Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1372: Your heart is upset

The grand palace.

The long and magnificent galaxy is flowing, and the stars are floating in it!

The stars in the sky are brighter than the others, and contain infinite sword intent!

In the middle of the galaxy, the Hao Xing Sword Master stood still, standing there like the center of the heaven and the earth, every move, everything in the heaven and the earth seemed to cater to him.

The sword master of Hao Xing held the Yi Qiong sword, condescending, as if there was no ray of red dust under his feet.

In the quiet eyes, there was a flat, looking at Qin Yi like a dust!

He is the first person in Tianyao Continent, talented as an immortal, and has an arrogance of his own. Except for a few people in the great power, no one is in his eyes.

How about a little not falling under the emperor, he doesn't care at all!

The only thing that worries about is the big tube wooden Yuyi behind Qin Yi.

Whether it's breaking the reputation of the Tatian faction or the strength of the ancient demon saint master just now, it can't be underestimated.


Sword Master Hao Xing sighed, with a touch of regret in his star eyes.

In fact, as far as he is concerned, he even hopes to receive Otsuki Yuyi under his command.

With such strength, if it can be used by him, that would be the best!

However, Qin Yi chose to be his enemy, and Datongmu Yuyi also chose to be his enemy, which made him quite a pity.

In order to kill Datongmu Yuyi, the sword master Hao Xing even took out the Yi Qiong sword.

This battle can be regarded as his first battle as the leader of Tianyao!

He naturally wants to win beautiful!

Win neatly!

"It is an honor for you to die in Yiqiongjian!"

The heart is certain, and the sword master Hao Xing is not hesitating.


As he said, Yi Qiong sword fluttered lightly in his hand.

In the next moment, everyone saw a shocking sight.

The vast galaxy, under this sword, seemed to be split apart, and the void exploded, revealing a bright sword light!

Such as the Nine Heavens Sword Immortal cut out a sword from the galaxy far away!

Sword chaos, separate the galaxy!

"This sword!"

A flash of horror flashed in everyone's eyes, and they could not help but urge the mana to resist the escaping sword light.

Just a bit of escaping sword light gives people a sharp and unparalleled feeling, and they need to urge their own mana to resist!

The emperor of the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor and other people of advanced cultivation level also showed shock and fear.

This sword gave them a sense of irresistibility!

If they were to face this sword head-on, they would be seriously injured if not dead!

Even if there is a slight difference, it will fall on the spot!

Pufang Arhat and others are very happy with Qin Yi.

Under this sword, Qin Yi will definitely kill the two!

They were sure that it was impossible for Qin Yi and the other two to be unable to take this sword, and to meet the end of the two, there was only death.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yi raised his eyes slightly, there was no fluctuation in expression on his face, only the indifference above all things!

There is also a charm that is not angry and prestigious, such as the gods of the nine heavens!

Everything is not lingering in the heart, how can this sword make him move.


Hao Xing Jian's brow wrinkled unchecked, and a touch of anxiety passed in his heart.

He is confident that his sword, even the existence of the six-fold peak of the saint, may not be able to take over. Why is this person so peaceful?


Still really not afraid?

Sword Master Hao Xing sank in his heart and thought calmly.

"Your heart is upset."

At this time, the corner of Qin Yi's mouth raised slightly, as if he could see through the heart of Sword Master Hao Xing.

The deep gaze seemed to see through all the thoughts of Sword Master Hao Xing!

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