Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1392: Sword out, kill all demons

The devilish energy is vast, like a sea of ​​clouds covering the sky of thousands of miles.

The vicinity of Yijian Mountain looked extremely lonely and dull, and the earth plunged into a deep gloom, completely black with no other color!

The devilish wind is bitter, and the cold is in the bone!

In the boundless devilish energy, a dragon roaring up to the sky, overlooking the boundless sky.


Suddenly, the originally dim sky suddenly lit up with sword light.

The mighty sound of swords shook the sun and the moon and echoed in the sky!

The wind stops!

The space of thousands of miles, when the sword light jumped out of the horizon, it seemed to be still!

The powerful force of imprisonment has fixed the demon soldiers of the Demon Bone Army out of thin air, and the body can no longer move for half a minute!

The surging wave of demonic energy was frozen in a moment.

For the onlookers of Tianyao mainland creatures, this is just a dazzling picture, but for countless demons, the sword light is tantamount to death knell!


In their eyes, they could see a godless emperor gently cut out a sword, and everything would be annihilated under the sword light!

Everything in the world is under the shroud of this sword!

Even time and space cannot escape the envelope of this sword!

This sword.

Across the world, the cold is shining for hundreds of thousands of miles!


In the next moment, in the horrified eyes of many demon warriors, this sword light flashed across the sky, cutting off all the demon warriors!

Immediately, the sword light dissipated, the terrible imprisonment power disappeared, and time continued to flow.

"Boom boom boom!"

The sound of countless blasts of flesh and blood suddenly spread throughout Yijian Palace.

The countless arrogant and powerful demons couldn't help their fierce sword aura at all, they exploded on the spot.

Countless demon warriors exploded on the spot, like countless flesh and blood fireworks blooming, **** and dazzling!

The blood of the demon warriors spewed out like a river bursting a bank, and it was like a pouring rain of blood within a thousand miles, soaking thousands of miles of boundlessness!


The demon blood on the ground gathered into a stream, trickling.

People couldn't help being shocked, countless people stared blankly, without saying anything for a long time.

One sword kills all demons!

This sword is almost like the sword fairy Ling Chen, killing the demons outside the territory!


The King of Ten Thousand Demons and other powerful people who vowed to work hard, suddenly took a breath.

Looking at the blood rain that bursts the embankment in front of him, and the magic cloud that was smashed by the sword light, his heart was full of unspeakable horror.

"What a powerful sword!"

In the end, a great power from Yijian Palace spoke quietly.

This sword is like opening a new world for him!

In Qin Yi's hands, this style of swordsmanship is like touching a profound avenue, integrating thousands of laws into one sword!

Let him have a trace of understanding, and the realm of swordsmanship has made remarkable progress!

Just such a sword gave him such a big improvement, Yi Jian Gong Da Neng finally understood why Qin Yi could not see the sword skills of thousands of magic generals before.

Although, in the way of the magical magic of the thousand magical generals, the thousand magical magical generals imitated the swordsmanship of the sword master Hao Xing seven or eight eight, and it was only slightly inferior to the real sword master of the good star.

Holding the Yiqiong sword of Yijian Palace, his sword skills were not even weaker than that of the sword master Hao Xing.

However, compared with Qin Yi's sword, it can be said that the firefly is in Haoyue, and the two are not the same!

"This sword can be called the supreme swordsmanship of Jiutian Dixian!

Sword out, slay one hundred thousand demons! "

Yi Jiangong murmured to himself with a look of fanaticism.

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