Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1397: Hundreds of millions of creatures worship Mianqi

"Ten Thousand Demons Dynasty, I wish to respect Emperor Qin as the leader of Tianyao, and fight against the enemy together!"

"Golden Holy Land, I wish to respect Emperor Qin as the leader of Tianyao, and fight against the enemy together!"

"The Cangsheng Dynasty, I wish to respect Emperor Qin as the leader of Tianyao, and fight against the enemy together!"


Every powerful man leaned over and bowed down, wishing to respect Qin Yi as the leader of Tianyao.

Even the remaining arhats of ten thousand Buddhists had to bow their heads and worship Qin Yi!

In the face of the power of Qin Yi and Datongmu Yuyi, they had no other choice but to bow their heads and claim the court.

Furthermore, the two of Qin Yi can be said to have saved the entire Tianyao continent, and they respect Qin Yi as their leader, and it is right for them!

"We wish to respect Emperor Qin as the leader of Tianyao, and fight against the enemy together!"

In the end, the many warriors and monsters onlookers also bowed down and bowed down.

The voice just fell.


With a dragon chant, the emperor's dragon sword turned into a golden dragon and flew into the ninety thousand miles of mountains and rivers in the air.

The scales the size of a millstone are scorching shining, and the dazzling golden glory is scattered!

The golden light fell on Qin Yi's body like rain, as if putting on a brilliant golden divine armor, soaking him like a divine king stepping on from nine days!

This is the Emperor's Dragon Sword, creating momentum for its Lord and congratulating the Emperor!


The pictures of mountains and rivers trembled lightly, and they bloomed with boundless brilliance!

The red dust circulated, and the murmurs came from the picture of mountains and rivers.

"We congratulate the emperor, ascend to be the leader of Tianyao!"

In the mountains and rivers, Li Min of the Thousands of Immortal Dynasty murmured softly.

This is a picture of mountains and rivers, helping his master and congratulating the emperor!

"My emperor, long live long live long live long live!"

The indistinct figure appeared on the map of mountains and rivers, and immediately turned towards Qin Yi and immediately bowed down and bowed.

The magnificent voice came out of the mountain and river map, soaring up, shaking the sky!

The countless creatures on the Tianyao Continent seemed to have heard this magnificent word, crossed the space, and saw this majestic figure.

"Is this the emperor, the leader of Tianyao mainland?"

Suddenly, a message flashed in everyone's hearts, and they immediately understood the identity of the figure in front of them.

Just as there is an invisible will in the dark, opening his eyes for Qin Yi and telling everyone Qin Yi's identity!

Immediately, the blessings of hundreds of millions of creatures came to their hearts, and they all knelt to the ground and bowed to Qin Yi.

At this moment, Qin Yi casts a golden armor, 90,000 miles of mountains and rivers above his head, and he has a panoramic view of the world!

Tianyao can bow his head as much as possible, and hundreds of millions of creatures worship Mianqi!

"The prophecy left by the Patriarch is not wrong. In the hands of Emperor Qin, the Tianyao Continent will reproduce the glory of the ancient times.

Even the degree of prosperity may surpass the ancient times! "

The heads of the five ancient Taoists drooped deeper and deeper, and they kept whispering in their mouths.

The power of Qin Yi proved to him that everything he did before and his choices were correct!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the Hell-level quest and becoming the leader of Tianyao!"

"Ding! The system task reward has been sent, please check the host!"

"Task: Ascend as Tianyao leader: Hell-level task;

Explanation: The demons from outside the territory have arrived, and the dragons on the Tianyao continent have no leader. As a member of the Tianyao continent, the host should be the leader of the Tianyao and command Tianyao to resist the enemy;

Reward: 10 chances to summon, 5 million killing points. "

The system prompt sounded instantly.

Qin Yi smiled, very satisfied.

The generous rewards of the system are undoubtedly good news for Qin Yi, who is about to face the demons outside the territory.

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