Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1388: Who can fight, I can fight

"Humble ants, go to death for this seat, this Tianyao Continent will belong to my demons!"

Zhuyin Demon Shuai's eyes were indifferent, like Jiuyou Demon God coldly staring at Daqian.

Its eyes were full of madness and bloodthirsty, it was about to kill Qin Yi, as well as these creatures of Tianyao Continent.

Since Qin Yi didn't want to tell it about the swordsmanship of its cultivation, it only came to take it personally, destroy Qin Yi's body, and extract Qin Yi's soul for torture.

It didn't believe it, Qin Yi could survive hundreds of thousands of years of torture?

As for the great power of the Five Ancient Taoists and other Tianyao Continents, they can also be wiped out, so that Tianyao Continent can also be returned to the rule of the outer demons!


The demon world evolved by the devilish energy, like a real world of one party smashed down, smashing the void open, and Yi Jianshan at his feet was directly shattered!

The warriors and demon races who viewed the periphery of Yijianshan were even more affected by the aftermath, causing countless deaths and injuries!

The warriors and monster races who survived by chance had to flee far away, and didn't dare to stop until they were 100,000 miles away!

"It's over! It's over!"

The great powers of the Tianyao continent closed their eyes sadly.

All the mighty powers of Tianyao Continent are gathered here. If all of them die, then Tianyao Continent will no longer have the power to resist the demon race outside the territory.

Even without the candle Yin Demon commander, the defeat of Tianyao Continent is doomed!

Without the power of a saint, who else can stand up and save this day?


Tianyao Continent will also be annihilated in the hands of the demon race outside the territory, following the footsteps of the great world that has fallen in the hands of the demon race!


Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter.

The laughter is so heroic, so fearless, and so arrogant!

In the atmosphere where everyone is waiting to die in silence, it looks particularly abrupt and harsh!


Zhuyin Demon Commander frowned, and looked at Qin Yi coldly, his movements slowed slightly, and the world of Demon Realm stagnated on Qin Yi's head.

"what are you laughing at?"

Zhu Yin Demon Shuai said with a cold voice.

"With you, also want to destroy my Tianyao continent?"

Qin Yi's expression was indifferent, and his eyes grew deeper.

"Millions of years ago, the Great Emperor Xuanye of the Demon Race outside Ru Territory failed to conquer my Tianyao Continent!

Millions of years later, with you alone, how can the mainland of My Tianyao surrender! "

"Millions of years ago, the hero of my Tianyao continent could fought fiercely for a hundred years to defeat the incursion of the demons like Er!"

"Fight with your body, and swear to the death!"

Qin Yi's voice was like a golden stone, thunderous and shocking.

The Five Ancient Taoists and others who were waiting to die were taken aback for a moment, silent.

Along with Qin Yi's words, they seemed to see the scenes of the battle between the countless Tianyao mainland creatures and the demons outside the territory a million years ago.

Scream with the sword, the sword takes the demons!

Even though the body died and the siege of the ten thousand demons, the unyielding back rushed straight into the sky, without the slightest bend!

This is the edge of the swordsman!

Shake the world, step on the sun and the moon!

A pair of iron fists fought violently against dozens of magic generals, and finally died of exhaustion.

This is the edge of the warrior!

"Although we are weak, why not fight!"

"My Tianyao Continent, never surrender!"

"Fight to the death, no longer look back!"

A fearless creature on the Tianyao continent, abandoning everything, rushed to the army of the demon race outside the territory, and forged the unyielding will of the Tianyao continent!

These human warriors, or monsters strong, may be much weaker than the outer demons. Thousands or even tens of thousands are not the opponents of the outer demons.

However, they did not choose to bow their heads and wait to die, but chose a battle!

They are not for much, just to protect their living homeland, the homeland of Tianyao Continent!

This is the edge of Tianyao mainland!

No matter who it is, in the ancient times, not to mention that there were people like Jinlei Arhat who wanted to betray the Tianyao Continent, and even great abilities such as the Five Ancient Taoists, those who looked down and waited for death were rare. !

Because they are unyielding, unyielding, and undaunted!

Millions of years of easy time seemed to obliterate the blood in the hearts of the Five Ancient Taoists and others.

Do not!

We still have blood in our hearts!

The Five Ancient Taoists and other great abilities couldn't help clenching his fists tightly, with a strong aura.

They are the last hope for the Tianyao Continent. If they don't even resist, they will close their eyes and wait for death. What about the billions of creatures on the Tianyao Continent!


Qin Yi suddenly ignored the aura of the Zhuyin Demon Commander, taking a step forward, abruptly moving away.

"Who can fight!"

Suddenly, suddenly shouted, sounding like Hongzhong!

In an instant, this sound was like a kunpeng roaring, smashing through Tianyu, soaring for ninety thousand miles!

"My five ancient Taoists can fight!"

The Five Ancient Taoists straightened up suddenly, hissed and responded to Qin Yi's words.

He once thought that following the prophecy of the ancient sage of Yin and Yang, Qin Yi would be able to overcome the difficulties of the demons outside the territory.

Only now did he understand that they really need to rely on themselves, and that they still need hundreds of millions of creatures from the Tianyao Continent to fight against the outer demons!

For the Tianyao Continent, fighting against the demons, why fear a battle!

"My King of Ten Thousand Demons, you can fight!"

The Lord of Ten Thousand Demons laughed, abandoning all distracting thoughts in his heart, and responded to Qin Yi's call.

At this moment, it seems that he is no longer the emperor of the Ten Thousand Demons Dynasty, but an ordinary creature who can fight for the Tianyao Continent.

"My golden holy lord, you can fight!"

"My Dading Emperor, you can fight!"

"My Qiushan Holy Master, you can fight!"

A series of sonorous and powerful voices, one after another, like gold and stone fighting, shocking!

Ling Ran's will converged together, and he even resisted the momentum of the Zhuyin Demon Commander.

The backs of the mighty powers no longer bend, they are as straight as a sword, soaring into the sky!

"I can fight!"

In the end, even the warriors and monsters who were watching from afar were all infected and couldn't help shouting.

For a time, the creatures of Tianyao Continent were everywhere, shouting unyieldingly!


The candle-yin demon commander was extremely angry, and these mortal natives dare to resist it!

These sounds are too harsh!


The candle-yin demon commander was furious, and countless demon auras immediately merged into the demon world, and the demon world suddenly expanded and turned into a size of 30,000 li, directly covering the 30,000 li mountains and rivers.

This is the plan of Zhuyin Demon Commander to directly destroy this 30,000-mile mountain and river, together with Qin Yi and others!

"My Datongmu Yuyi, you can fight!"

At this moment, a vigorous shout exploded.


At the same time, a chain of dark chains appeared out of thin air, running through the void.

Immediately, it even tightly entangled the Demon Realm world, and the Zhuyin Demon Commander could no longer control the Demon Realm world for half a minute!

And the other end of the pitch-black chain was lightly grasped by Otsuki Yuyi.

Long Ying is in hand, turn this day!

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