Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1602: Shake the Seven Sages, the mighty emperor


When the sacred tree fell, the boundless trembled, shattering the magic phases.

Even their master, also knocked down the dust together!


All the Tianjiao saw this scene and almost swallowed their tongues.

This is so scary!

Qin Yi hit his ancestors with one move.

Doesn't that mean that if Qin Yi thought just now, they would have been killed by one of the tricks!


Several figures rushed out from the ground, revealing the shape of an old monster.

Although the blow just now was strong, it was still too difficult to kill these old monsters, after all, they were all peak ancient sages!

"His Royal Highness, do you know what your actions represent?

You are going to set off a war between the Huntian Emperor and the Taichu Emperor. Couldn't the Qina fight? "

The Purple Spirit Master of the Lei Ling tribe was in a panic, his clothes shattered, but he didn't have time to take this into consideration, so he questioned Qin Yi angrily.

The other old monsters also glared at Qin Yi.

These old monsters were afraid of Qin Yi's power, and they dared not use force to oppress Qin Yi again!

If there is an imperial war between the two great dynasties, how wide the scope will be!

What a terrible battle will be set off, causing boundless blood!

Even if the Emperor Huntian has declined, but the Emperor Huntian is still there, there is no difference, if the emperor war starts, there will be no benefit to the Emperor Huntian!

In the Eastern Frontier, there is more than one Supreme Emperor!

There used to be two imperial dynasties that set off an imperial battle, but the other imperial dynasties took advantage of the emptiness and ended up falling both!

These old monsters are sure, Qin Yi dare not start an emperor war!

"Do you think you can represent Emperor Huntian?"

Qin Yi looked up, his eyes were indifferent.


The next moment, Qin Yi stretched out his hand, and the magic of the glazed sacred tree flew up and fell into Qin Yi's palm again.

Immediately, Qin Yi shook the void so softly!

A sacred tree is suspended in the sky, across the sky!

Hundreds of thousands of strands of green light hang down from the sacred tree, like the blue rain falling from nine days, spreading in the void, weaving into a vast fairyland world.

Suddenly, it hit many old monsters!

When it was, the void exploded, thousands of miles of space fell, and green awns crisscrossed, shattering mountains and rivers, and breaking the mountains of the bone mountain range!

All the arrogances couldn't help but withdraw again and again.


The old monsters sank and roared in unison.


A deity's Faxiang manifested in the void, and the mana that had been cultivating for thousands of years rolled in his body and poured out instantly.

Even his own war weapon was taken out.

For a time, the gods were shining to the sky, the Tao was roaring, and terrible power filled the sky.

"If your Royal Highness is so persistent, then don't blame me for waiting for this battle, capture you, play the Great Emperor, and start the battle!"

The old immortal face of the Huntian emperor clan has a cold face, and the dove of the Huntian dove is facing the sky and screaming.


After saying this, the old immortality of the Huntian emperor will no longer talk nonsense, and will directly legalize the body and transform it into the body, covering the sky and the sun.

I saw several huge figures, several figures holding war weapons, rushing across the sky, running through the void!

The surging power intensified the speed of the collapse of the Withered Bone Mountain Range.

This ancient mountain, which has stood for more than tens of thousands of years, is almost to be wiped out in the endless aura, terrifying!


The two forces collided with each other, making a loud roar.

Looking at it again, I saw these two forces, unable to hold on in the void, and no one can do nothing, but it is the glazed sacred tree that has the upper hand!

Shake the Seven Saints!

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