Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1387: The powerful

In one word, suppress dozens of great powers!

This is the power possessed by the Candle Yin Demon Commander, the horror is endless!

There is no confidence in the many great abilities that were originally unfounded!

If their own background can fully awaken their power, they are not afraid to fight with the Candle Yin Demon, but the problem is that their own background cannot be fully awakened, so how can they be the opponent of the Candle Yin Demon?

As for Datongmu Yuyi, perhaps they still had a certain confidence in Datongmu Yuyi before, so after seeing the power of the magic commander of the candle Yin, this confidence was directly consumed.

From the perspective of momentum, the Candle Yin Demon General is more powerful than Yui Yuyi!

After the ancient sage realm, a little gap will be enlarged, not to mention the difference in cultivation base between the two, which is quite different.

Perhaps, the distance between the two is like the gap between a feathered warrior and a saint, and it is not impossible!

With such a big gap, how can many great abilities still have confidence in Datongmu Yuyi.

Even some great powers closed their eyes in despair and waited silently for death.

Some great abilities such as Jinlei Arhat, their thoughts turned sharply, and the idea of ​​surrendering to the outer demons!


However, before Jin Lei Arhat and the others could speak, Zhu Yin Demon Commander had already taken action.

With a wave of his sleeves, the magic commander of Candle Yin, the lingering demonic energy all over his body, turned into a demon realm, suspended above his head!

It's like a real world, with the scarlet sun and moon, the devilish energy evolves into all things, and it fills the demon world on that side, and the monsters wailing!

Playing a demon domain can suppress the world!

Everyone has no doubt that this cube of Demon Realm fell down, and even this Yijian Mountain's radius of 10,000 li could be razed to the ground!

"Master Demon, spare your life, I am willing to return to the Demon Race outside the territory!"

Powers such as Jin Lei Luohan, a Ji Ling, suddenly shouted.

They don't want to die, they have cultivated into saints and have a long life, but they don't want to die so easily!

As for surrendering to the demon race outside the territory, it is not unacceptable to them, as long as they can save their lives.

According to their understanding, the foreign demon races are not necessarily pure blood demon races, and some are the foreign demon races attacking the major worlds and recruiting them.

In order to survive, they can also surrender to the outer demons.

As soon as the words of Jinlei Arhat and others came out, some great abilities also moved the idea of ​​surrender.

However, Zhuyin Moshuai didn't mean to stop at all.

Qin Yi rejected its request and provoked it to furious, how could it stop!


The Demon World was shocked and smashed towards Qin Yi.

In an instant, the void shattered and the mighty power could destroy the world!

In this Demon Realm world, Jin Lei Luohan and others begged for mercy, but to no avail.

Even when the Demon World shook slightly, the Jinlei Arhat and others who tried to get up were directly wiped out!

Those Tianyao Continent Powers who did not ask for mercy were also as cold as ice, closing their eyes sadly, desperate.

In front of such a powerful Candle Yin Demon, what did they resist!


The Lord of Ten Thousand Demons sighed lightly, his body barely standing.

He is full of ambitions, wanting to expand the Ten Thousand Demon Dynasty, and even want to rule the Tianyao Continent.

However, now everything will become fleeting!

"It's a pity, sad!"

The Five Ancient Taoists looked down, their eyes filled with sadness.

He obeyed the prophecy of the ancient sage of Yin and Yang, hoping to use Qin Yi's hand to eliminate the great enemy of the outer demons for the Tianyao Continent!

But who knows, the extraterritorial demons are better!

After the war, there is no hope!

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