reached the four-fold realm of saints. His cultivation is not weaker than Jinlei Arhat and others, except for the great powers of the sword master of Hao Xing and the emperor of ten thousand monsters. The existence of the ladder.

Immediately, the ancient demon saint master punched in the air.


With this punch of the ancient demon saint master, the huge energy and blood condensed into one, and even the divine bird that fluttered its wings was also integrated into the punch.

Sharp and unparalleled, sweeping everything!

"Be careful!"

Fairy Nine Spirits screamed and opened his mouth to remind Qin Yi.

Qin Yi was only in the realm of eclosion, he couldn't handle the punch of the ancient demon saint master!


However, he saw a martial artist in brown clothes who followed Qin Yi and raised his eyes slightly and looked at the ancient demon saint master indifferently.


The ancient demon saint master who was hitting Qin Yi with a punch suddenly felt like a heavy blow.

It was like hitting an impenetrable mountain, and the whole person flew out in a flash.


The ancient demon saint master fell to the ground, and the pale golden blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

At a glance, he severely injured this ancient demon saint master!

The strength of Datongmu Yuyi is undoubtedly demonstrated!

"So courageous!"

"court death!"

"Dare to make a move!"

Many great abilities on the side were furious, and Datongmu Yuyi made a bold move, clearly not putting them in his eyes.

"A trivial sinner, dare to condone his servants and hurt others!"

With a trace of fear in the eyes of King Bai Yu, he shouted angrily.

Although a little afraid of the strength of Otsuki Yuyi, there are so many great abilities, nearly a hundred, so why not be afraid of one person!

Not to mention, Datongmu Yuyi's shot was clearly a slap in the face of everyone!

If faced with the fanatics who dared to ignore them and fought at the Tianyao Conference, they would not be able to suppress them.

Didn't they become a joke when this incident spread out!

Every powerful person got up angrily, and pressed against Qin Yi two people like a mad dragon.

"This Tianyao mainland leader, can you let me?"

Under the momentum like a violent wave, Qin Yi just raised his eyes and looked at the sword master Hao Xing.

I am going to decide the position of the leader!

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