Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1391: The emperor's sword can be buried in the world


A roar of a dragon, a terrifying breath, howled and cold, echoed between the heaven and the earth.

In the sky, a demon dragon roars proudly, with scales as big as a rock, glowing with cold light like the blade of a blade, incomparable!

The five ancient Taoists and other great abilities standing on the ground seemed extremely small under the devil dragon, like a praying mantis standing in front of a carriage.

In terms of momentum, the two are not in the same order of magnitude!

In terms of number, the Demon Bone Army is enough to crush the Five Ancient Taoists and other great abilities.

In terms of combat power, the Demon Bone Army can even ignore the powers of the Five Ancient Taoists!

An ancient sage giant, facing the general trend of the Demon Bone Army, also needs to avoid its edge, let alone the dozens of powerful abilities of the sage's fivefold.

"My body, you can fight!"

The Five Ancient Taoists stood up angrily and roared.


The Five Ancient Taoists have one hand, and a picture scroll flies out of his hand, slowly unfolding.

There are countless array patterns inscribed in the picture scroll, shining like stars, linking the laws between the heavens and the earth, and Kui Er forms a huge array, with which the array can restrain the space of thousands of miles!

Although the powerful fight of the saints may not be as terrifying as the fight of the ancient sages, it is also astonishing, capable of destroying thousands of miles of mountains and rivers and breaking the stars and moons.

The Five Ancient Taoists use the Yin-Yang picture of Yin-Yang Sect to suppress the space, but it can reduce the damage to the Tianyao Continent.

"My body, you can fight!"

Unwilling to be outdone, the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor and other great abilities, holding their own heritage, face the demon bone army.


Even a series of pale flames rose from the powerful bodies of the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor and others.

Burn road!

This is how they are forced to the extreme, willing to die!

The great powers of Yijian Palace smiled miserably. This was the second time they burned the Dao Principles today, and they had hurt their original Dao Principles, but this time they still did not hesitate.

Even if you die, you have to create a way for the creatures on the Tianyao Continent and bloom the style of Yijian Palace!

The swordsmen of ancient times, Aogu Lingshuang, their swordsmen in Yijian Palace are not bad!


A tragic breath filled the crowd.

Even before, the Golden Lord, who hated Qin Yi and coveted Qin Yi's treasures, was holding the Tianhuang God Slashing Sword and exploded with a determined will.

At this time, they could no longer retreat, otherwise it would be impossible to stop this demons army!


At this moment, Qin Yi stepped forward suddenly and stood in front of everyone.

"The demon army, but a sword!"

Qin Yi raised his eyes, his eyes hung like the sun and the moon, without sorrow or joy.

It seems that in front of him, it is not the strong army of demons, but a group of native chickens, he can break it easily!

As soon as the words came out, the great powers couldn't help but look at Qin Yi in surprise.

The laughter of the Thousand Fantasy Magic Commander stopped abruptly, and his expression was uncertain.

It really couldn't understand why Qin Yi still dared to speak wild words!

In front of him, the Demon Bone Army, known as the strongest army of the Demon Race, did he have the courage to ignore the Demon Bone Army!

Just as a thousand magic generals, ready to open their mouths to mock Qin Yi...


There was a scream of swords.

A gleam of sword light.

A supreme emperor who couldn't see his face clearly, wearing an emperor robe and a diadem on his head, holding a sword and cutting out a sword with Qin Yi, cutting away the chaos!

The sword is majestic, covering the entire demons!

At that moment, countless demons, whether they were demon soldiers or demon generals, were all solidified in the void by their sword power, and they could only watch this sword slash!

The emperor can bury the world with a sword!

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