Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1384: Devil Stepping Cang

Black light entwines, black armor is cold!

When this demon commander of the outer demon race came to Yijian Palace, terrible fluctuations shook out, shaking the sky and the earth!


The void of a hundred thousand miles around, all began to tremble endlessly.

Even the entire space of Tianyao Continent felt a little trembling.

The countless creatures of Tianyao Continent couldn't help but look up in the direction of Yijian Palace, their hearts like being crushed by a boulder!

The martial artist near Yijian Mountain felt more profound.

A feeling of restlessness makes them restless!

Filled with panic eyes, I kept looking at the hall on Yijian Mountain, and realized in my heart that there is a great demon coming to the world!


Immediately afterwards, the hall in the bamboo forest on the top of the mountain collapsed directly.


The terrible demonic energy surging surging, madly gushing out, permeating the mountains!

It is as if a demon **** opens the gate of the demon realm, and this place is turned into a magic land!

There is also an indescribable powerful demon god, slowly floating in the sky above Yijian Palace.

This demon **** is more than ten thousand feet tall, with his feet on the mountains, the sun and the moon on his back, the infinite demonic energy lingers all over his body, hideous and terrifying!

The world is shocked when the devil steps on the sky!

"What a perfect world, it should belong to my demons!"

The demon looked around, showing a fascinated expression.

Every time it says a word, it will resonate with the law, the magic power runs through the universe, and thousands of strands of devilish energy are dropped, and countless mountains are broken!

Such power directly horrified the surrounding human warriors and monster power experts, and their pale expressions filled their faces.

"Is this an extraterritorial demons?"

"Isn't Yijian Palace holding the Tianyao Continent? How come there will be extraterritorial demons!"

"It's not that the Tianmang Seven-Star Array, it will take a thousand years to collapse, how can an extraterritorial monster descend on the mainland!"

A group of warriors and monsters shook their teeth and shouted tremblingly.

Facing this terrifying demon who suddenly appeared, their hearts were full of shock and panic.

They did not expect that in a good Tianyao meeting, how could there be a great demon from the demon race outside the territory suddenly come!

Moreover, the coercion of this great demon is far beyond everyone's imagination, just like facing a supreme Nine Nether Demon God, its power is irresistible!

"This great demon is stronger than the sword master!"

The disciple of Yijian Palace felt the aura of this great demon, and was even more desperate, with cold hands and feet.

As the disciples of Yijian Palace, they of course also have a certain understanding of the cultivation base of the sword master Hao Xing, but in terms of aura, they are not as good as this extraterritorial monster.

The Sword Master Hao Xing is already the six great abilities of a saint, but the momentum of this great demon is stronger than that of the Sword Master Hao Xing. This shows that this great demon is the demon commander of the demon race outside the territory!

All of a sudden, everyone's hearts were lifted up.

The power of the various forces still stays in Yijian Palace!

A demon commander suddenly appeared in Yijian Palace. How should you Da Neng respond?

You know, there is no territory for all parties here.

Even if the master of all forces with his own power's sacred mid-level war weapon cannot fully awaken, it is impossible to be an opponent of a demon commander!

If it is on the territory of the major forces, the major forces may have the means to awaken their own background, but it is not possible in Yijian Palace.

Everyone was outside the Yijian Palace, and when they were facing things inside Yijian Palace, it could be said that their eyes were blackened, they didn't know anything, and they could only be anxious.

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