Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1383: Outer Demon Race, Demon Commander, to

A deep whirlpool.

The demon realm behind is faintly visible.


From the whirlpool, a stream of pure magic energy slowly flowed out of it, and it was full of intensity to the extreme!


A roar of a monster came out from the whirlpool.

"not good!"

The expressions of all the powers present changed greatly, and the feeling of heart palpitations became more intense.

They know that this is the army of the demon race, and if this army of the demon race is approached, it will inevitably be a fierce battle!


Five ancient Taoists took a step in the air and came to Qin Yi's side and stroked his hands.

A stream of light blue streamers floated from the hands of the Five Ancient Taoists, turning into strands of Taoist patterns, motivating the formation patterns in the Yijian Palace to seal the huge vortex.

However, this hurriedly portrayed large formation, without even catching a breath of the huge whirlpool, was corroded by the magic energy leaking from the whirlpool!

"Hahaha, it's useless!"

Thousands of fantasy magic will laugh, arrogantly.

While he laughed, a demon from outside the territory walked out one by one from the whirlpool!

These extraterritorial demons are dressed in black scales, their bodies are like black steel, and their eyes are scarlet as blood, full of evil blood!

Adult extraterritorial demons!

Each of them is an existence comparable to the realm of eclosion, and their fighting power is stronger than that of ordinary eclosion warriors!

There is also a demon commander of the demon race outside the territory, which has already revealed their figure!

"Chaolong Jishu!"

The face of the Five Ancient Taoists became more and more difficult to look like, their hands turned into shadows, and they continued to dance, spilling thousands of brilliance, trying to slow down the speed of the appearance of the strong of the demon race outside the domain.


There was a roar at his feet, and there seemed to be a huge dragon roar.

The power of the veins!

This is the power of Yijianshan's veins, which was forcibly borrowed by the Five Ancient Taoists to suppress the passage of the demons outside the territory.

When it comes to the cultivation base of the formation, this Five Ancient Daoist can be said to be the first person. Although the cultivation base has just broken through the Saint Fourfold, even the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor and others dare not underestimate the Five Ancient Daoist.

Together, they are good at defeating the strong with the weak, using the power of the world and the power of the plane to suppress the opponent.

As long as the five ancient Taoists lay down the formation, even the six major abilities of the saint are not afraid!

Several great abilities of Yin-Yang Sect are also stepping forward to portray formations with the Five Ancient Taoists.


The huge vortex trembled, and was slowly suppressed by the Five Ancient Taoists and others!

However, the Thousand Phantom Demon General just watched coldly, and had no intention of making a move.


At this moment, a roar burst out from behind the whirlpool!

The ferocious aura rushed out of the whirlpool, and the vast demon aura spewed out like a wave.

Every demon energy is incomparable to the previous demon energy. It is terrible to the extreme, shattering the space, revealing the chaos, and the large array portrayed by the Five Ancient Taoists and others burst apart for the first time.

It is like a demon **** from the Nine Nether Demon Realm, breaking through the barriers of the world, slowly walking towards Qin Yi and others!


A foot wrapped in black armor, surrounded by black light, stepped out first.


The huge whirlpool trembled, and the terrifying demon finally stepped on this place.

It is as tall as an ordinary human warrior, wearing a demon domain battle suit, twined with black light, and a stalwart posture. A pair of magic horns are curved and ferocious, straight into the sky.

After this terrifying demon **** appeared, horrible fluctuations spread across the entire Yijian Palace in an instant, almost crushing Yijian Mountain!

Outer Demon Race, Demon Commander, to!

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