Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1398: The sensation of Tianyao continent

The Tianyao Conference ended.

The news about the Tianyao Conference spread across the entire Tianyao Continent in an instant, shocking countless people!

Although, many people have seen Qin Yi's graceful figure before.

However, everyone is not particularly aware of the specific situation.

As the news spread out little by little, the creatures on the Tianyao Continent were all shaken!

"Sword Master Hao Xing is a warlord of the Demon Race outside the territorial pretense?"

"And the army of the demons from outside the territory, coming to Yijianshan?"

"Among the demon army, there is a demon commander comparable to the ancient sage!"

Pieces of news, like whips, drew on everyone's hearts, causing many creatures to tremble.

Not to mention other things, just knowing the strength of the demon army outside the territories, everyone was shaken and frightened forever!

And when Qin Yi killed the second demon general of the outer demon clan, and the news came that Datongmu Yuyi killed the candle-yin demon commander, everyone was relieved!

Then came the admiration for Qin Yi, Datongmu Yuyi, and Buluo Dynasty!

Not falling to the imperial dynasty, directly replacing Yijian Palace, becoming the number one power in the new Tianyao continent, respected by thousands of people.

A large number of warriors rushed to Buluo Dynasty, wanting to join Buluo Dynasty.

Even countless small and medium-sized forces, such as large-scale dynasties, have moved their minds to join the Buluo Dynasty.

After so long of fermentation, the creatures on the Tianyao Continent also have a certain understanding of the strength of the demons outside the territory.

If it is said that which force can make them survive the great calamity after a thousand years, it is the imperial dynasty with the ancient sage.

Although, in name, Qin Yi became the leader of Tianyao mainland.

However, everyone knows that for Buluo Dynasty, they are still outsiders!

It would be different if you join Buluo Dynasty. For your own family, Buluo Dynasty has always been known for being domineering and protecting shortcomings.

As long as he joins the imperial dynasty, Qin Yi will support them through the catastrophe after a thousand years.

For a time, countless forces rushed towards the Buluo Dynasty, hoping to join the Buluo Dynasty.

For this reason, none of those semi-saint families who did not choose to join the Buluo Dynasty before did not sigh.

Icing on the cake is not as good as giving charcoal in the snow!

If so, they had chosen to join the imperial dynasty before, and their status would have to be much higher than the forces they joined later.

It's just a pity that some things are missed.

Overwhelming water is hard to harvest. What they need to do now is to hurry up and prepare to join the Buluo Dynasty to gain the protection of the Buluo Dynasty!

For a time, a grand scene appeared on the Tianyao continent.

Thousands of creatures rushed to Qingzhou, rushing to join the imperial dynasty!

Thanks to this, the territory of the Buluo Dynasty has risen again and again!

In the end, except for the top forces and their affiliated forces, most of the forces on the Tianyao Continent chose to join the Buluo Dynasty.

In just a few days, nearly half of the Tianyao continent became the territory of the imperial dynasty!

For example, Xizhou, which does not have top powers, is included under the command of the Buluo Dynasty!

Zhang Liang, Zhuge Liang and other courtiers were not allowed to fall, and they were even more busy arranging to take over the territory they had just taken over.

The sudden increase in the territory made several courtiers almost never rest.

If it were not for the future master to help them, I am afraid they would be stretched.

However, even so they still did not complain at all.

It is an honor for them to be able to witness the rising of the Emperor of Everlasting!

It is their duty to forge the foundation of the emperor forever!

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