Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1373: A shout, a sword comes

"Swordsman, sincere to the heart, loyal to the sword, holding the sword in his hand, and dare to be the enemy of the world, you can never feel fear in your heart."

Qin Yi looked at the bright sword light and talked freely.

But at this moment, the sword light that Hao Xing Sword Master slashed across the space had already reached less than three inches in front of Qin Yi.

"The sword of the fearful is nothing to hurt!"

Qin Yi smiled.

As soon as his voice fell, he saw that sword light suddenly stopped three inches in front of him.

The distance of three inches is like thousands of rivers and mountains, and even more if a big world lies in front of Qin Yi, making this sword light unable to advance!


Immediately, Qin Yi waved his hand and the sword light disappeared instantly, as if it had never appeared before.


This scene made everyone present dumbfounded and could not accept the scene before them.

People like Pufang Luohan suddenly stood up and said nothing for a long time!

They are conceited of this sword. If they were to pick it up, it would be a dead word.

They are still like this, not to mention Qin Yi, a feathered warrior, that is not for being beheaded at will!

If it was Datongmu Yuyi who could block this sword, they might be horrified, but not so incredible.

However, this sword was really stopped by Qin Yi!

Moreover, it is still so easy!

For them, it was simply unacceptable, and some of them were so shocked that they couldn't help rubbing their eyes.

It's as if I can't believe what I saw with my own eyes!

"how can that be!"

As the sword master of Hao Xing who slashed out that sword, his heart was even more shocked.

He thought that Qin Yi's trump card could be used to block his sword, either with a big tube of wooden feather clothes, or by stepping on the palace of heaven, or in other ways.

However, he did not expect Qin Yi to block his sword, so strange that he could not help feeling palpitations!

At this moment, a trace of fear inevitably appeared in the heart of the sword master Hao Xing.

"You are scared!"

Qin Yi seemed to see through the heart of Sword Master Hao Xing.

"The swordsman is respectable, respectable, but fearless!

A swordsman with a confused mind can no longer be called a swordsman. "

Qin Yi looked directly at Sword Master Hao Xing with deep eyes.

"You don't deserve to be called a swordsman!"

Qin Yi's words made everyone stunned and suddenly laughed.

The mocking smile appeared on everyone's faces again.

Even Nine Spirit Fairy could not help but frown, disagreeing with Qin Yi's words!

If Qin Yi said it was something else, they might not show such a joking expression.

However, when it comes to swordsmen, on Tianyao Continent, who would dare to say that they can understand swords better than the swordsmen in Yijian Palace!

Not to mention, the sword master of Haoxing is the contemporary sword master of Yijian Palace, and his kendo cultivation has already entered that supernatural realm!

That sword just now undoubtedly showed the sword master's sword cultivation base of Hao Xing Sword Master!

It can be said that when talking about the cultivation of kendo in the great power present, the sword master Hao Xing considers himself second, so no one dares to recognize the first!

This is not a joke, but a fact recognized by the entire Tianyao Continent!

But Qin Yi said, Hao Xing Sword Master didn't deserve to be called a swordsman?

This is simply laughable!

Even if Qin Yi took the sword of the sword master Hao Xing in a strange way, he was not qualified to say such a word!

The Sword Master Hao Xing suddenly stopped being angry, and stood proudly with his sword.

"Then tell me, what is a swordsman?"

Sword Master Hao Xing looked at Qin Yi calmly with a calm expression.

"If you want to see it, I will show it to you!"

Qin Yi stared at him, bright as a morning star.


Angrily shouted.

"The sword is coming!"

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